英语人>词典>汉英 : 基础 的英文翻译,例句
基础 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
base  ·  bases  ·  basis  ·  bedrock  ·  cornerstone  ·  elements  ·  foundation  ·  fundament  ·  groundwork  ·  pedestal  ·  radical  ·  root  ·  rudiment  ·  substratum  ·  substruction  ·  substructure  ·  staddle  ·  pedestaled  ·  pedestaling  ·  pedestalled  ·  pedestalling  ·  pedestals  ·  anlage  ·  baselines  ·  cornerstones  ·  fonds  ·  understructure

foundation stone · grass roots · ground water · ground work
更多网络例句与基础相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Positioning rural infrastructure is thought to be closely related with the strategy of environmental planning.


PSO is a population-based optimization algorithm, which mimics the social behavior of animals in a flock. It makes use of individual and group memory to update each particle position allowing global and local search optimization. The objective function considered was the total weight of the structure subjected to stresses, displacements and forces constraints. The effects of the parameters were investigated as well and such combination of tuning parameters promote a better global search behavior avoiding premature convergence while rapidly converging to the optimal solution. Results showed the effectiveness of the proposed method by comparing with ANSYS Design Optimization Tool (zero-order method). The PSO with the tuning parameters makes it an ideal method for offshore wind turbines foundations optimization tasks.(2) A reliability analysis method for pile foundation bearing axial loads based PSOThe performance function of pile foundation's axially bearing capacity sometimes is nonlinear and complex, on the basis of geometric meaning of structural reliability index, an optimum model with PSO for structural reliability analysis under arbitrary random variables was established, The PSO algorithm is very efficient to solve global optimization problemsIts use in structural reliability field presents not only the advantage of its facility of implementation, but also the possibility to obtain the design point and the failure probability with a good accuracy. In addition, PSO is a zero order algorithm, for no derivative is necessary for its implementation.


As a special plan, it is highly summarized the basis for mapping the city's main achievements in recent years, pointing out the current development trend of the information age, and from the organization, financial, technical, security and other aspects of proposed safeguards, in order to Hebi City the completion of the socialist market economic system and practical basis for mapping the local management system and operational mechanism to achieve 1:5000 digital topographic map of the city's coverage, 1:2000,1:1000 and 1:500 scale digital topographic map series covering the key areas and the current trend of dynamic, fast updates, and built municipal basic geographic information and data systems and their transmission network system, and build e-government improve the Hebi City-based natural resources and spatial geographic information database, to build "digital Hebi" geo-spatial information infrastructure framework, and can basically meet the economic and social development of basic surveying and mapping needs of protection and support.


There were 8 groups and each groups had 8 cows in the experiment.groups A was the positive group, be feeded basic dietary and in the normal environment; groups B was basic dietary and in the improved environment ; Group C was feeded with basic dietary and NaHCO_3(120g/d/head) and Mg0(50g/d/head) and KCl(180g/d/head), in the environment with no spray and no wind; Group I is feeded with basic dietary and NaHCO_3 (120g/d/head) and MgO(50g/d/head) and KC1 (180g/d/head) and in the another environment with spray and wind; Group E was feeded,with basic dietary and traditional druggery additive in the environment with no spray and no wind; Group F was feeded with basic dietary and traditional druggery additive in the environment with spray and wind;Group G was feeded with basic dietary and NaHCO_3 (120g/d/head) and MgO(50g/d/head) and KCl (180g/d/head) and traditional druggery additive in the environment with no spray and wind; Group H was feeded with basic dietary and NaHCO_3( 120g/d/head ) and Mg0(50g/d/head) and KCl(180g/d/head) and traditional druggery additive in the environment with spray and wind.


The base of computer culture, c programmer, fundamentals of analog electronic circuits, fundamentals of digital electronic circuits, data structure, principles of computer composition, operating system, discrete mathematics, computer network, principles of microcomputer, 8086/8088 macro assembler language; multimedia technology; the principles of database; oopl( errorobject oriented programming language); fundamentals of compiling; software engineering; numerical computational method; mcs51/96 principle of single-chip computer; artificial intelligence; computer system organization; digital interface and digital circuits; java programming language; data structure; operating system; computer network; technology of electronics, etc.

计算机文化基础、c语言程序设计、模拟电路基础、数字逻辑电路基础、数据结构、计算机组成原理、操作系统、离散数学、计算机网络、微型计算机原理、8086/8088宏汇编语言程序设计、多媒体技术、数据库原理。面向对象语言程序设计,编译原理,软件工程基础,数值计算方法、mcs51/96系列单片机原理与应用、人工智能、计算机系统结构、数子接口技术与电路、数据库设计基础 java语言,数据结构,操作系统,计算机网络,电子技术等。还有一些选修的课比如:tcp/ip网络协议分析基础、oracl数据库原理,db2数据库原理等。

The security of PKI system itself is especially emphasized during the system design and implementation process, which is in accordance with the pervasive characteristic of PKI. Second, the concept of a Trusted Key Management Center is introduced for the first time. This technology greatly strengthens key management practices and allows for smooth transition from PKI to Key Management Infrastructure. Third, certificate status mechanisms are investigated in depth, and a certificate revocation performance simulation system is devised. All these work will provide guides to practice and employment of PKI applications. Based on time constraints, a new taxonomy for authenticated dictionaries is proposed. Fourth, formal analysis ofOCSP protocol is carried out; then an efficient and scalable OCSP system is developed. Fifth, the special requirements caused by the working environments of Wireless PKI are analyzed. Based on communicative hashing and dynamic Merkle hash tree, an efficient certificate status validation method suitable for WPKI is presented. Sixth, one important kind of fair exchange protocols is studied, and a new CEMBS based on RSA cryptosystem is proposed. Afterwards, a novel fair exchange protocol totally based on RSA signature scheme is devised.


