英语人>词典>汉英 : 场合 的英文翻译,例句
场合 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
conjuncture  ·  instance  ·  occasion  ·  instanced  ·  instances  ·  instancing  ·  occasioning  ·  occasions

更多网络例句与场合相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, is located in an alluvial fan-shaped basin on...


Compared to the built-in float implementation of binary floating point, the new class is especially helpful for financial applications and other uses which require exact decimal representation, control over precision, control over rounding to meet legal or regulatory requirements, tracking of significant decimal places, or for applications where the user expects the results to match calculations done by hand.

相比内置的二进制浮点数实现:class:' float',新类型特别适用于金融应用和其它需要精确十进制表达的场合,控制精度,控制舍入以适应法律或者规定要求,确保十进制数位精度,或者用户希望用作数学计算的场合

This method ensures margins but can not be the best way to pricing in a competitive scenario: some exporters tend instead to consider a flexible cost-plus strategy which allows variations in special circumstances.


Don't forget to bring outfits for different occasions, for example, the President's Dinner Dance is a formal dinner and the Golden Gavel Luncheon is business formal.


Thirdly, for the hardware based on PCI bus this paper designed the application software which is used for speech monitor. For the the hardware based on PCI-Express bus this paper design the application software which is used for interferometer direction finder.


The person is in formal circumstance often is dryasdust , and in informal circumstance often be wet breathe out breathe out.


Classy pieces can be perfect for social occasions, whereas a little sprig of flowers or garnishment may be needed for formal occasions.


Don'ts:Spit ; Litter; Talk loudly in public places; Take off your shirts or shoes on planes, trains or buses; Squat or smoke in public places; Jump queues; Jaywalk; Write graffiti anywhere;Sneeze openly; Blow your nose loudly when other people are around; Play cards loudly on the train or plane.


This course aims to increase the confidence of students in business settings through providing them with common,formal vocabulary and creating aspace where students can practice their skills.


Venues such as small gas, elections should be vertical; occasions, such as gas changes have long-distance (over 500 meters), should be considered mobile; if the occasion should not use electricity, it should be diesel-driven selection style; If there is no occasion to use tap water, it is necessary to select air-cooled.


更多网络解释与场合相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amen corner:教堂的右前部座位; (会议等场合)支持发言者的人的座位

amemolite | 分支钟乳石 | amen corner | 教堂的右前部座位; (会议等场合)支持发言者的人的座位 | amen seat | 教堂前座的座位

at one time with another:在不同场合, 在不同的时期

at one time and another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期 | at one time with another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期 | at one and the same time 在同时; 一面...一面又

at one time and another:在不同场合, 在不同的时期

at one time(过去)有个时期; 曾经, 一度 同时 | at one time and another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期 | at one time with another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期

at other times:平素, 往常; 在其它时候; 在另外场合

at one's time of life 在这个年纪 | at other times 平素, 往常; 在其它时候; 在另外场合 | at the best of times 在情况最好时候

be made from:由...所做成的(用于原材料不易看出的场合)

ballroom dancing 交际舞 | be made from 由...所做成的(用于原材料不易看出的场合) | stimulant mitogen 分裂刺激原


学过服装的人都知道,西方人在穿着上有个T.P.O,他指的是时间(Time),地点(Place)场合(Occasion),意思是要根据时间,地点,场合的不同来选择不同的着装. 化妆造型其实也一样,也应该有一个T.P.O. 什么时间适合化淡妆,什么地点适合化浓妆,

one time and another:在不同场合, 在不同的时期

at one time(过去)有个时期; 曾经, 一度 同时 | one time and another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期 | one time with another 在不同场合, 在不同的时期

Do not question my authority under any circumstances:在任何场合 都不准质疑我的权威

Do not question my authority in front of others.|有人在的场合 不许质疑我的权威 | Do not question my authority under any circumstances.|在任何场合 都不准质疑我的权威 | Authority?|权威?


elsewhere /在别处/在其他什么地方/在其他场合/其他地/别处/ | elsewhither /在别处/在其他场合/ | eluant /洗提液/

Anaria shola:有何贵干(公共场合的招呼语)

Anar'alah belore - 以日光的名义(既可以用于战吼也可以用于立誓的场合. | Anaria shola - 有何贵干(公共场合的招呼语) | Bal'a dash malanore - 你好,旅行者(问候语)