英语人>词典>汉英 : 声明 的英文翻译,例句
声明 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
avow  ·  avowal  ·  declaration  ·  declare  ·  declaring  ·  enounce  ·  manifesto  ·  profession  ·  pronouncement  ·  statement  ·  testify  ·  testimony  ·  avowing  ·  avows  ·  declares  ·  enounced  ·  enounces  ·  enouncing  ·  manifestoed  ·  manifestoes  ·  manifestoing  ·  testified  ·  testifies  ·  testifying  ·  testimonies  ·  confessions  ·  dictums  ·  proclamations  ·  pronouncements  ·  protestations  ·  statements

更多网络例句与声明相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Should any part of the License for any reason be judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, such partial invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not invalidate the remainder of the License, and in such case Affirmer hereby affirms that he or she will not exercise any of his or her remaining Copyright and Related Rights in the Work or assert any associated claims and causes of action with respect to the Work, in either case contrary to Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.


For example, the following statement is correct: System.out.println(x = 1); which is equivalent to x = 1; System.out.println; The following statement is also correct: i = j = k = 1; which is equivalent to k = 1; j = k; i = j; In an assignment statement, the data type of the variable on the left must be compatible with the data type of the value on the right.

例如,以下声明是正确的: 55 System.out.println (十= 1 );这相当于为x = 1 ; 55 System.out.println ;以下声明也是正确的:= j =当K = 1 ;这相当于当K = 1 ; j =钾;=焦耳;在转让的声明中,数据类型的变量在左边则必须与数据类型的价值,对正确的。

Iff is called biconditional statement.


Second, the condition itself is almost always reversed (so that the jump to the 'else' block only takes place when the condition is not satisfied), and the primary conditional block is placed right after the conditional jump (so that the conditional code gets executed if the condition is satisfied).


A "statement" for discovery purposes is defined by Rule 26(3) to include " a written statement signed or otherwise adopted or approved by the person making it, or a stenographic, mechanical, electrical, or other recording, or a transcription thereof, which is a substantially verbatim recital of an oral statement by the person making it and contemporaneously recorded." This means that if a witness has been interviewed, but nothing tangible was produced, such as a written statement, recording, or transcript, there is no "statement" in existence that can be discovered.


A statutory declaration in writing that the declarant is a director or the secretary of the company and that a share in the company has been duly forfeited on a date stated in the declaration , shall be conclusive evidence of the facts therein stated as against all persons claiming to be entitled to the share .


The said interpreter having been also first declared that he had truly, distinctly, and audibly interpreted the contents of this document to the declarant, and that he would truly and faithfully interpret the declaration about to be administered to him.

及任职 ﹝填上职业﹞作出传译者,而此传译员亦已先行声明﹝或宣誓,视属何情况而定﹞他已将为声明人作出真实明确及清晰可闻的传译,并会将本人即将为声明人主持的声明忠实向其传译。

The title to, ownership of and copyright in any document or other material containing Confidential Information obtained by the Declarant from ABC in connection with the services referred to above shall remain vested in ABC and the Declarant undertakes not to, except in so far as may be necessary for the purposes of performance of his/her services to ABC as ABC's employee, retain or make originals or copies of memoranda, messages, telexes, letters, maps, reports, drawings, calculations, specifications, formulae, forms, licenses, agreements or other documents of whatever nature belonging to ABC, its Affiliate or its Business Associate may be or may have been interested and which have come into his/her possession by reason of the Declarant's employment and to forthwith return all such documents and other materials to ABC upon completion of said services and/or his/her employment without retaining any copies thereof.


If an external variable declaration also includes a declared type, the value provided by the external environment must match the declared type, using the matching rules in 2.4.4 SequenceType Matching (see 2.2.5 Consistency Constraints ).

如果外部变量声明也包含一个声明的类型,则由外部环境声明提供的值必须与声明的类型一致,此处应用2.4.4 SequenceType Matching中的匹配规则(参见2.2.5 Consistency Constraints)。

Text-decoration: underline overline blink none 等于声明 text-decoration: none .

假如 none 值在属性声明的最后,所有的先前的其他取值都会被清除。

更多网络解释与声明相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

an official statement:正式声明,官方声明

356an inspired poet一个富有灵感的诗人 | 357an official statement正式声明,官方声明 | 358an official visit官方访问

declaration as to still-birth:关于婴儿非活产的声明书

declaration 宣誓书;声明书;宣告;声明;申报 | declaration as to still-birth 关于婴儿非活产的声明书 | declaration for altering or adding to the name of a child 子女改名或加名声明

class declaration:类声明

声明,类实现:在声明C++ 类时一般不定义成员函数,这叫类声明(class declaration),是ADT的一种具体表示,方法的具体定义在独立于声明之外的类实现(class implementation)中给出.


语法:标签元素: page指令元素的属性&..脚本元素包含三部分:声明(Declarations)、Scriptlets、表达式(Expressions)一、声明(Declarations)功能:在JSP程序中声明变量、实例和类.


例如:上面的隐型局部变量声明精确地等同于下面的显型(explicitly typed)声明:隐型局部变量声明中的局部变量声明符(declarator)遵从下面这些约束:. 初始化器表达式的编译期类型不可以是空(null)类型. 因为向后兼容的原因,


declare 表明,声明,宣告,宣布 | declarer 宣告者,声明者 | declaration 声明,宣告,宣布

say formally:声明

state firmly, 断言;声明 | say formally, 声明 | declare, v宣布, 宣告; 声明

declaration in support:作证明用的声明

declaration for correction of error in register 登记册内更正事项声明书 | declaration in support 作证明用的声明 | declaration of abandonment of appeal 放弃上诉声明

markup declaration:标记声明

在DTD中,要遵照SGML声明规定的字符信息和具体语法规则,对一类文件的结构用一组标记声明(markup declaration)做严格的定义. 常用的标记声明有:元素声明(element declaration)说明每种元素,其一般格式为:属性定义表声明(attribute declaration)属性定义表由各属性定义组成,


declaration of trust 信托声明;信托声明书 | Markets <<关于国际期货市场的合作和监管的联合声明>> | Declarations of Cooperation on Investment Management Persons 投资管理合作声明