英语人>词典>汉英 : 妄动的 的英文翻译,例句
妄动的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与妄动的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was a time of crisis, a time of storm and stress; and yet they were not suffered to work.


Chinese medicine, allergic purpura pathological nature of the actual situation of the points, real disease is a gas fire Kang Sheng, blood heat Wang Xing; Xu Zheng are two: one for overcast virtual fire reckless injury, burns the blood network, a photo of Qi can not be blood, short, due to gas-fire against the chaos, the blood can not follow the blood through the wound caused by network overflow, cause to feel exogenous evils, diet disloyal, congestion retardation and chronic illness mainly Qi blood loss.


更多网络解释与妄动的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Frivolous:轻佻的, 琐碎的, 妄动的

susceptometer 磁化率计 | frivolous 轻佻的, 琐碎的, 妄动的 | brake connection pin 制动拉杆销

frivolously:轻浮地; 愚昧地 (副)

frivolous 轻佻的, 琐碎的, 妄动的 (形) | frivolously 轻浮地; 愚昧地 (副) | friz 卷曲; 使卷曲 (名)

from coast to coast:全国各地

549frivolousa. 轻佻的,妄动的,琐碎的 | 550from coast to coast全国各地 | 551frown onfrown upon不赞许,对...皱眉

nocturnal emission:遗精

青壮 ...遗精(nocturnal emission)是指不因性生活而精液遗泄的病证,因梦而泄称"梦遗";无梦或清醒时精液自行流出为"滑精". 梦遗多因相火妄动,其证属实;滑精多为肾虚,精关不固,其证属虚. 青壮年偶有遗精,过后无其它症状者,多属精满自溢现象,