英语人>词典>汉英 : 她们自己 的英文翻译,例句
她们自己 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与她们自己相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After her father left, Kate can only assist her mother selling vegetables that they grow to make a living, and they also rent their spare rooms, roomer in their home, including a itinerating magician, a lively dancing coach and a rigid librarian.


Bad enough to have Sarrah and Jael down with the fluxion—Rachel was a hard taskmistress, but she knew that every day of working a sick girl could mean losing her three days in the longer run—yes, bad enough that Rachel had to pick up the slack left by their absence.


Many arrie suicidal, said Dr Cecile Kamwanya, head of the hospital's psychological support programme. Marginalised by their family and community, raped women feel they hae committed a wrong.

Cecile Kamwanya博士是该院心理辅导科室的主任,他说,许多受到暴力性杀害的妇女选择**,因为这些妇女被她们的家庭、周围的社区孤立,让她们觉得受到性虐待是她们自己的过错。

The ingenious palette adds to the spooky beauty of the otherworldly setting, which, with its vaultlike chambers, wavy crawlways and spiky stalactites, takes on u**takable s e xual overtones, particularly as the women's breathing becomes more labored, and their shirts grow clingy with sweat.


They themselves are not aware of this, but their short skirts, their exposed legs, their painted faces, their girlish coiffures, the constant physical appeal which they are made to exercise the over the customer do nothing but stimulate your sex instincts.


No one has peeped into their inmost being, and they themselves know not their own secret.


The hunted mothers at the bollocking night, by comparison, showed up at the school with their minds full of their own jobs and concerns, so that each boy's hopeless performance was just another tiresome thing to have to deal with.


Dating pool, they realize a lot more is involved in finding the right mate as they meet co-dependents, addicts and sexual deviants.


I have met women in India and Bangladesh who are taking out small loans to buy milk cows, rickshaws, thread and other materials to create a livelihood for themselves and their families.


Middle-aged, middle-class fans have even formed their own splinter group of 'Twilight Moms', who claim the books and films have helped improve their sex lives and whose motivation is summed up by member Nora Kindley, speaking in New York magazine:'When I look at Robert, I feel like I am 8, 14 and 31, my actual age, all at the same time.


更多网络解释与她们自己相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beauty Shop:美容店

全权负责明星妆容的"美容店"(Beauty shop)院长们成为Beauty(美容和化妆品)业界的"权威女性". 因为,她们负责为频频面对大众的演艺人化妆,她们不仅对自己美容店的业绩产生影响,而且还会对整个化妆品业界造成一定影响.

The lioness will enslave me:她们已将我奴役

My desires of flesh obey me 肉欲背叛了自我 | The lioness will enslave me 她们已将我奴役 | Another heart beat than my own 无法听从自己的心音


由于英语"游击队"(Guerrilla)发音与"大猩猩"(Gorilla)相似,所以她们经常面戴大猩猩面具在各种媒体公开亮相. 用她们自己的话说就是:"Guerrilla这个名称的双关含义既指为自由而战的勇士,又使人联想到大猩猩这种野兽的进攻力量.

I loathe myself:我真鄙视我自己

For me, gum is perfection.|我说的是"口香糖是绝佳的选择" | I loathe myself!|我真鄙视我自己 | Oh, no, they' re nuns. They hate all living things.|不,她们是修女,讨厌一切生物

They were resolved to rise superior to eVery abundance obstacle:她们决心战胜一切困难

In math he felt superior to John. 他觉得自己数学比约翰强. | They were resolved to rise superior to eVery abundance obstacle. 她们决心战胜一切困难. | 3. inferior to 下等的,次的


Stage of Play游戏的阶段 出生到3岁 在第一个阶段,孩子拥有她们自己的身体. 在这个过程中,习惯、模仿和持续不断无意识的重复,扮演着领导的角色. 孩子们为正直(upright)的态度而不停地努力,...

They're all airbrushed and retouched:那些照片都经过加工润色的

Not even them.|甚至她们自己也不 | They're all airbrushed and retouched.|那些照片都经过加工润色的 | Then why don't you just put regular people in there?|那为什么不放常人的照片在上面呢?

Urban relationship myth. Unbelievable fairy tales concocted by women:女人编织的都会感情神话

- Never happened. - Excuse me?|不可... | Urban relationship myth. Unbelievable fairy tales concocted by women...|女人编织的都会感情神话 | ...to make their love lives seem less hopeless.|好让她们自己的感...


"交际式的教学,"同去的人脱口而出,可是RACHEL却认为用"行为主义"(Behaviourism)来形容更为恰当. 随后,她再次强调了学生的英语基础之差,加上没有适合他们的教材,所有的课堂教学内容都是她们自己去搜集、整理. "Do you like this job?


现在,他只把特许经营权授予了24岁的双胞胎女儿,马格达雷娜(Magdalena)和玛尔歌泽塔(Malgorzata). 他按照市价向她们收费,希望自己经营业务的经验会让她们为最终接手整个企业做好准备. 格里坎说:"我希望她们从最底层开始,什么都能了解.