英语人>词典>汉英 : 坚挺的 的英文翻译,例句
坚挺的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
firm  ·  firmed  ·  firming  ·  firms

更多网络例句与坚挺的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The chest holds the piece according to the human body engineering design, but it can the better mold chest shape, the enhancement hold the strength.


Which erst from heat did canopy the herd


You have your fother's beautiful eyes. And my strong chin.


The Japanese yen is one of the stronger currencies in the world.


The japanese yen is one of the stronger currency in the world.


With support from a strong bulk market, owners placed 27 bulker orders of various sizes over the last week.


In certain societies, long, pendular breasts are considered superior; in others, the taste runs to the round and firm.


Looking from the outside, the PKU Red Building located at Shatan, despite the vicissitudes of time, has still preserved its strong posture.


WHEN demand is scarce and jobs are being lost, no one relishes a strong currency.


This is to prevent any one president from saturating the Board with his nominees.


更多网络解释与坚挺的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

associated firms:联合的坚挺

17 appointment 任命 | 18 associated firms 联合的坚挺 | 20 assurance engagement 保证债务

Beauty Shop:美容院

E2 S就是出自他手)、>(After the Sunset)、>(Beauty Shop)等. 还有>第一部也是靠着简马尔.西姆森的舞蹈才在一片恶评口水中依然坚挺的掳走了一亿的票房. 另外,去年热卖的歌舞片>也是他的力作之一.

hard currency:硬通货

硬通货(hard currency)硬通货是指国际信用较好、币值稳定、汇价呈坚挺状态的货币. 由于各国通货膨胀的程度不同,国际收支状况以及外汇管制宽严程度不同,当一国通货膨胀较低,国际收支顺差时,该国货币币值相对稳定,汇价呈坚挺状态.

egotistical practice:利己主义行为

坚挺的人民币 the strong Yuan | 利己主义行为 egotistical practice | 政治化 politicize


firing-head 地雷引爆箱 | firkin 木制小桶 | firm 坚挺的


最叫人印象深刻的是那双有如刺剑(estoc)般的眉毛,以及坚挺,彷佛带着强大意志力的下颔,比起什么可怜的被害者,假寐中的战争女神会是更贴切的比喻. "FBI一般把"蝴蝶结男"这类连续杀人犯大约分成有组织(organized)及无组织(disorganized)两类.

We stand or fall:我们坚挺还是沉沦

May just tumble to the ground 可能只是跌倒在地上 | We stand or fall 我们坚挺还是沉沦 | With your future in another's hands 和你的未来一同在别人的手里

Streetwise:熟悉民间疾苦的; 下层生活中打过滚的 (形)

streetwalking 拉客卖淫 (名) | streetwise 熟悉民间疾苦的; 下层生活中打过滚的 (形) | strengthen 加强, 变坚固; 变强大; 变坚挺 (动)

The heroic lay is tuneless now:英雄的歌谣不再传唱流行

祖国啊!你也沉醉不醒! My country? On thy voiceless shore | 英雄的歌谣不再传唱流行,The heroic lay is tuneless now - | 英雄的胸心不再跳动坚挺. The heroic bosom beats no more

unyielding: a.1:不易弯曲的,坚挺的 2.不屈从的,坚定的,顽强的,顽固的

incompatibility: n.不相容性,不一致性,无法共存 | unyielding: a.1.不易弯曲的,坚挺的 2.不屈从的,坚定的,顽强的,顽固的 | speciousness: n.1.华而不实,外表美观 2.似是而非,貌似有理