英语人>词典>汉英 : 嫡子 的英文翻译,例句
嫡子 的英文翻译、例句


legitimate son
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Then the sister of Pericles died, and then his last legitimate son.


Manfred was the natural son of the last emperor of the house of Swabia; before the age of twenty he had performed the most brilliant exploits, and undergone the most romantic vicissitudes, in all of which the father of Castruccio had been his faithful page and companion.


Eager to prove themselves and find adventure, these sons of Russia's aristocracy, often second sons or the sons of poor Boyars, flock to battles.


In order to consolidate positions have been occupied, and to advance the cause of the reunification of the country, from Oda Nobunaga in January 1576, the Gifu Dizi letter to his loyalty, to begin when the East China Sea, Tung-shan, Hokuriku 3 hub , Near Kyoto, on the verge of pipa Jiang soil near the lake, the construction of a new security Tucheng as its base and the Office of Administration.


更多网络解释与嫡子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Constantine I:君士坦丁一世

公元337年5月22日,君士坦丁一世(Constantine I)病逝於远征萨珊波斯(Sassanid Persian Empire)途中.自此幅员辽阔的罗马帝国由他的三个嫡子:{兄长君士坦丁二世(Constantine II),


illegitimation 认为非嫡出子 | illicitly 禁止地 | illicitshadyambiguousambiguousnessobliquityshadinessvagueness 暧昧

legitimate child:(嫡出子)

legitimate right(正当权利) | legitimate child (嫡出子) | 3. compliment n.称赞, 恭维, 致意;vt.称赞, 褒扬, 恭维

legitimate right:(正当权利)

2. legitimate adj.合法的, 合理的, 正统的 | legitimate right(正当权利) | legitimate child (嫡出子)


illegitimation 认为不法 | illegitimation 认为非嫡出子 | illicitly 禁止地


illegitimacy /不法/私生/不合逻辑/ | illegitimation /认为不法/认为非嫡出子/ | illiberal /无教养的/吝啬的/

illegitimation:认为不法; 认为非嫡出子 (名)

illegitimate child 非婚生子 | illegitimation 认为不法; 认为非嫡出子 (名) | illiberal 狭碍的; 吝啬的; 偏执的 (形)