英语人>词典>汉英 : 孤注一掷 的英文翻译,例句
孤注一掷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gamble  ·  nap  ·  gambled  ·  gambles  ·  naps  ·  voles

sink or swim · bet one's bottom dollar · go for broke · throw the helve after the hatchet · bet all on a single throw · go for the gloves · a long shot gamble
更多网络例句与孤注一掷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket .


We didn't want to put all our eggs in one basket.


This is the time to go for broke.


But class consciousness persists, and if Labour is desperate it may again try to exploit it.


The red alert 3 story describes a strong following in the Soviet army, the allies prepared to take in the Kremlin, the korskov General and Colonel danke check determined to eggs in one basket, using untested secret weapon: the Russian army and space machinery; as a result, many aspects of their history and was Prime Minister for questioning the danke, so that under the leadership of the Allied forces on the brink of the defeat of the edge, but they are discovered, Microsystems Empire sneakaway by Emperor go-Fong, sacred in Yuen Long to choose the attack.

红色警戒 3》故事描述强大的苏俄军队节节败退,盟军准备一举攻入克里姆林宫,库可夫将军以及查丹科上校决心孤注一掷,使用了未经测试的秘密武器:俄军时空机器;结果,他们改写了历史,在总理查丹科的领导下,让盟军濒临战败边缘,但他们却意外发现,昇阳帝国悄悄地坐大,神圣的天皇芳朗选择在此时刻发动攻击。

For Imperial Stormtrooper Daric LaRone, his faith in the Empire shaken by the wanton destruction of Alderaan, will commit a sudden and violent act of defiance, and take four other enforcers with him, in a desperate bid to elude their masters' wrath.

皇室的突击队员Daric LaRone,在发生了消灭 Alderaan族行动后,对帝国忠诚的信念有所动摇,他将同其他四位受压迫者,发起激烈的突袭反抗行动,打算孤注一掷,逃出帝王的魔爪。

"The robber broke into the bank at the storm night, gamb 2 ling on the fact the night watchers wouldn't find i 自 t because of the thunder and r0 lightning."


I decided to go for broke and start my own business.


In fact, the spokesman's desperate hyperbole reveals the truth of the matter: Mr Jonathan is taking over the leadership of one of the world's least governable countries in the least promising circumstances.


This was Hanoi's last throw of the dice.


更多网络解释与孤注一掷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We'll ad-lib. This is my last resort:我们会随机应变. 这是我孤注一掷的办法

[03:52.65]Let's fight fire with fire. ;以火攻火,... | [03:55.76]We'll ad-lib. This is my last resort. ;我们会随机应变. 这是我孤注一掷的办法. | [04:01.62]This is my show.Let me plan it my way. ;这是一...

at all hazards:孤注一掷

to play a good game 手法高明 | at all hazards 孤注一掷 | to rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨

Desperate Remedies:孤注一掷的措施

Thomas Hardy 托马斯.哈代 | Desperate Remedies 孤注一掷的措施 | Under the Green Tree 绿荫下

Desperately:拼命地;不顾一切地, 孤注一掷地

Globalization 全球化 | Desperately 拼命地;不顾一切地, 孤注一掷地 | Dominate 支配, 占优势;控制

forlorn hope:极小的希望; 孤注一掷的行动; 敢死队

forklift 铲车, 叉架起货机 (名) | forklike 像叉一样的 (形) | forlorn hope 极小的希望; 孤注一掷的行动; 敢死队

go for broke:孤注一掷

12、三心二意 shilly-shally | 13、孤注一掷 go for broke | 14、七上八下 at sixes and sevens

The last resort:(孤注一掷)

10.new york minute (纽约时间) | 11.the last resort (孤注一掷) | 12.take it easy (没关系)


betone'sbottomdollaron孤注一掷 | betone'sbottomdollar对...孤注一掷 | betone'shat把一切那来打赌


beton打赌 | betone'sbottomdollaron孤注一掷 | betone'sbottomdollar对...孤注一掷

bet one's bottom dollar:对...孤注一掷

bet one's bottom dollar on 孤注一掷 | bet one's bottom dollar 对...孤注一掷 | bet one's hat 把一切那来打赌