英语人>词典>汉英 : 威胁的 的英文翻译,例句
威胁的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
menacing  ·  minatory  ·  intimidatory

更多网络例句与威胁的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The threat of antiship missile against surface ships and the limitation of antimissile defensive systems of the surface ships being in service are analysed.


One of only two hotspots that is entirely arid, the area is home to a number of endemic and threatened antelope, notably threatened species like the beira, the dibatag, and Speke's gazelle.

完全乾旱的只两热点之一,地区有许多地方性并且威胁的羚羊,象beira,dibatag 和斯皮克岩羚一样特别是威胁种类。

So now you have a perimeter jump shot, you are a threat from the perimeter, yes. I know that, that is the threat.


Dauntless refers to courage that resists subjection or intimidation: Dauntless 指拒绝臣服或威胁的勇气:"So faithful in love, and so dauntless in war,/ There never was knight like the young Lochinvar".


The second is the variation of security mechanism.


In order to play taichi and in the same time, let people be aware of your presence by stepping yourself in the center of the issue...


Stef的bodY language, when they were kissing he's hands were always ALWAYS touching somepart of Brian's body(notice how he slid his left hand down Brian's arm slowly, and his right arm sort of CRADLED Brian's torso), and at all time his eyes were closed, that must be one earthshaking kiss for Stef....he's taking it slow to feel and share...isn't it beautiful??

另外亲吻背后的原因是很严肃的,少数人群总是被大众排斥的(我想是人的天性会恐惧和自己不同的事物),而作为大众他们的数字已经决定了他们的影响力。有些时候即使少数人的做法/选择是对大众没有威胁的也会受到打击--cause they are different。而同性恋这件事是个自然现象,你不能剥夺别人选择的权利/爱的权利,大众的选择不是以本质的对错为标准的而是自己的利益。

Because of nuke menace is a city, what information battle browbeats is whole country.


Because department of Lian of a lot of people is bought, it is to had connected minatory Fang type to try to buy low even, arbitrate with so called domain name Lai browbeats.


However, we also face many pressing conflicts and challenges, conventional security threats such as the imbalance of the global economy and the widening south-north gap, etc entwisting with unconventional ones.


更多网络解释与威胁的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pollution episode:污染敏感时刻; 特别容易受污染威胁的时候

pollution controls 污染控制 | pollution episode 污染敏感时刻; 特别容易受污染威胁的时候 | pollution from land-based sources 陆地来源的污染; 陆源污染


Ethical 伦理的,凭处方出售的 | Menacing 威胁的,险恶的 | Hostile 敌意的

menacing threatening:(威胁的, 险恶的)

arrogantly self-importantly, betraying a belief in one's own superiority (骄傲... | menacing threatening (威胁的, 险恶的) | indignation annoyance at something that seems unfair (愤怒:因不公正的、自私或不...


minaret 尖塔 | minatory 威胁的 | mince pie 肉馅饼


defamatory 诽谤的 | minatory 威胁的,恫吓的 | discriminatory 歧视的,差别待遇的

It's a harmless pocketknife:一把没有威胁的随身小刀

Wait here, pal.|请留步 | It's a harmless pocketknife.|一把没有威胁的随身小刀 | It's a harmless pair of... Numchucks?|一把没有威胁的... 双节棍?!

ODIOUS : REPUGNANCE :: scarce : poverty or menacing : fear:讨厌的:反感::不足的:贫穷 or 威胁的:害怕

INDULGE : ABSTEMIOUS :: control : intransige... | ODIOUS : REPUGNANCE :: scarce : poverty or menacing : fear =讨厌的:反感::不足的:贫穷 or 威胁的:害怕 | FLATTER : OBSEQUIOUS :: woo : adore or smother : ...

International Association for the Defence of Menaced Languages and Cultures:国际保护受到威胁的语言和文化协会

International Association for the Chil... | International Association for the Defence of Menaced Languages and Cultures,国际保护受到威胁的语言和文化协会,AIDLCM, | International Association for the Defe...


相貌出奇的长鼻猴(学名 Nasalis larvatus),是6种仅生活在红树林的受威胁的(threatened)哺乳动物中的1种. 这种罕见的濒危灵长类动物,生活在婆罗洲,鼻子能长到7英寸(相当于18cm).

This is threating China:而是一个受到威胁的中国

It is not "Threat of China" 中国是一个不会有威胁的国家 | This is threating China. 而是一个受到威胁的中国 | Our Nation is not safe. 我们的国家不是安全的