英语人>词典>汉英 : 威士忌酒的 的英文翻译,例句
威士忌酒的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
whiskey  ·  whisky

更多网络例句与威士忌酒的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He wanted to run bootleg whisky to the border, and get into the big time.


I'm very choosy about my whisky.


Do you think you can lay hold of some cheap whiskey for me?


He old man uses his share to buy raw whiskey and dirty pictures , he is a lecher .


As a multi faceted product, what is the right way to enjoy whisky?


In his whiskied blood there was not a black drop.


Others were there with him―town dandies and nobodies, young men who came there to get shaved or to drink a glass of whisky.


For the best 8 varieties of malts, they were varieties for brewing by the Scotland Whisky factories in the present time.


Taste: 10-500ppm. Dark roast fresh coffee, cocoa, brown with caramellic and whiskey burnt nuances.

味觉特征:在10-500ppm 时,有新鲜的焙烤黑咖啡,可可,带有豆和威士忌酒的焦味。

The highest whisky consumption per person is in Recife, capital of the poor north-eastern state of Pernambuco (where the drink is often referred to as professor, a nod to Teacher's whisky).


更多网络解释与威士忌酒的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


rotenone 毒鱼藤素 | rotgut 劣质的威士忌酒 | rothschild 闻名的犹太财阀

Scotch whisky:苏格兰威士忌酒

中国人一般并非如西方人一样嗜好烈酒,但是,中国本身出产的烈酒比比皆是,例如:茅台、高粱红、莲花白等,可是,中国人,特别是年轻人,近年来越来越倾向喝洋酒,而最新数字显示,中国正式成为苏格兰威士忌酒(Scotch whisky)的10大市场之一.


威士忌酒(WHISKEY) 威士忌一字,是古代居住在爱尔兰和苏格兰高地的塞尔特人(CELT)的语言. 爱尔兰人称这种酒为水ISGE-BEATHA ;古苏格兰人则称为UISGEBAUGH . 他们的释均为"生命之水",UISGE的发音O-EES-GEE ,经过时间的演变,


(1) 威士忌酒(Whisky) 威士忌是以大麦、黑麦、玉米等为原料,经过发酵蒸馏后放入木制的酒桶中陈化而酿成的一种最具代表性的蒸馏酒. 市场的销售量很大. 威士忌酒的产地很广,制造方法也不完全相同,主要品种有: 1)苏格兰威士忌(Scotch Whiskey).

Whisky is good for you if take in moderation:威士忌酒如饮用适度是有益的

He has scarcely received the letter when he answered it. 他一接到信便马上回信. | 1. in moderation适当的、适中的 | Whisky is good for you if take in moderation. 威士忌酒如饮用适度是有益的.

forty-two caliber:十分强烈的威士忌酒

fortifying food 强化食品 | forty-two caliber 十分强烈的威士忌酒 | forward flow 顺流

two double whiskies:两杯双份的威士忌酒

a double helping 一客双份的食物 | * two double whiskies 两杯双份的威士忌酒 | * the new bleach with double strength for killing germs 杀菌力特强的新型漂白剂.

white lightening:自酿的威士忌酒

days with a white stone 过着幸福的生活 | white lightening 自酿的威士忌酒 | white-collar 白领,脑力劳动者

Rye whiskey is a type of strong alcoholic drink made with this grain:黑亚特兰大威士忌酒是黑麦酿造的一种烈性酒

268.He gave his girl friend a ring mad... | 269.Rye whiskey is a type of strong alcoholic drink made with this grain.黑亚特兰大威士忌酒是黑麦酿造的一种烈性酒. | 270.There has been a tenfold increase i...

liquid fire:[军]液体燃烧剂 [俚]劣等的威士忌酒

like fire 飞快地 | liquid fire [军]液体燃烧剂 [俚]劣等的威士忌酒 | make a fire生火