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孕卵 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

fertilized egg
更多网络例句与孕卵相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am 29 years old, March 22 last menstruation, April 2 to detect ovulation, it sports a bit, after a cold, fever, and sore throat, aphonia, sub gum pain, always thought that was lit, it dared not take medicine, drink plenty of water, then April 8 daily early pregnancy test, then there is no situation (I thought that implantation may be able to test out), I may want to this gone, eat a piece Yinqiaojiedu, one of glycyrrhiza one Banlangen Chongji, April 14-16 one day into the night on the bad cough, could not sleep.


Hen ; Ovulatory cycle ; Broodiness ;"Luteinizing hormone"; Progesterone


To observ the toxicity of infected mice and establish mice reproductive toxicity model;②To observe the infected BALB/c female mice ovulation quantums and ovum chromosome;③To observe the oestrogenic hormone( FSH, LH, E2 )level of infected BALB/c female mice;④To observe zygote developmental condition before nidation;⑤To observe embryonic development condition of infected mid-gravidity mice to research the reproductive toxicity and development toxicity of toxoplasma gondii to the BALB/c female mice.

目的: 本实验采用弓形虫感染BALB/c雌鼠,①观察染虫雌鼠的毒性反应,建立生殖毒性的小鼠模型;②染虫雌鼠排卵情况及卵母细胞染色体的变化;③染虫雌鼠性激素(FSH、LH、E2)水平的变化;④着床前受精卵的发育情况;⑤孕中期鼠染虫后胚胎的发育情况,探讨弓形虫对雌鼠生殖功能及胚胎发育的毒性作用。

Irregular menstruation is not a good grasp of the ovulation period, you can try to buy some ovulation test strip, ovulation period in a sexual relationship more likely to become pregnant, pregnant ready in March next year, it can, please take a look at traditional Chinese medicine cooking first normal menstrual Women tend to menstrual No, I am also a menstrual disorders, pregnancy has not been married five years, a lot of measures to try to finally drink the medicine for six months to a year period Shun tune when I have a mother.


Rabbits were infected orally with the eggs in gravid proglottid secreted from dogs experimentally infected with different numbers of Taenia pisiformis.


Most likely you have already luteinized follicles, and will not be scheduled out, it will gradually absorb their shrinking away from even in the absence of menstruation is coming back next time to continue to monitor ovulation, when the platoon requested a number of doctors LRH needles to you, do not worry too much, I wish pregnant Hello!


The results indicated that the receptors of estrogen, androgen and progestogen existed in oogonia and oocytes of different developmental stages.


The results showed that immunopositive substance existed in the ovary and testis of different stages. At the early developmental stage of ovary, the cytoplasm and nucleolar membrane of oogonia and early primary oocyte showed immunopositive reaction with strong or medium intensity to 17 b -estradiol, testosterone and progesterone antibodies.


The wasp prefer to laying in the female scale during before ovipositing with eggs.


Period last month on the 20th, around 33 days cycle, ovulation test strip has been measured to strong positive, but arranged for makelove, 3 days before the night shifts, there are a few drops of pink lower body blood after wiping there have been no recent days old小肚子vague feeling of pain, lumbar pain ~ has been a little bit pregnant test ~ 7 months really do not know when they could better pregnancy, sisters on the 20th you have a good pregnancy of it?


更多网络解释与孕卵相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fertilized egg:受精卵,孕卵

fertilize 肥料をやる | fertilized egg 受精卵,孕卵 | fertilized egg cell 受精卵细胞


日本学者曾经对孕卵发育障碍与环境因素的影响进行动物试验:用含有2%的酒精硫酸(As)或直链烷基磺酸盐(LAs)涂抹在已孕的小白鼠背部,每日 2次,连涂3天,在妊娠第3天取出孕卵检查,发现多数孕卵在输卵管内已极度变形或死亡.


nidamental gland 缠卵腺 | nidation 孕卵着床 | nidicolous nestling 留巢鸟


(2) 输卵管(oviduct)发育不良畸形、子宫(uterine)内膜异位、以及结扎后再通,使受精卵运行受到阻碍,而停留于输卵管内着床并发育. (3) 盆腔肿瘤压迫或牵引,使输卵管(oviduct)移位或变形,阻碍受精卵通过. (4) 受精卵外游 孕卵在一侧输卵管(oviduct)受精后,


在实际操作中常取4~6周龄的母鼠作超排卵供体,腹腔注射孕马血清(PMS)和人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)诱导母鼠排卵. PMS模拟卵泡刺激素(FSH)作用,hCG模拟黄体生成素(LH)的作用. 二者注射时间间隔为42~48h,排卵发生在注射hCG后10~13h,


在下半个月雌激素的衰退期中,孕甾酮(Progesterone)起而代之,孕甾酮是排卵期卵泡破裂时释放的. 周而复始,犹如月圆月缺,生命一层层添加了岁月的年轮(见图). 更年期的到来,是因为卵巢产生的两种激素雌激素(Estrogen)和孕甾酮(Progesterone)下降,

mature proglottid:成熟节片

依据节片内生殖器官的成熟情况可分为未成熟节片(immature proglottid)、成熟节片(mature proglottid)和孕卵节片或称妊娠节片(gravid proglottid)3种. 未成熟节片宽大于长,内部构造尚未发育. 成熟节片近于方形,内有雌雄生殖器官. 孕卵节片长方形,


gravelly soil 礫石土 | gravid 有孕的;懷卵的 | gravitational water 重力水

nidamental gland:缠卵腺

nictitating membrane 瞬膜 | nidamental gland 缠卵腺 | nidation 孕卵着床

fertilized egg:受精卵,孕卵

fertilize ==> 肥料をやる | fertilized egg ==> 受精卵,孕卵 | fertilized egg cell ==> 受精卵细胞