英语人>词典>汉英 : 委托 的英文翻译,例句
委托 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
authorize  ·  commission  ·  commit  ·  commitment  ·  committal  ·  confide  ·  consign  ·  consignation  ·  consignment  ·  devolve  ·  entrust  ·  entrustment  ·  leave  ·  submit  ·  trust  ·  authorizes  ·  commissions  ·  commits  ·  committing  ·  confided  ·  confides  ·  consigned  ·  consigning  ·  consigns  ·  devolved  ·  devolves  ·  devolving  ·  entrusted  ·  entrusting  ·  entrusts  ·  submits  ·  submitted  ·  submitting  ·  trusted  ·  trusts  ·  commitments  ·  committals  ·  delegations  ·  commision

leave in trust
更多网络例句与委托相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wu Jinglian,1994.Because of the two layers of entrustment in the management of the company, namely, the Agent relationship between the shareholders and the board of directors, and the clientage between the board and the managers, the board of directors being agents, as well as clients, the board of directors occupies the pivot status in companys administration structure. So both the property right structure and the development strategy of company rest on the boards of directors eventually.


The relationship between the respondent and Jiangmen Company and Hong Kong Company was payment consignation. The subject of debt did not change as claimed by the respondent, and the respondents legal status, debtor in this case, did not change. It was stated in the certificate that After receiving the goods, Jiangmen Company shall pay the Hong Kong Company, which then shall pay the Japanese company. After receiving the payment, the Japanese company shall inform Beijing company, which shall pay Jiangmen Company at once., which showed that the respondent was the debtor, and Jiangmen Company and Hong Kong Company both were the assignee entrusted by the respondent. Should the assignee fail to fulfill the obligation entrusted by the consigner, the consigner, being the debtor, undoubtedly should bear the payment obligation under the contract.


The model presents the prerequisite conditions of the delegator and the delegatee, analyzes the constraints of the delegation width and the delegation depth, and the delegation revocation based on the temporal constraints.


Discretionary Account is an arrangement by which the holder of an account gives written power of attorney to someone else,often a broker,to buy and sell without prior approval of the holder;often referred to as a "managed account"or"controlled account".


If July internationally renowned real estate fund management institutions Shengyang real estate fund with U.S. Homy Fund groups signed a 200 million U.S. dollars fund management framework, the Group commissioned by Homyfund Shengyang real estate fund in China real estate investment and management, commissioned by the Investment Management Fund is typical pattern.

如7月国际著名房地产基金管理机构盛阳地产基金与美国HOMY FUND集团签署了2亿美元的基金委托管理框架协议,由HOMYFUND集团委托盛阳地产基金在中国进行房地产投资和管理,这是基金委托投资管理模式的典型案例。

Investors in the subscription allotment paragraph, if found to have commissioned the mainframe computer into the Stock Exchange list is wrong, such as the commission exceeds the number of shares subscribed limit withdrawals, then you can re-commissioned.


The first layer of principal-agent comes into being between investors and venture capitalists and the second between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. Under the two-ply mechanism of principal-agent, high risk and technical propriety result in the serious asymmetry of information between principal and agent, which makes the agent problem severely.


Firstly, this paper discussed the principle and agent theory, the corporate governance theory and supervision theory. Second, the paper analyzed special several-levels principle-agent relations of the state-owned enterprise, and used the principle -agent theory and the game theory to analyze several problems caused by this, such as the supervision function avianization about the owner, the enterpriser"s rent-seeking activity, the enterpriser"s conspiracy behavior and the insider control. Thirdly, the paper discussed the present situation of the supervision and restraint system from the management model of the three-levels authorization, financial general supervision system, the corporate governance and the outsider supervision and restraint system. The paper thought that the supervision and restraint system had the following problems: supervision and restraint system was imperfect, the property right restraint was lack, the restraint system was administrative and the supervision system was deformity.


For the above opinion, the analysis is launched by the following contents: 1 presents the definition and internal contents of finance managing entrustment, analyses the difference from money trust and collecting a fund by private relations, and points out that finance managing entrustment is an economic teratism by the theory supporting 2 Analyses the condition, inner reason and result, which finance managing entrustment creates causes , points out that it causes capital market more opposite influence than the positive.

提出上市公司委托理财概念及特定内涵,分析比较其与信托、私募、托管的不同,从理论上指出上市公司委托理财是一个经济上的怪胎。 2。分析委托理财产生的环境条件和内部原因及后果,得出委托理财对资本市场所造成的负面影响远多于正面作用。

It is required in these models that the revenge of trust transactions must be greater than that from strategic bid in electricity market, and some constraints such as revenges of trust transaction participants, power limitations of transmission lines, power balance of the whole net, quantities of trust t.

在这 2个模型中,要求委托交易的收益应大于在电力市场中策略性竞标的收益,同时考虑了委托交易公司收益、输电线路功率限制、整个电网的功率平衡和委托交易电量等因素的约束条件,给出了委托交易公司和受委托交易公司的成本函数。

更多网络解释与委托相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Commission and agency:委托代理

委托代理:agency on commission | 委托代理:Commission and agency | 委托代理:deputy--commission


供应商管理库存系统的基础是ERP中的委托(consignment)订货过程. 为了实现供应商管理库存,委托订货过程中有两个主要问题需要修改:付款的时间和库存估价方法. 在标准的ERP系统的委托订货过程中,供应商直到放置在买方处的库存被消耗后才把对库存的所有权转移给买方,

multicast delegate:组播委托、多点委托

multi-thread 多线程 | multicast delegate 组播委托、多点委托 | multithreaded server application 多线程服务器应用程序

multicast delegate:多点传送委托 组播委托、多点委托

multi-thread 多执行绪 多线程 | multicast delegate 多点传送委托 组播委托、多点委托 | object 物件 对象

multicast delegate:多点传送委托 ;组播委托/多点委托

movement ;移动 | multicast delegate ;多点传送委托 ;组播委托/多点委托 | multidrop ;多点

entrust vt.1:委托管理;2.委托

entrance n.1.入口;2.进入,入学 | +entrust vt.1.委托管理;2.委托 | entry n.1.进入;2.人口,通道;3.登记


委托 entrusting | 委托 entrustment | 委托,托运 consignment

parties" entrustment:当事人委托

委托代理:entrustment | 当事人委托:parties" entrustment | 行政委托:Administrative entrustment


定单(order)是指由进口商或实际买主拟制的货物订购单;委托订购单(indent)是指由代理商或佣金商拟制的代客购买货物的订购单. 业务中,国外客户往往将定单或委托订购单寄来一式两份,要求我方签署后退回一份. 这种经磋商成交后寄来的订单或委托订购单,

Market order:市价委托

市价委托(Market Order)是只指定交易数量而不给出具体的交易价格,但要求按该委托进入交易大厅或交易撮合系统时以市场上最好的价格进行交易. 市价委托的好处在于它能保证即时成交市价委托就是按照场内挂出的买入或卖出价格进行交易,