英语人>词典>汉英 : 大腿 的英文翻译,例句
大腿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
thigh  ·  thighs

更多网络例句与大腿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

La Shanglai placed on the right foot board on the left thigh, two left panels La Shanglai placed on the right thigh.

右脚板拉上来置于左大腿上, 2 左脚板拉上来置于右大腿上。

The results of three cladistic methods showed: the consanguinities of different genera in a same tribe were closer, such as Chalcis and Conura, Trigonurella, Megalocolus and Trigonura; the consanguinities of genera between different tribes were farther, such as Chalcis and Brachymeria, Dirhinus and Hallichella; Chalcis, Conura, Brachymeria and Epitranus were the most primitive relatively, Tainaniella and Oxycoryphe were the most evolutional, the consanguinities were the farthest between the former and the latter; the genera with the closest consanguinities were: Tainaniella and Oxycoryphe, Proconura and Nipponochalcidia, Chalcis and Conura, Megalocolus and Trigonura, they were regarded as 4 pairs of sister groups.


The system consists of a personal techno-garter, inspired by the "Opus Dei" cilice popularized in Dan Brown's novel The DaVinci Code, worn on the thigh, that communicates wirelessly to a set of low-power sensors measuring the wearer's personal energy consumption. If the wearer's electricity use exceeds a certain limit, the device plunges stainless-steel thorns into the thigh to remind users of both their complicity in the planet's demise and mortality.

此系统受Dan Brown『达文西密码』小说中天主事工会徒所用苦修带的启发,是一个个人使用的科技袜带,穿在大腿上,用无线电跟一组用来量测穿戴者个人能源消耗的低功率感应器互相通信;一旦穿戴者的用电量超过某一设定的限制,系统会将内藏的不锈钢针刺入穿戴者的大腿,以提醒他在加速星球死亡的犯行。

The stude announces that their changeable regular of the center of gravity level speed in supporting phase is falling in tne first cushioning phase. When their center of gravity's vertical lines pass their heels and their knee joints go on extended contraction ,their center of gravity level speed has extended .the reason is that their angles have passed the heels and their swinging legs' kenn joints have swinging the front of their bodies. Its power originates the swinging leg's forward active swinging and the decurtation contraction of hip joints 、ankles of the supporting legs.the swinging leg shows "the calf's active backward swinging"before its landing impact,the skill affects the loss of center of gravity level speed when the swinging leg lands.they enlarge their trunks' forward-landing impact phase ,it can decrease the center of gravity level speed's loss after landing and impel the center of gravity level speed to pass the supporting spot quickly.


Firm your thighs and turn your right thigh outward, so that the center of the right kneecap is in line with the center of the right ankle.


The plastic surgery operation known as a butt lift, thighplasty, or excisional thigh lipectomy is a procedure which addresses a range of problems in the inner thighs ranging from excess fat deposits to loose skin to weak muscles and stretch marks.


One day, my daughter was playing beside my colleague Tonny who wore a pair of summer shorts with a length of thigh baring. She spotted there was thick fur on his thigh and touched it curiously with a hand, then comparatively felt the same section of her own thigh, and confirmatively touched his again. With her face turning odd, she bursted out a word abruptly just like she found the new land: What a wolf Uncle is like!


One day, my daughter was playing beside my colleague Tonny who wore a pair of summer shorts with a length of thigh baring. She spotted there was thick fur on his thigh and touched it curiously with a hand, then comparatively felt the same section of her own thigh, and confirmatively touched his again. With her face turning odd, she bursted out a word abruptly just like she found the new land: What a wolf Uncle is like!

杂谈 一日,浠浠坐在我同事Tonny旁边玩耍,那天Tonny穿了夏天的大裤衩而露出了一部分大腿,她发现他大腿上有浓浓的毛,便很好奇地伸手摸了摸,然后再摸摸自己的大腿,再摸摸Tonny的大腿,表情有些古怪,突然冒出一句:原来叔叔是大灰狼!

Can give you a plastic law reducing weight, from the start, the more beautiful eyebrow shu qi co-star, if the right to try to use this approach, the weight at wrap steps: A slim recipe, thighs 1 and in the thigh and ham and coxal connected place daub weight cream.

可以给您提供一个保鲜膜减肥法,最早是从舒淇开始,越来越多美眉开始尝试,如果正确的使用这个方法,一起看看保鲜膜减肥步骤:一,大腿变苗条的秘方 1、在大腿大腿和臀部相连处涂抹减肥霜。

Second thighs--Second or lower thigh as long as or only slightly longer than upper thight.


更多网络解释与大腿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cancan:六、 法国大腿舞

五、 西班牙弗拉明歌舞--FLAMENGO | 六、 法国大腿舞--CANCAN | 七、 巴西南大河洲的牛仔舞--BOLEADERA

cuddle with her:有没有亲她?揉得她爽歪歪? - 搂没搂?摸没摸大腿

- What do you mean? - Don't give me t... | - Did you kiss her? Rub against her skin? - Cuddle with her? Rub her leg?|- 有没有亲她?揉得她爽歪歪? - 搂没搂?摸没摸大腿? | - Hold her hand? - Nipple tweak? A...


croquis 速寫, 草圖 | cuisse 大腿 | demande 要求

une cuisse:大腿

une c?telette 排骨 | une cuisse 大腿 | une entrec?te 牛排骨肉

la cuisse:大腿

LA JAMBE 腿,下肢 | La cuisse 大腿 | Le genou 膝盖

cuisse f:大腿

腿 jambe f. | 大腿 cuisse f. | 腿肚 mollet

Temps De Cuisse:大腿的动作

Pas Sissonne "西松" (創作此舞步者) 舞步 | Soubresaut 突然躍起 | Temps De Cuisse 大腿的動作

Fascia lata:大腿筋膜

大腿神経 - N. femoralis | 大腿筋膜 - Fascia lata | 大腿筋膜張筋 - M. tensor fasciae latae


(a) 大腿(thigh)肌肤以会阴部(Perineum)附近,大腿内半侧较薄与松弛,所以抽脂后易产生皱折,必须加强术后护理,才能得到漂亮的结果. 尤其抽脂后,皮肤下为真空状态,积满血水,必须防止内层疤痕的形成,护理更形重要.

Lift kneecaps by tightening the thighs:膝盖骨上提收紧大腿

3. Stretch torso forward, put hands on floor. 伸展上身向前,双手落... | 4. Lift kneecaps by tightening the thighs. 膝盖骨上提收紧大腿. | 5. Keep legs straight and move thighs back. 保持双腿伸直,大腿向后...