Results 46.0% people agreed that basic nursing was the nurser's work.40.0% people agreed that basic nursing need professional knowledge and skill.41.7% agreed that basic nursing could promote connection between nurses and patients.43.0% agreed that basic nursing was embodiment of nurse professional value.25.0% agreed that the quality of nursing directly influenced patients' recovery.68.5% agreed that lack of nurse,65.0% agreed that low charge caused basic nursing hard to put in practice.

结果 认同基础护理是护士工作职责占46.0%,认同做好基础护理需要护理专业知识和技能的占40.0%,认同做好基础护理能促进护患沟通的占41.7%,认同基础护理是护士职业价值的具体体现的占43.0%,认同基础护理质量直接影响患者身体康复的占25.0%,而对于护士人手不足、基础护理收费低原因造成基础护理难落实认同率分别为68.0%和65.0%。

By the numerical analysis of the ultimate bearing capacity of two- and three-dimensional footing under combined loading mode, the results show that the effect of alteration of underground water lever on bearing capacity of three-dimensional foundation is more than on that of two-dimensional foundation, the effect of soil gravity on bearing capacity of three-dimensional foundation is more than that of two-dimensional foundation. At the same time, the numerical calculation process of ABAQUS indicates that whether the geostatic stress is balanced or not has great effect on the numerical convergence. In view of the effect extent of dilation angle of soil on the ultimate bearing capacity and the failure pattern of foundation, the condition of two-dimensional plane strain is higher than that of the three-dimensional foundation.


With reference to relevant experience both from home and abroad, diversified source of capital should be introduced to invest in urban infrastructure construction. Besides government fund,the infrastructure financing channel should be expanded and social capital should be attracted to take part in urban infrastructure construction. Meantime, current infrastructure operating approach should be altered to improve investment efficiency of government"s fund .In addition , sources of capital and their application should be standardized as well. Generally speaking, ideas in the article could be concluded as "market-based operation, socialized investment, plural debt, direct financing, limited withdraw of government and positive intervene of private capital. The article also put forward six measures to make all the ideas and suggestions operatable.


On the basis of historical investigation,theauthor sums up five-point revelations:The consolidation of the Party'sruling foundation from the base while not turning things inside out;theconsolidation of the Party's ruling foundation in full-scale while not beingnarrow and unilateral;the consolidation of the Party's ruling foundationstep by step while not being desperate for success;the consolidation of theParty's ruling foundation concretely and historically while not beingdeadlock and conservative;the consolidation of the Party's rulingfoundation with open mind while not being self-closed.


更多网络解释与基础相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bargainn.交易;特价商品 v.讨价还价 | basen.基,底;基础,根据v.把...建立在...基础上 | basica.基本的,基础

strip footing:浅基础条形基础

498 17. 浅基础 谈弹性地基梁(板)分析 analysis of beams and slabs on elastic foundation | 499 17. 浅基础 条形基础 strip footing | 500 17. 浅基础 下卧层 substratum

foundation engineering:基础工程;基础工程学;地基工程;地基工程学

foundation dredging 地基开挖 | foundation engineering 基础工程;基础工程学;地基工程;地基工程学 | foundation grouting technique 基础灌浆技术;地基灌浆技术

grillage foundation:格床基础,格排基础,格形基础

grillage footing 格排底座 | grillage foundation 格床基础,格排基础,格形基础 | grille 格栅,格子窗,装饰栅,铁花格


"基础设施"(infrastructure)产生于工业经济,用以概括道路、桥梁等社会基础设施. "网络基础设施"的核心是信息和通信技术及经过培训的人力资源. 20世纪90年代以来,伴随着全球基础设施(GII)的发展,数字图书馆成为信息社会基础设施的组成部分.

shallow foundation:浅基础

桥梁基础根据其埋置深度分为浅基础(shallow foundation)和深基础(deep foumdation). 将埋置深度较浅(一般在数米以内),且施工简单的基础称为浅基础;由于浅层土质不良,需将基础置于较深的良好土层上,且施工较复杂的基础称为深基础.


underpass 隧道;下通路 | underpin 托换基础;基础加固;托换基础支撑 | underpinned pile 托换桩

box caisson foundation:深基础沉箱基础

507 18. 深基础 沉井基础 open-end caisson foundation | 508 18. 深基础 沉箱基础 box caisson foundation | 509 18. 深基础 成孔灌注同步桩 synchronous pile

box caisson foundationf:深基础沉箱基础

18. 深基础沉井基础open-end caisson foundation/v--/: | 18. 深基础沉箱基础box caisson foundationf' | 18. 深基础成孔灌注同步桩synchronous pile

基础利率 base rate 基础利率:base rate

431 1 base price 基价 base price 基价 | 432 1 base rate 基础利率 base rate 基础利率 | 433 1 base stock 基础存量 base stock 基础存量