英语人>词典>汉英 : 夹痛 的英文翻译,例句
夹痛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pinch  ·  pinches

更多网络例句与夹痛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results:There were no abdominal pain and fever,jaundice faded away gradually postoperation.Biliary drainage was 300ml-1000ml/d more or less.Colour of bile changed into normal by degrees.Intra peritoneal drainage was open and the colour was light bloody.Amount of drainage dropped off day after day.Whole blood cell test, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase,serum glutamic oxalacetic transarninase,total serum protein,serum albumin and serum globulin returned to normal in first week postoperation.Serum bilirubin,serum glutamyltranspetidase and serum alkaline phosphatase declined gradually in first week postoperation.T-tube was clipped at twelfth day postoperation.T-tube Cholangiography was clear at 24~ day postoperation.

结果:术后无上腹部绞痛、高热,黄疸逐渐减退,每日引流胆汁300ml-1000ml不等,由淡黄色混浊、内有胆泥过渡到金黄色清亮的正常胆汁,腹腔引流通畅,引流液为淡红色,量从最初的200ml迅速过渡到10ml,血常规、血清谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶、总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白等1周内均恢复正常,血清总胆红素、直接胆红素、间接胆红素、谷氨酰转肽酶、碱性磷酸酶逐渐下降,术后12d夹闭T管,术后24d T管造影提示左、右肝管及胆总管下端通畅,无狭窄。

Objective:Purpose ceck through the peritoneoscope, probe into various kinds of common causes of disease caused by the pain in the pelvic cavity, clinical characteristics and treatment.


He was burly, a bit heavy around the waist, wore thick glasses, and smoked cheap cigars in a cigar holder with a small mouthpiece, which gave his face a peculiar pinched look when he sucked on it.


Small time I lively active, has filled curiously to the new things, time takes to the streets with mother does grocery shopping, I first time see to have two big pliers, eight legs biology, I make mother to call her to buy to me, afterwards I like was willing to obtain it, after went home I to be very happy raises it in the keg, I put out a hand to trace its big pliers, the crab also gratefully face my hand maliciously to clamp, my pain 哇哇大哭, afterwards was at that time the daddy takes the fruit jelly I only then not to cry to me.


The latedischarges decreased from 9.29 ± 0.97 to 6.71 ± 0.68 with the A-fiberconditioning stimulus increasing from 1 to 5 (n〓8, P〓0. 05).(7) The intervalbetween the conditioning stimulus and test stimulus (C-T interval) wasincreasing, the inhibition tended to plateau off. At shorter time intervalsthe inhibition became more effective. When C-T interval was limited in 50ms,the inhibitory effects was the strongest, here, the late discharges reducedfrom 12.57±1.21to 2.29±0.42 (n=11, P<0. 01).(8) Behavior research showedthat the rat model of snake venom exhibited neuropathic pain with heathyperalgesia, cold and mechanical allodynia, which corresponding to the acuteelectrophysiological findings.

此时轻刷WDR神经元的感受野不能引起其活动改变,但伤害性齿镊夹捏仍可引起WDR神经元放电增多;〓5〓晚成分放电的潜伏期缩短,即宁静期的时程变短,由给蛇毒前的118.83〓3.67ms降至50.72〓1.36ms〓n〓32,P〓0.01〓;〓6〓在正常动物,如果预先给予只激活A纤维的弱条件电刺激〓mA,100μs〓可抑制随后的伤害性检验刺激所诱发的WDR神经元的晚成分放电,当条件刺激个数从1增加至5时,每次伤害性检验刺激所诱发的晚成分放电数从9.29〓0.97个降至6.71〓0.68个〓n〓8,P〓0.05〓;〓7〓固定条件刺激数为1个,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔增大时,A纤维条件刺激对WDR神经元晚成分放电的抑制作用逐渐减弱,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔在50 ms以内时,抑制效应最为显著,此时,晚成分放电数由正常时的12.57〓1.21个降至2.29〓0.42个〓n〓11,P〓0.01〓;〓8〓与急性研究中的WDR神经元电活动的变化结果相匹配,利用蛇毒制备的大鼠模型在行为学上表现为热痛觉过敏、冷觉的痛性感觉异常及机械痛觉过敏等慢性痛症状。

