英语人>词典>汉英 : 增补 的英文翻译,例句
增补 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
append  ·  ennoblement  ·  subjoin  ·  supplement  ·  supplementation  ·  subjunction  ·  appended  ·  appends  ·  subjoined  ·  subjoining  ·  subjoins  ·  supplemented  ·  supplementing  ·  supp.

更多网络例句与增补相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is used in medicine as ammoniac detoxicating agent, hepar function accelerator or fatigue refresher.

用 途:营养增补剂,添加于各种清凉饮料,医药上用做氨解毒剂,肝功能促进剂,疲劳恢复剂。

Her whole air is so distinguished! She doesn't take after her father, son-in-law of our old Ancestress,but looks more like a Chia. No wonder our Old Ancestress couldn't put you out of her mind and was forever talking or thinking about you.

译者如要使英文读者明了原文这层含义,就不得不换用黛玉父亲的角度,交待她父亲是贾母的女婿,通过增补son-in-law of our Old Ancestress来表示黛玉的身份,以解决交织在一起的语言问题和社会背景问题,忠实地再现了原文的隐含意义。

The addition of the Angelus in the morning, and then at the noon hour came later, so there is no pious tradition associated with the triple Angelus.


We study the white jade, the results show that the content, the alteration extent and the fissures of anorthite are the controlling factor of Dushan jade's transparence.


The dietary addition of the anthocyanin extracts reduced signs of colon tumors by 70 and 60 percent, respectively, when compared to control rats.

膳食增补的花色苷提取物减少的迹象,结肠肿瘤70和60 %,分别较对照组大鼠。

This paper first delimits strictly the two antonymous morphemeswhich forms the antonymous morphemic compounding words from the aspects of systemetic,semantic, grammatic, phonetic and pragmatic standards, and gathers examples from ModernChi...


This paper first delimits strictly the two antonymous morphemeswhich forms the antonymous morphemic compounding words from the aspects of systemetic,semantic, grammatic, phonetic and pragmatic standards, and gathers examples from ModernChinese Dictionary (enlarged edition, 2002) and Modern Chinese Norm Dictionary andmakes a quantitative study combining the examples.


The very beginning of the great apostasy was in seeking to supplement the authority of God by that of the church.


New contents should be added to a good dictionary at regular intervals.


The other books placed after the Old Testament in the Revised Standard Version are the following: 1 and 2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Additions to the Book of Esther, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch and the Letter of Jeremiah, Additions to Daniel (Prayer of Azariah, Song of the Three Hebrew Children, History of Susanna, Bel and the Dragon), the Prayer of Manasseh, and 1 and 2 Maccabees.

其他书籍放在旧约的修订标准版本如下: 1和2埃斯德拉斯,托比书,朱迪,增补的以斯帖记,智慧, Sirach ,巴鲁克和文字耶利米,增补丹尼尔(祈祷的Azariah ,宋三希伯来儿童,历史的苏珊娜,比利时和龙),玛的祷告,和第1和第2马加比。

更多网络解释与增补相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

enlarged edition:增补版,增订版

增补本enlarged text | 增补版,增订版enlarged edition | 增补版augmented edition

enlarged and edition:增补修订版

增稠剂densifier | 增补修订版enlarged and edition | 增补本enlarged text


enlargement 放大 | ennoble (营养)增补(剂);富集;浓缩 | ennoblement (营养性)增补(作用);强化;富集;浓缩


ennoble (营养)增补(剂);富集;浓缩 | ennoblement (营养性)增补(作用);强化;富集;浓缩 | enocianina (脱糖)葡萄花青素

append LF:增补换行符

append file 增补文件 | append LF 增补换行符 | append 附加

supplementary provision:增补拨款;追加拨款;补充条款

supplementary memorandum 增补议事备忘录 | supplementary provision 增补拨款;追加拨款;补充条款 | supplementary reporting system 考绩补评制度

supplement n.1:增补(物),补充(物) 2.增刊,副刊

suppliern.供应者, 补充者, 厂商, 供给者 | supplement n.1.增补(物),补充(物)2.增刊,副刊 | vt.增补,补充

supplement n.1:增补(物),补充(物) 2.(杂志或报纸的)副刊,增刊

consume vt. 1.吃,喝 2.消耗,花费(尤指大量地) | supplement n. 1.增补(物),补充(物) 2.(杂志或报纸的)副刊,增刊 | vt. 增补,补充

supplement n.1:增补(物) 2.(书籍的)补遗 v. 增补

supervisor n. (政府、学校、企业等的)监督(人) | supplement n. 1. 增补(物) 2.(书籍的)补遗 v. 增补 | supplementary a. 补充的

food supervisions:食品卫生监督 food supplement 食品增补剂

food sterilization equipment 食品杀菌设备 | food supervisions 食品卫生监督 food supplement 食品增补剂 | food supplementation 食品增补 food surveillance 食品监督