英语人>词典>汉英 : 字迹模糊的 的英文翻译,例句
字迹模糊的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与字迹模糊的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The last large stone slab on the path bore the following inscription, decipherable only with difficulty:" Wen shu shuo fa shen lung chih kung"(文殊说法神龙之宫, Named by Wen Shu the Palace of the Divine Dragon).


I found a crumpled, tear-stained sheet stuffed in the back of his desk.


Since it was unearthed more than a century ago, the hoard of documents known as the Oxyrhynchus Papyri has fascinated classical scholars. There are 400,000 fragments, many containing text from the great writers of antiquity. But only a small proportion have been read so far. Many were illegible.


The last large stone slab on the path bore the following inscription, decipherable only with difficulty:" Wen shu shuo fa shen lung chih kung"(文殊说法神龙之宫, Named by Wen Shu the Palace of the Divine Dragon).


The writing on the stone was very faint.


The inscriptions on the stone tablet have become blurred with the passage of time.


Agricultural and agronomic aspects of cotton cultivation in U.A.R.


更多网络解释与字迹模糊的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2.视力疲劳(asthenopia) 是远视眼患者的主要自觉症状. 因远视眼无论看远或看近都要使用较多的调节力. 尤其持续近工作时调节更为强烈. 视力疲劳更为突出. 视力疲劳的典型表现为看书、写字时间稍久,就感觉字迹模糊;休息片刻,可能好转,

illuminate t:照明, 照亮, 阐明, 说明, 使灿烂, 以灯火装饰(街道等) i. 照亮

788. illegible adj. 难辨认的, 字迹模糊的 legible | 789. illuminate t. 照明, 照亮, 阐明, 说明, 使灿烂, 以灯火装饰(街道等) i. 照亮 | 790. illustrate t. 举例说明, 图解, 加插图于, 阐明 i. 举例

legible a.1:(字迹等)清晰的, 易读的 2.清晰可辨的,明显的

negligible a.可忽略不计的,微不足道的 | legible a.1.(字迹等)清晰的, 易读的 2.清晰可辨的,明显的 | illegible a.难辨认的, 字迹模糊的, 难读的

illegibly:难读地; 难认地 (副)

illegible 难辨认的; 字迹模糊的 (形) | illegibly 难读地; 难认地 (副) | illegitimate 不法的, 庶生的, 非嫡出的 (形)

The writing on the stone was very faint:这块石头上的字迹很模糊

There is some writing on the other side of the page. 这一页的反面有些字. | * The writing on the stone was very faint. 这块石头上的字迹很模糊. | 3 [U] style of written material 文风: