英语人>词典>汉英 : 委员会 的英文翻译,例句
委员会 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
committee  ·  council  ·  committees  ·  councils  ·  comte

更多网络例句与委员会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The CMP, by its decision 5/CMP.3, paragraph 3, requested the secretariat to provide information to Parties, in its preparation of the budget for the biennium 2010–2011, on the consequences of the proposal of the Compliance Committee to extend funding for the costs of travel and participation in meetings of the Compliance Committee to all its members and alternate members.


Professor XIE Jia-Xing is the Professor and the Director of Music Research Institute of China Conservatory, with a Master Degree in Composing Theory (1988) and a PH.D. of Music Aesthetic (2004). He is also the leading figure in music education discipline in China Conservatory, the associate director of the Education Committee of the Chinese Musicians Association , the president of the Music Education Commission of CMA, the director of the Music Education Academic Committee of CEC, the director of the Music Aesthetic Committee of CMA, the director of the Music Psychology Society, the director of Chinese Association of Music Communication, the member of International Society of Music Education, Committeeman of CPCEMM(COMMISSION ON MUSIC IN CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL, AND MASS MEDIA POLICIES) of ISME, the adviser of APSMER. He is the part-time professor of Xian Conservatory, the part-time professor of Tianjin Conservatory, the specially hired professor of Art Institute of Henan University and the member of Exterior Examination Committee Member of the Education Institute of Hong kong.

谢嘉幸,中国音乐学院音乐研究所所长、教授、学院学术委员会委员, 1988 年毕业於中国音乐学院作曲系,获作曲理论硕士学位; 2004 年在中央音乐学院获音乐美学方向博士学位;中国音乐家协会教育委员会主任助理;中国音乐家协会音乐教育学学会会长;中国教育学会音乐教育专业委员会理事、音乐教育学学术委员会主任;中国音乐家协会音乐美学学会理事;中国音乐家协会音乐心理学学会理事;中国音乐家协会音乐传播学会理事;北京音乐家协会理事;国际音乐教育学会会员、文化教育与大众传媒政策委员会委员;亚太音乐教育研究会顾问;亚太艺术教育学报编委;国家教委教育科学"八五""九五"规划重点课题负责人;西安音乐学院兼职教授,天津音乐学院兼职教授,河南大学艺术学院特聘教授,香港教育学院院外考试委员。

The Nobel Academy 诺贝尔委员会 16 新东方背诵经典50篇 For the last 82 years,Sweden's Nobel Academy has decided who will receive the Nobel Prize in Literature,thereby determining who will be elevated from the great and the near great to the immortal.

过去的 82 年里,瑞典的诺贝尔委员会决定了谁将获得诺贝尔文学奖,因此也就决定了谁将从伟大或近乎伟大荣升为不朽。

Under the residents' committee there are several entity working committees, such as the community working committee, community service committee, community conciliation committee and community emergency rescue committee, of which, the emergency rescue committee is an nonpermanent organization responding to calls and dissolved after the call is over, the other three committees are permanent organizations.


During the session, the deputies will decide on the choice of the Vice Premier of the State Council, State Councilors, Ministers, Chairmen of Committees, Governor of the People's Bank of China, Auditor General, Secretary General and vote on the draft name list of Chairmen, Vice Chairmen and Members of the NPC Ethnic Affairs Committee, NPC Law Committee, NPC Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs, NPC Committee for Education, Science, Culture and Health, NPC Foreign Affairs Committee, NPC Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee, NPC Environmental and Resources Protection Committee and NPC Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.


Article 34 The National People's Congress establishes a Nationalities Committee, a Bills Committee, a Budget Committee, a Credentials Committee and such other committees as may be necessary.


The Higher Education Center is administered by the Music Education Academic Commission, Music Theory Academic Commission, Choral and Conducting Academic Commission, Vocal Academic Commission, Piano Academic Commission, and Accordion and Electronic Organ Academic Commission.


