英语人>词典>汉英 : 外星人 的英文翻译,例句
外星人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
alien  ·  overlord  ·  aliened  ·  aliening  ·  aliens  ·  extraterrestrials

extraterrestrial intelligence
更多网络例句与外星人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the Megaship landed on an alien world, it was broken into by some hostile aliens, who inadvertently set free Zhane, the Silver Ranger, who was in a cryogenic sleep on the ship, healing from wounds.


God of western people is a giant computer in the cartoon Futurama.


Ericas ferocious launching to the actuality thrusts her into the status movement, where she joins forces with Ryan, a rapscallion outlander unvoluntary to spend humanity.

成千上万的青少年,包括Erica的儿子Tyler(Logan Huffman扮演),受外星人的蛊惑加入「和平大使」的行列,在完全不知情的情况下成为外星人安插在人类当中的眼线。

There was Stan Romanek's "alien in the window video" and his encounters with extraterrestrial beings.

Stan Romanek 甚至有一个叫"窗户边的外星人"的视频,他和外星人接触的事也正在流传。

I did get kidnapped by aliens in Birkenhead, they tried a few tests but they had to watch their alien pockets n shit.

我在 Birkenhead 被外星人劫持过,他们尝试作了几个试验,但是他们必须要看他们的外星人的口袋和粪便。

I did get kidnapped by aliens in Birkenhead, they tried a few tests but they had to watch their alien pockets n shit.


I did get kidnapped by aliens in Birkenhead, they tried a few tests but they had to watch their alien pockets n shit. My advice to aliens, don't abduct woolieback scousers.

我在 Birkenhead 被外星人劫持过,他们尝试作了几个试验,但是他们必须要看他们的外星人的口袋和粪便。

Blindly paternalistic in his dealings with his surly, distrustful charges, Wikus grins vapidly while his colleagues invade their homes and beat them if they resist.


The more advanced the technology, the greedier you become. These foreign species would therefore be more evil than human beings. But among them there is this traitor, who, due to various reasons, falls in love with a female human working in an environmental NGO. Because of love, he revealed to human beings that the energy project would destroy Earth. Under his leadership (that it is led by an alien but not an American would be more acceptable to the world), human beings fight against the aliens in an ultimate war.


Shapeshifting aliens ("one of us aboard this ship is not human"); invincible aliens ("the billion-megaton blast had no more effect than the bite of a Sirian flea"); alien invaders finally stopped by ordinary water (as in films of both TheDAY OF THE TRIFFIDS [1963] and The Wizard of Oz [1939]); the ANDROID spouse who cuts a finger and bleeds machine-oil; the spouse possessed or hypnotized by aliens ("darling, you''ve been acting so strangely since your trip to Ganymede"); the disguised alien sniffed out by "his" pet dog, who never acted this way before; destruction of giant computer brain by a simple paradox "when is a door not a door?"


更多网络解释与外星人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alien Abduction:外星人绑架

游戏介绍 外星人绑架(Alien Abduction)飞碟!飞碟!飞碟出现了!正当人们讨论着天上的飞行物体之时,突然之间一道光芒从天上射下,只见有...运行环境:Win2003/WinXp/Win2000 语言种类:英语 游戏类型:射击游戏 文件大小:10.8M 插件情况:无任何插件,


5、db\country.csv 在这个更改国家颜色、将领语言(leader language)和军队图标U07;White;CHI;ALI;X #军队图标可以用德国、苏联、美国、默认(MIN)等,我这里是外星人(ALI),呵呵


源于一曲盛行乐歌词,是形容他熟练的运球技能. 还有多米尼克-威尔金斯 (Dominique Wilkins)的绰号是"Human Highlight Film" ,也是形容他高明的球技. 狼队后卫卡塞尔由于长相奇特被称为"外星人"(Alien)

Alien Autopsy:解剖外星人

原声大碟 ->(Alien Autopsy)英国版[FLAC]影片>取材自轰动世界的"罗斯韦尔外星人事件". 美国新墨西哥州罗斯威尔(Roswell)传闻于一九四七年有飞碟坠毁,发现了天外来客. 到一九九五年更有一段解剖外星人的片段播出,

be possessed by alien:被外星人附身着

39.it is one step from prostitution这差不多就是卖淫了 | 40.be possessed by alien被外星人附身着 | 41.do you have anything for that?你(对这个)有没有什么想法?

Bewilderment of Alien:外星人的困惑 By Fahredin Shehu[科索沃] 李晖 译

Bewilderment of Alien 外星人的困惑 By Fahredin Shehu[科索沃] 李晖 译 | Demons are mocking us 魔鬼嘲笑我们 | Angels are compassioning us 天使怜悯我们

An alien blood feud has been brought to our shores:外星人跑到我们星球复仇

I have operational command now.|你现在必须听我的命令 | An alien blood feud has been brought to our shores|外星人跑到我们星球复仇 | for which our soldiers are paying the price.|却要我们的战士遭殃


OBryant 一个主场扩音器 | Cassell 一只黑山老妖(曾经的外星人) | Walker 一个对内对外都是火药桶


手套--加里.佩顿Payton,Gary | 非洲大山,穆大叔,木桶伯--迪肯贝.穆托姆博Mutombo,Dikembe | 外星人--萨姆.卡塞尔Cassell,Sam

Aliens Repelled:驱逐了外星人

"Alien Menace","外星人威协" | "Aliens Repelled","驱逐了外星人" | "Align","对齐"