英语人>词典>汉英 : 基因 的英文翻译,例句
基因 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gene  ·  genetically  ·  homogeneously  ·  Gene  ·  genes

germ plasm · efficient cause · Mendelian factor · Mendelian unit
更多网络例句与基因相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

DYS522 sites examine proptosis 5 discrimination power with personal allele,allelomorph to 0.6495,the excluding probability of paternit is;DYS508 sites examine proptosis 6 discrimination power with personal allele, allelomorph to 0.7006,the excluding probability of paternit is;DYS632 sites examine proptosis 3 discrimination power with personal allele,allelomorph to 0.5224,the excluding probability of paternit is;DYS556 sites examine proptosis 6 discrimination power with personal allele,allelomorph to 0.7454,the excluding probability of paternit is.


Along with the fluconazole solution density rise,the experimental two kind of strain various glucose density is higher,showe d the glucose consumption are less,takes the logarithmof the medicine de nsity,discovered the logarithm the medicine density and each glucose den sity presents the linear relations;Carries on the analysis comparison to under the fluconazole function two kind of strain linear relations,disc overed the relations of the two strains has the nonuniformity.3 Compare the fluconazole induction reaiatance SC5314 strain and sens itive strain compares,its difference gene expression mainly concentrates in:The code proteinase body and the protein hydroltyic enzyme gene,in the code sugar fat metabolism process is connected the protein gene,the cell cycle correlation gene,the duplication and the translation adjustme nt correlation gene,the stress response correlation gene,the line plast ochondria correlation gene,the cell wall function related gene.4 Candida albicans SC5314 induction resiatance strain was processed b y Xianglian solution,its expression change gene mainly is:Code stress re sponse family protein gene,biomembrane relevant gene,a code proteinase body gene race,code cell cycle related protein gene,duplication and tra nslation adjustment related protein gene.5 The clinical reaiatance strain Candida albicans was processed by Xi anglian solution,its expression change gene mainly is:Codes the hot sho ck protein gene,the serine/threonine protein activating enzyme gene,the proteinase body family gene,the regulation copies and translates the ge ne.


In order to reduce calculation error, the frequency distribution of average values is used to compute the mixed distribution's digital features of each component distribution, thereinto, the number of the component distribution is determined by AIC, choose the number that meets the minimum value of AIC as the component number of mixed distribution, and the other parameters are estimated by EM algorithm; Secondly, because each component distribution is corresponding to a kind of major gene genotype, according to the values of the average and variance of the each component distribution, we can use the limit error of the normal distribution to plot each individual into the correspondent component distribution, namely into correspondent major gene genotype. Then we regard each major gene genotype as a treatment level of one-way analysis of variances, and the one-way multivariate analysis of variance is carried out to calculate the covariance matrix of major gene effect, covariance matrix of polygene effect, covariance matrix of environment effect and so on; At last, combining the weights of the each component distribution of mixed distribution, we can calculate the variance of major gene effect, the variance of polygene effect, environmental variance and the genetic gain of the quantitative trait.


Objective To investigate the expression of 基因 Pgp protein and apoptosis and its significance in bladder cancers.

摘 要]目的:研究膀胱癌P53阳性、基因、MDM2意义凋亡的表达。

In our study, 3 genotypies have been respectively demonstrated in UL139 and UL149 for the first time, and the corelations between certain genotypical structure and certain diseases were also proposed; The existence of the 3 genotypes of UL144 was foremost verified in isolates from congenital infants; Furthermore, the UL140, UL141 and UL145 genes were observed to be greatly discrepant to those had been described previously: comparing with Toledo, 231 nt are inserted in UL140, 2 more ORFs are obtained in UL141, and the UL145 ORF moves upstream by 90 nt. Except UL144, the sequences of 18 else genes in clinical isolates were submitted for the first time, and 479 sequences were assigned by GeneBank in total. Relevantly, 9 papers were published.

我们在学术界首次证实了HCMV UL139、UL149两个基因在临床分离株中分别存在三种基因型,发现了其中某个基因型的基因结构与特定来源的分离株存在一定的对应关系;首次在先天感染分离株中验证了UL144三种基因型的存在;首次证实了UL140、UL141和UL145等基因与原先认识的基因结构不同,其中UL140基因较Toledo株增加了231个碱基、UL141产生2个新的基因编码区、UL145 ORF较Toledo株前移90个碱基;首次或最先提交了除UL144基因外其余18个基因的临床分离株序列,本项目组共有479个HCMV相关基因序列被GenBank收录;发表研究论文9篇。

We initiated a genetic screen for Drosophila olfactory genes by means of SG18.1-Gal4/UAS system: The result validates our screen as an rapid, effective approach for recovering genes controlling glomerular map patterning; From a misexpression screen of 1,515 P{GS} lines, we identified 23 genes that, when forcibly expressed in the olfactory receptor neurons, disrupted the stereotyped anatomy of the Drosophila antennal lobes; These genes, which have not been shown previously to control olfactory map development, encode novel proteins as well as proteins with known roles in axonal outgrowth and cytoskeletal remodeling.


