英语人>词典>汉英 : 天真无邪 的英文翻译,例句
天真无邪 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

innocent and pure
更多网络例句与天真无邪相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A charismatic priest, Father Flynn, is trying to upend the schools' strict customs, which have long been fiercely guarded by Sister Aloysius Beauvier, the iron-gloved Principal who believes in the power of fear and discipline.


Once upon a time,when I was a kid,how artless and carefree I was.


Once I think about how artless and carefree these child is,I feel upset.


It is so because the artless, simple, and unsophisticated side of you is shown when before me.


Osho has said that because of this state of innocence, of artlessness, non-mind-ness, often children can spontaneously fall into a state of meditation.


He is clever, arrogant and scores high, so he is well-received by teachers and students. Together with Xiaoen, Ayu and Awei, these na?ve, kind-hearted, courageous, just children do a lot of funny things.


Country cousin One whose ingenuousness or rustic ways may bemuse or entertain city dwellers .


A few minutes later, with all the details in my notebook and a three?by?five studio portrait of the ''.'cherubic'.


The work weak is dim, consciousness through achild which however gradually is mature displays the people tofantasize pursues with the ideal instinct, as well as in the socialenvironment which deficiently is angry this kind of ideal vanishing,the explanation even if is 天真无邪 the child also inescapableDublin tired 衰朽 shadow.


Why people all say, it is the best to get forever, because has not compared, because the magnetic force layer is 100% of the magnetism, he thinks that is natural, does not treasure, so there is diamagnetism.,Like children, this is the child's problem, he is taking and was borned innocent and purely, and he can innocent and pure to go, exchange anything with him at any time, casual any rubbish he buy, whom he lose courage of him for this, and whom he can buy only toy, world this what does it have besides the toy?


更多网络解释与天真无邪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I know our antebellum innocence:我知道我们战前的天真无邪

keep the wounded safe;我们要保证伤员的安全 | I know our antebellum innocence我知道我们战前的天真无邪 | was never meant to see the light of our armistice day.将意味着看不到停战那天的曙光

View the smile from you cherubic face:我看到你天真无邪的天使一般的面容

Over the rainbow 透过彩虹 | View the smile from you cherubic face我看到你天真无邪的天使一般的面容 | Eternal flam in buring deep in you heart 你胸中燃烧着不灭的火焰

View the smile form your cherubic face:(我看到你天真无邪的天使一般的面庞)

Over the rainbow (透过彩虹) | View the smile form your cherubic face(我看到你天真无邪的天使一般的面庞) | Enternal flam in buring deep in your heart (你胸中燃烧着不灭的火焰)


vi. 变少 | 1.childlike 孩子般的,天真无邪 | eg: It is difficult for us to have the childlike enjoyment now. 现在对于我们来说,想要享受孩子般的欢乐实在是太难了.


-like 象......的 | childlike 天真无邪的 | sportsmanlike 像运动员一样的

an innocence endures:你的天真无邪可以把一切包容

with a beauty that is pure 美丽而纯洁 | an innocence endures 你的天真无邪可以把一切包容 | you flow right through me like a medicine 你如天使一般穿过心灵治愈着我


Please, remember me 请你要记得我 | Fondly 天真无邪的 | I heard from someone you're still pretty 听说你还美丽如昔


ingenue 天真无邪的少女 | minx 轻佻的女子 | nymph 美少女

ingenue n.1:天真无邪的少女 2.阅历不深的人, 经验不足的人

ingenuity n.独创性,巧妙 | ingenue n.1.天真无邪的少女 2.阅历不深的人, 经验不足的人 | ingenuous a.1.纯真的,无邪的 2.坦白的, 自然的, 直率的

Plus, you're my favorite ingenue:你是我最喜欢的那种天真无邪的女孩

-for a movie I auditioned for. -You will. You will.|- 试镜成功... | Plus, you're my favorite ingenue.|你是我最喜欢的那种天真无邪的女孩 | And you got a great smile, and you're nice to us,|你笑起来很甜 还...