英语人>词典>汉英 : 头破血流 的英文翻译,例句
头破血流 的英文翻译、例句


head broken and bleeding · be badly battered · bumped and bruised · have one's head bashed and battered
更多网络例句与头破血流相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As far as Antony said, you gotta tell yourself that you can make it.


Beat sb.'s head off


The Israeli air force might bloody them and break the back of the offensive.


The Israeli air force might bloody them and break the back of the off sive.

以色列 空军就可以把他们打得头破血流,并且粉碎埃及投入这场攻势的主力。

Sometimes I come to a dead end, sometimes I take a wrong turn. I tumble or even fall headlong and have my head covered with bumps and bruises. Still I keep on going and eventually I pass it.


J. Giles also are pushing for a spot that may be hard to come by.

J。 Giles 也正在为了球队名单上的那个位置而争得头破血流

From that ill-fated flight to my recent trials and tribulations trying to repair my personal computer, I try to involve myself in as many things as I can.


I grasp at the upper right knob firmly. When the car dropped in the river locked outside, I held the breath and broke the front window and got out, and then swam toward the bank. I laid on the rock beach and felt serious headache, my eyes and ribs all got wounded. I cried for help in the pitchy night but nobody could hear. The folks found the bloody me at all with the light from the only water proof solar energy flashlight around me. I was informed after I was uplift to the beach that Lao Zheng and Lao Liu were thrown out of the car with their head broken. The wound in Lao Liu's face was blooding endlessly with his clavicle broken. Yi Su was found to be lost when three of us were gathered together.


I grasp at the upper right knob firmly. When the car dropped in the river locked outside, I held the breath and broke the front window and got out, and then swam toward the bank. I laid on the rock beach and felt serious headache, my eyes and ribs all got wounded. I cried for help in the pitchy night but nobody could hear. The folks found the bloody me at all with the light from the only water proof solar energy flashlight around me. I was informed after I was uplift to the beach that Lao Zheng and Lao Liu were thrown out of the car with their head broken. The wound in Lao Liu's face was blooding endlessly with his clavicle broken.


You're right. I'm gonna punch you in the throat!


更多网络解释与头破血流相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beat sb.'s head off:打得头破血流; 使人焦头烂额

beat into sb.'s head [口]再三教导, 反复训练 | beat sb.'s head off 打得头破血流; 使人焦头烂额 | beat sth. out of sb.'s head 使某人忘记某事、对某事断念


诺丁汉郡(Nottinghamshire)曼斯菲尔德(Mansfield)的All Saints' Roman Catholic School老师彼得.哈维,据称在课堂学生的面前,以实验用的金属砝码将学生杰克.沃特豪斯打得头破血流.

Mojo jojo:魔人啾啾

剧中刻意将邪恶角色都设定成男性,如魔人啾啾(Mojo Jojo)、坏死帮派(The Gangreen Gang)以及有点娘娘腔的「他」(Him),每集都固定在卡通中上演头破血流的悲惨戏码.


英国歌后艾美怀丝(Amy Winehouse)嗓音低沉性感,以一曲>(Rehab)走红全球,乐评形容她「拥有黑人灵魂的白人歌后」,但她爱嗑药、常酗酒,还曾与丈夫互殴到头破血流,被歌迷选为不性感名流亚军.

Financial supermarket:金融超级市场

聪明人总是会持续地做一些愚蠢的尝试,即使多次碰的头破血流也在所不惜--永动机是一个例子,"全能银行"(Universal Bank)或者说"金融超级市场"(Financial Supermarket)也是一个例子.

My head is bloody, but unbow'd:头破血流, 但我始终昂着头

Under the bludgeonings of chance 在厄运的痛击下 | My head is bloody, but unbow'd. 头破血流, 但我始终昂着头. | Beyond this place of wrath and tears 在这令人愤怒和心酸的地方