英语人>词典>汉英 : 大众报纸 的英文翻译,例句
大众报纸 的英文翻译、例句


popular paper
更多网络例句与大众报纸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There, mass production and reproduction had come to the forefront of ordinary life: newspapers, printed labels, the overlay of posters on walls - the dizzily intense public life ofsigns, simultaneous, high-speed and layered.

那里, 大众作品和复制成为最主要的惯例生活:报纸,印刷标签,墙上的海报—热情的令人头昏眼花地大众的生活标志,同时的,也是高速度且分层的。

TV broadcasting is an integral part of these creative industries, inextricably-linked with the mass-entertainment film industry, radio, newspapers, magazines, children's toys, electronic games, fashion - with the advertising industry a very prominent "cement" in that structure…They interlock, incestuously perhaps, and provide constant mutual product and programme support.


In order to evaluate the effect of strengthened mass media of health education on STD/AIDS,we made an interstage, intergroup vertical and parallel comparison between strengthened STD/AIDS information broadcasting areaand unstrengthened area applying local newspapers, radios, TV,etc.


It was born in the modern city and it spreads itself through the culture product produced by the culture industry with the aid of modern popular medias, such as radios, televisions, newspaper, magazines and Internets, at the places like disco-ballrooms, bars, shopping plazas, bathing plazas, with the style as jeans, longhair, rock-roll. Its a culture phenomenon that keeps closely touch with commerce activities like buying and selling or consume.


21Th century is an era which have bee filled with a lot of message and internet. Approacning to us overwhelmingly,multimedia trace us a variety of information to receivers.All of true world fast-pacedly and accurately.compared with the avialble mediacy such as newspaper,radioand television ,itappears vivid and more in time .


Fog rose from the river, great billows of white weaving into the soot and smoke of the city of Corvere, to become the hybrid thing that the more popular newspapers called smog and the Times "miasmic fog."


V Fog rose from the river, great billows of white weaving into the soot and smoke of the city of Corvere, to become the hybrid thing that the more popular newspapers called smog and the Times "miasmic fog."


From an integrated perspective, three companies have their own features in marketing process. ChinaHR adopts the Narrowcast practice; 51job integrates the media resources in various local areas and builds up the mode of interaction by combining websites with newspapers; Zhaopin Ltd perfectly avails itself of the successful media platforms. All of them have yielded a lot. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that both mass media and narrowcast can play their roles and the key is to spread the information to the target customers in the real sense and thus to upgrade the reputation and brand influence.


City newspaper is a special phenomenon during development of our newspapering.


But a first-page article that frightens the masses and describes the actions of a dangerous cult sells more newspapers even if it's really about fifty people who are getting together to talk about angels...


更多网络解释与大众报纸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


根据读者群,分为"大报"(broadsheet)或"高质量报纸"(qualitypaper)、"中间市场报纸"(middlemarket)、和"小报"(tabloid)或"大众报纸"(popularpaper). 报纸发行量下降的情况已经持续多年,近几年大部分报纸的销量,每年都在以5%~10%左右的幅度下滑.

evening paper:晚报

popular paper 大众报纸 | evening paper 晚报 | government organ 官报

evening paper:晚报zvr中国学习动力网

popular paper 大众报纸zvr中国学习动力网 | evening paper 晚报zvr中国学习动力网 | government organ 官报zvr中国学习动力网

evening paper:晚报 Fsy中国英语学习网

popular paper 大众报纸 Fsy中国英语学习网 | evening paper 晚报 Fsy中国英语学习网 | government organ 官报 Fsy中国英语学习网

evening paper:晚报cVK中国学习动力网

popular paper 大众报纸cVK中国学习动力网 | evening paper 晚报cVK中国学习动力网 | government organ 官报cVK中国学习动力网

advertising media:广告媒体

广告媒体(advertising media)将广- 告信息传送给大众的各种渠道. 亦称 "大众媒体". 主要有报纸、杂志、 )'播、电视等四大媒体. 还包括互联 网络、交通工具、路牌、邮寄品等各 种传递广告信息的媒介物. (张玉峰撰马谋超审)

popular paper:大众报纸

根据读者群,分为"大报"(broadsheet)或"高质量报纸"(quality paper)、"中间市场报纸"(middle market)、和"小报"(tabloid)或"大众报纸"(popular paper). 报纸发行量下降的情况已经持续多年,近几年大部分报纸的销量,每年都在以5%~10%左右的幅度下滑.

popular paper:大众报纸zvr中国学习动力网

quality paper 高级报纸zvr中国学习动力网 | popular paper 大众报纸zvr中国学习动力网 | evening paper 晚报zvr中国学习动力网

quality paper:高级报纸

evening edition 晚报 | quality paper 高级报纸 | popular paper 大众报纸