At the same time, most WDR neurons failedto respond to the light brush applied to the receptive fields, but they couldbe intensively excited by the noxious pinch.(5) The latency of the latedischarges was shortened from 118.83 ± 3.67ms to 50.72 ± 1.36ms (n〓32, P〓0. 01).(6) Preceding graded number of A〓fiber conditioning inputs (〓mA, 100 μs) delayed the C-activity evoked by the following nociceptive teststimulus activating both A- and C-fiber applied to the sciatic nerve. The latedischarges decreased from 9.29 ± 0.97 to 6.71 ± 0.68 with the A-fiberconditioning stimulus increasing from 1 to 5 (n〓8, P〓0. 05).(7) The intervalbetween the conditioning stimulus and test stimulus (C-T interval) wasincreasing, the inhibition tended to plateau off. At shorter time intervalsthe inhibition became more effective. When C-T interval was limited in 50ms,the inhibitory effects was the strongest, here, the late discharges reducedfrom 12.57±1.21to 2.29±0.42 (n=11, P<0. 01).(8) Behavior research showedthat the rat model of snake venom exhibited neuropathic pain with heathyperalgesia, cold and mechanical allodynia, which corresponding to the acuteelectrophysiological findings.

此时轻刷WDR神经元的感受野不能引起其活动改变,但伤害性齿镊夹捏仍可引起WDR神经元放电增多;〓5〓晚成分放电的潜伏期缩短,即宁静期的时程变短,由给蛇毒前的118.83〓3.67ms降至50.72〓1.36ms〓n〓32,P〓0.01〓;〓6〓在正常动物,如果预先给予只激活A纤维的弱条件电刺激〓mA,100μs〓可抑制随后的伤害性检验刺激所诱发的WDR神经元的晚成分放电,当条件刺激个数从1增加至5时,每次伤害性检验刺激所诱发的晚成分放电数从9.29〓0.97个降至6.71〓0.68个〓n〓8,P〓0.05〓;〓7〓固定条件刺激数为1个,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔增大时,A纤维条件刺激对WDR神经元晚成分放电的抑制作用逐渐减弱,当条件刺激与检验刺激之间的间隔在50 ms以内时,抑制效应最为显著,此时,晚成分放电数由正常时的12.57〓1.21个降至2.29〓0.42个〓n〓11,P〓0.01〓;〓8〓与急性研究中的WDR神经元电活动的变化结果相匹配,利用蛇毒制备的大鼠模型在行为学上表现为热痛觉过敏、冷觉的痛性感觉异常及机械痛觉过敏等慢性痛症状。

更多网络解释与夹痛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

carpal tunnel:腕的

tendon 腱 | carpal tunnel 腕的 | pinch 挤 夹痛

peaked cap:鸭舌帽

Pinch v. 夹痛 | peaked cap 鸭舌帽 | felt hat 毡帽

pin sb. down:使某人做出承诺

pin n.大头针 vt.用别针别住;钉住,使不能行动 | pin sb down 使某人做出承诺 | pinch vt.捏,拧,掐,夹痛,紧压 n.压力,重压


gnawing pronounced hawing 持续痛巨痛 | Griping 肠绞痛 | Gripping 夹痛

pincement n.m:钳,夹,捏,掐,弹,修剪

pinceau n.m. 画笔,排笔,刷子,画家的笔法 | pincement n.m. 钳,夹,捏,掐,弹,修剪 | pincer v.t. 钳,夹,拧紧,刺痛,修剪


scavenger cell 巨噬细胞 | scelalgia 小腿痛 | schindylesis 夹合连接


scelalgia 小腿痛 | schindylesis 夹合连接 | schistasis 裂