英语人>词典>汉英 : 声调 的英文翻译,例句
声调 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
intonation  ·  ring  ·  tune  ·  rings  ·  tunes

pitch of voice
更多网络例句与声调相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I say "bilingual" advisedly, since Cantonese and Mandarin are about as different as Dutch and German, or as French and Spanish.


The importance of tone is limited in the modern shanghainese, especially in the atonic syllables


The importance of tone is limited in the modern shanghainese, especially in the atonic syllables. One marks only the accentuated tones.


On the fruits of this sort of research, this dissertation put emphasis on comprehensive comparison of the tones. We probe the types distribution, similarities and differences of the tones and sandhi tones from the angle of dialect geography. We talk about the exact pronunciation of the tones and sandhi tones by providing the linguistic maps.


Most pitch contours of the disyllable combinative tone have several sub-classes, though the discretion of samples of some disyllables is small, therefore the average pitch model is not enough to express samples of them.


Our purpose is to provide an input system supporting Mandarin and Taiwanese which is toneless and complies with multiple types of phonetic symbols,we hope that such an approach can resolve the problems resulting from tone and phonetic symbols.


Experimental results on tone recognition have shown the HCRFs based tone model outperform both the maximum likelihood and discriminatively trained HMM tone models when using the same model structure and observations.


And then did we, the seven, start from our seats in horror, and stand trembling, and shuddering, and aghast, for the tones in the voice of the shadow were not the tones of any one being, but of a multitude of beings, and, varying in their cadences from syllable to syllable fell duskly upon our ears in the well-remembered and familiar accents of many thousand departed friends.


However, most of the researches are limited within the respective dissertating on the Chinese tone and English intonation; some research draw the comparative study on the Chinese phonetics, but mixing up the basic conceptions of tone and intonation so as to make the comparative analysis between the Chinese tone and English intonation directly.


Chinese language is a kind of tone languge. Every syllable of the words has its own particular tone, which plays a very important role in distinguishing and changing the meaning of the words.


更多网络解释与声调相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

drag on out:拖延; 使拖延; 拖长(声调、字眼等)

drag on 拖延; 使拖延; 拖长(声调、字眼等) | drag on out 拖延; 使拖延; 拖长(声调、字眼等) | drag oneself along (慢吞吞地)拖着脚走


high-octane 强烈的 | high-pitched 声调高的 | high-point 至高点


说好英语的五个要素是发音(Pronunciation)、重音(Stress)、声调(Intonation)、节奏(Rhythm)和连音(Linking). 要想说得地道,开始就要五个要素都注意学好,而不是一个一个学习. 每个人刚开始学习母语的时候,实际上都是模仿父母说出的整句,

just intonation:纯正声调

just data 正确数据 | just intonation 纯正声调 | just not noticeable difference 最小不觉差

tone language:声调语言

英语在语音学上称为"重音语言"(stress language),汉语则为"声调语言"(tone language). 英语是以音步或轻重音节为节奏单位,汉语则是以单字为节奏单位. 而且汉语每个单字的读音轻重几乎相同,区别只在字的声调上(阴平、阳平、上声、去声).


tone quality 音质 | toneless 缺乏声调的 | tonetic 声调


tone 音调,音色;腔调,语气;声调,语调 | toneless 缺乏声调的,单调的,沉闷的 | tonetic 声调


tonetic 声调的 | tonetics 声调学 | tong 工会


toner 调色剂 | tonetic 声调的 | tonetics 声调

The speaker drawled on:演讲人拖长声调说个没完

drawl vi.拖长声调说话,慢声慢气地讲话 | The speaker drawled on. 演讲人拖长声调说个没完. | She speaks with a Southern drawl. 她讲话带着美国南方人慢吞吞的拉长调子的语气.