The subcommittees engaged in Industrial technology, brand promotion, finance, project management and sustainable development strategy are established under DPCA Executive Committee responsible for implementation of corporate strategy.


September 25, 1949 liberation of Jiuquan Prefecture, in October to set up South West People's Government, directly under the County People's Government, under the jurisdiction of Huangcao, Changsha, Hong Zhuang, deep, Xifeng, Po Levin, of Tartu, Feng Hou, Manjusri, estuaries 12 Township People's Government, in January 1954, will Huangcao, Changsha, Hong Zhuang, deep, Xifeng, pagoda was placed under the 12th six rural area, in November 1955 revocation of the Central Government, by the Xifeng , pagoda Second Rural Township, the merger of People's Committee for Xifeng, in April 1958, the People's Committee and the Rural Xifeng Feng Hou, Xiang Zhuang two combined to set up the Southwest Rural Township, in September 1958 the establishment of rural people's communes Xifeng.


Nothing contained in this section shall apply to transactions duly consummated pursuant to authority given by the Secretary of Transportation, Federal Power Commission, Surface Transportation Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission in the exercise of its jurisdiction under section 79j of this title, the United States Maritime Commission, or the Secretary of Agriculture under any statutory provision vesting such power in such Commission, Board, or Secretary.


更多网络解释与委员会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

advisory committee:顾问委员会

中心每年应主动规划或搜集具体 研究主题,由执行委员会积极推动,并筹组 相关领域学术活动委员会(program com- mittee),由相关中心科学家、访问学者、及 国内学者组成. 执行委员会(executive committee)名单:顾问委员会(advisory committee)委员名单:


其他国际组织 国际计量局(BIPM) 国际人造纤维标准化局(BISFA) 食品法典委员会(CAC) 关税合作理事会(CCC/CCD) 国际无线电咨询委员会(CCIR) 国际电报电话咨询委员会(CCITT) 国际电气设备合格认证委员会(CEE) 国际照明委员会(

committee:委员会 ","委员会


government junta:政务委员会;执政委员会

Government Information Systems Newsletter;政府信息系统通讯;; | government junta;政务委员会;执政委员会;; | Government Junta of National Reconstruction of Nicaragua;尼加拉瓜民族复兴政府执政委员会;;

Palme Commission:帕尔梅委员会

palmatoria;板子;; | Palme Commission;帕尔梅委员会;; | Palme Commission (Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issue);帕尔梅委员会(裁军和安全问题独立委员会);;裁军和安全问题独立委员会


职责范围比较广的委员会下又设置分委员会(Subcommittee),众议院有102个分委员会,参议院有74个分委员会. 比如众议院财政委员会是负责联邦政府的所有拨款,权力非常之大,覆盖支配政府开支的所有方面. 因此众议院财政委员会下又设置了12个分委员会,


注释: [15]小委员会(Subcommittee)是为了制定国际工人协会的纲领性文件由临时中央委员会选出的一个委员会;上述工作完成后,委员会继续存在,通常每周开会一次,成了总委员会的执行机关;从1865年夏天起也称做常务委员会(Standing Committee).

联合国印度尼西亚委员会(联印委员会),UNCI,联印委员会:United Nations Commission for Indonesia

United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan;联合国印度... | United Nations Commission for Indonesia;联合国印度尼西亚委员会(联印委员会);UNCI;联印委员会 | United Nations Commission for Ruanda-Urundi...


委员会得依通讯暨多媒体法设各种次级委员会(Committees)遂行法定功能,次级委员会由通讯暨多媒体委员会任命,并接受其指示行动. (五) 委员会的组织架构:委员会下设主计(Audit Dept.)、法规(Legal Advisory Dept.)、及公关(Corporate Comm.

International Committee of Outer Space Onomastics:国际外空命名委员会(外空命名委员会),ICOSO,外空命名委员会

International Committee of Onomastic Sciences,国... | International Committee of Outer Space Onomastics,国际外空命名委员会(外空命名委员会),ICOSO,外空命名委员会 | International Committee of Paleography,...