Glioma is still one of refractory disease in the neurosurgical field; the development of new primary and adjuvant treatment is vital. Recently, the gene therapy of glioma is developed rapidly and there are many methods about the gene therapy that include: suicide gene therapy, immunologic gene therapy, drug resistangce gene therapy, angiostatin gene therapy and so on. The sucide gene therapy is the most potential approach of antitumer, these nonmammalian genes encode enzyme that convert nontoxic prodrugs into highly toxic metablites. Cells transfected with suicide genes are targeted for specific negative selection, witch can be induced by administrtion of the corresponding produg. Among the enzyme/produg combinations, two of the best characterized system are herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase /ganciclovir and Escherichia coli cytosine deaminase /5-flourocytosine (5-FC). The formor can convert the antiviral nucleoside analogs acyclovir , ganciclovir to their nucleoside monophosphate derivatives, the monophosphate forms are subsequently phosphorylated by endogenus cellular kinases to triphosphates, these molecules are potent inhibitors of DNA synthesis.


This study investigated gene polymorphism of β_1-AR, CY2PD6, ACE and of BDKRB2 in the population of Hunan mid-region by PCR and PCR-RFLP method. The results showed that the frequencies of Ser49Ser and Arg389Arg genotype of β_1-AR gene were respectively 68.7% and 55.3%. And the allele frequencies of 49Ser and 49Gly were 83.9% and 16.1%, moreover 76.1% for 389Arg and 23.9% for 389Gly.


Methods Apoptosis Index was assessed with TUNEL technique,and immunohistochemical stainings of 基因 and Pgp were performed in 83 cases of the carcinomas and 11 "normal" bladder mncosa.


The chip used contains 4097 genes covering oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, the genes related to ion channels, cell cycle proteins, outer force reaction proteins, cell skeleton and movement, and apoptosis, the genes associated with DNA synthesis, repair and recombination, the genes related to DNA combining and transcription, the genes encoding cell receptors, the genes related to signaling, the genes associated with immune response, metabolism, protein synthesis, development and others.


更多网络解释与基因相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Multiple allele:复等位基因

造成基因多态性的原因:1复等位基因(multiple allele)位于一对同源染色体上对应位置的一对基因称为等位基因(allele). 由于群体中的突变,同一座位的基因系列称为复等位基因. 某些复合体基因的每一座位都存在为数众多的复等位基因,

gene transfer:基因转移

2.1O 基因治疗 基因转移(gene transfer)和基因转染(gene transfection)技术是近年来分子生物学迅速发展的重要标志,也是临床基因治疗的主要手段. 近几年,OA的基因治疗得到迅速发展,但在基因治疗运用于临床之前,必须解决以下问题:①目的基因的选择;

genotype frequency:基因型频率

40基因频率(gene frequency)指特定位点上一个等位基因数目占该位点上全部等位基因总树的比率,也可以说是该等位基因在群体中出现的频率. 41基因型频率(genotype frequency) 群体内特定基因型数目占该基因位点全部基因型的数目总合的比率叫做基因型频率.


等位基因(Allele): 在染色体上占据相同位置的两个不同的基因 基因座(Locus): 基因在染色体所处的位置. 特定的基因在染色体上都有其特定的座位. 每个基因座上,有 两个等位基因. 显性基因(Dominant Gene): 在杂合状态中,

epistatic gene:上位基因

一对等位基因受到另一对等位基因的制约,并随着后者不同前者的表型有所差异,后者即为上位基因(epistatic gene). 这一现象称为上位效应(epistasis). 起遮盖作用的基因如果是显性基因,称为上位显性基因. 这种基因互作称为显性上位作用(dominant epistasis).

genomic library:基因文库

的筛选和鉴定 目的基因(target DNA)的制备 目的基因 目的基因(外源基因) 目的基因(外源基因) 制备基因组DNA 制备基因组 - 基因文库(genomic library)-存在于转化细菌 基因文库 存在于转化细菌 克隆载体携带的所有基因组DNA的集合中,


一个操纵子又包含3种基因,即结构基因(structure gene)、操纵基因(opera tor)和启动基因(promotor). 结构基因是通过转录和翻译过程来执行多肽(酶及结构蛋白)合 成的,操纵基因是与结构基因紧密连锁在一起的,是阻遏蛋白的附着部位,

multiple alleles:复等位基因

HLA的多态性主要是由于复等位基因和共显性所致: (1)复等位基因(multiple alleles),位于一对同源染色体上对应位置的一对基因叫等位基因. 由于群体的突变,同一基因座的基因系列称为复等位基因,对某一个体来说一个基因座只有一对等位基因,

gene mutation:<基因词汇Gene> 基因突变

gene locus <基因词汇Gene> 基因位点 | gene mutation <基因词汇Gene> 基因突变 | gene regulation <基因词汇Gene> 基因调节


原癌基因 原癌基因(oncogene)是细胞内与细胞增殖相关的基因,是维持机体正常生命活动所必须的,在进化上高等保守. 当原癌基因的结构或调控区发生变异,基因产物增多或活性增强时,使细胞过度增殖,从而形成肿瘤. 原癌基因的产物主要包括(表13-2,