英语人>词典>汉英 : 大力士 的英文翻译,例句
大力士 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
giant  ·  Hercules  ·  Samson  ·  strongman  ·  strongmen

strong man · man of unusual strength
更多网络例句与大力士相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Next to him is a slender acrobat.


Europe and Best-Built Man of Europe, and also won the International Powerlifting Championship.


The giants are coming that clobber cubs. What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do?


RPC Corby's range of headstand bottles, including both the Orion and the Hercules design, offer significant benefits to brands, retailers and consumers.

RPC Corby公司的范围倒立瓶,包括猎户座和大力士设计,带来巨大的效益,以品牌,零售商和消费者。

Originally packaged in RPC Corby's Orion bottle, the brand has made the decision to switch to the sister Hercules format in order to further enhance the product's reputation.

原来在RPC Corby公司的Orion瓶包装,品牌已作出决定切换到妹妹大力士格式,以便进一步提高产品的声誉。

The relaunch of Reggae Reggae Tomato Ketchup in RPC Corby's squeezable Hercules headstand bottle reflects the popular brand's continuing faith in RPC as a supplier who can combine on-shelf appeal with consumer convenience.

雷鬼雷鬼的番茄酱重启RPC Corby公司的有弹性的大力士倒立瓶反映了受欢迎的品牌的RPC中继续作为供应商谁可以结合货架上的便利与消费者信心上诉。

This aircraft crossed the path of the Hercules from right to left in front of the Hercules.


A species of rhinoceros beetle that lives in South America, the Hercoles Beetle can grow to over 6 inches in length, but its claim to fame is its strength: it can support 850 times its own weight on its shell!

大力士甲虫学名"Dynastes Hercules",俗称"独角仙",是一种犀牛甲虫。这种生活在南美地区的昆虫包括尖角在内的体长可达到6英尺以上(约合15厘米)。从名字我们便可以看出,令大力士甲虫著称昆虫界的绝非它们的体长,而是惊人的力量,它们的外壳可承受相当于自身体重850倍的重量。

Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.


CLEO : Leona, you really did think that the Giants who clobbered the Cubs were the great, big, scary fee fi fo fum Giants, didn't you?

Leona ,你真的认为打垮小不点队的大力士是又大又恐怖的胡言乱语的大力士吗?

更多网络解释与大力士相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Hercules beetle:大力士独角仙

elephant beetle 象独角仙 +TW,!.NBG | hercules beetle 大力士独角仙 | flea 跳蚤 !'C 8sNs


对阿根廷来说幸运的是,他们在与英国开战前就从英国人手里买到了2艘42型驱逐舰(英国皇家海军也使用同一型舰只)--"大力士"(Hercules)号和"圣特立尼达"(Sant simaTrinidad)号.


clown 小丑 | strongman 大力士 | acrobat 杂技演员

DAVE Waddington wsm:亚军,力量举、壮汉双栖大力士

DON Reinhoudt 当时的wsm冠军,当时壮汉运动还是力量举运动员的天下 | DAVE Waddington wsm亚军,力量举、壮汉双栖大力士 | FRED Hatfield 深蹲博士,力量举传奇英雄

Hercules and the Wagoner:大力士与马车夫

37 The Bear and the Fox熊与狐狸 | 38 Hercules and the Wagoner大力士与马车夫 | 39 The Lion and the WiId Ass狮子与野驴

Hercules and the Wagoner:大力士和车夫

The Lion and the Mouse 狮子和老鼠 | Hercules and the Wagoner 大力士和车夫 | The Wolf and the Crane 狼与鹤

weight lifter:大力士娛樂雜耍

6871大力士運動國術Hercules | 6872大力士娛樂雜耍weight-lifter | 6873大力練習器運動柔身運動hercule set

Ed Coan:长臂大力士

DAVE Pasanella 和Kirk Karwoski齐名的大力士 | Ed Coan 长臂大力士 | Brent Mikesell 世界上最强壮的教师,九指大力士

Go the Distance:(电影"大力士

01 On My Way (电影"泰山") - Phil Collins | 02 Go The Distance (电影"大力士") - Michael Bolton | 04 Circle Of Life (电影"狮子王") - Carmen Twillie African Vocal Performed By Lebo M