英语人>词典>汉英 : 坦白承认 的英文翻译,例句
坦白承认 的英文翻译、例句


come clean · confess and acknowledge
更多网络例句与坦白承认相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We may see that following the atrocities committed again Europe's Jews, the German people have openly acknowledged their wrongs and have kept their memory alive as an admonishment to future generations.


He avow ed openly that he was divorced.


He avowed openly that he was divorced.


He avowed openly that he was divorce d.


My children are the bane of my existence.


Based on this cognizance, I candidly confess that there is no fixed criterion to the world.


I freely confess i'm as dotty as you are.


Much of his later work harks back to earlier years, even if the harking is riven with pain or regret;"Company," for instance, from 1980, recasts a fitful set of incidents from Beckett's farthest past, as he confessed to his authorized biographer, James Knowlson.


I brought my wrong into the open.


So we close this Marriage Builder with the sage advice from Ogden Nash:"To keep love brimming in the loving cup, when you're wrong admit it and when you're right shut up!"


更多网络解释与坦白承认相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


aver 断言 | avow 公开承认,坦白承认 | awake 吵醒,唤起

confess to:承认,坦白

last vi. 持续 | confess to 承认,坦白 | work out 计算出;设计出

confess v.1:坦白,供认 2.承认

density n.密度 | confess v.1.坦白,供认 2.承认 | nefarious a.邪恶的, 穷凶极恶的

confess v.1:承认 2.坦白,供认

extent n. 1.某种(什么、这样的、一定的)程度 2.长度; 面积; 范围 | confess v. 1.承认 2.坦白,供认 | carpenter n. 木匠,木工

I brought my wrong into the open:我坦白承认了我的错误

We will bring the building into being next year. 我们明年将建成这座大楼. | I brought my wrong into the open. 我坦白承认了我的错误. | bring sth to a dead end使某事停滞不前:

Own up to:承认错误;坦白

on one's own 独自地 | own up to 承认错误;坦白 | pay pay a visist to 访问~

Own up to:对某人坦白交待,向某人承认

the era of responsibility 负责任的时代 | own up to 对某人坦白交待,向某人承认 | top White House post 白宫高级职位

To own up to:完全(坦白)供认,爽快承认

. 21 Under the weather身体不舒服; 心情不好 | . 22 To own up to完全(坦白)供认,爽快承认 | . 23 To grab a bite to eat快速吃掉

own up:坦白地承认,供认

3687owing to因为,由于 | 3689own up坦白地承认,供认 | 3690ownern. 所有人,物主

You could almost say he admits, confesses:你可以说他几乎已经承认,坦白

What makes it compelling is what Max Ernst reveals.|让它引人注目需要马克斯. 恩斯特去揭示. | You could almost say he admits, confesses,|你可以说他几乎已经承认,坦白, | about himself.|关于他自己.