英语人>词典>汉英 : 在西北的 的英文翻译,例句
在西北的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与在西北的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the average WDI for every month was calculated from 60 decades WDI and the drought frequency for every month was obtained with a drought criterion. Results showed that: in spring, North-western China, Northern China and Southern China have a higher drought frequency; in May to August, the region that has a higher drought frequency focus on North-western China and Northern China; from September to December, North-western China, Northern China, center China and Sichuan basin has a higher drought frequency (6) The relationship between average WDI for all the 720 decades in 20 years and average precipitation was analysed and was used to regionalize drought in China.


During the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution , Gelaohui manufactured many devotions and reversed rotter dominate of Qing Dynasty .


This thesis is divided into four parts, first part one has explained the background of the research, puts forward to the problem of the thesis, thinking and method; The second part two has introduced the overview of northwest under developed area, and analyzed the characteristic of local university"s scientific research of northwest under developed area and the demand of young teachers; The third part, according to the current situation motivation of scientific research the young teachers of local university in Gansu as the individual case, carrying on comparative analysis to local university"s young teacher"s scientific research in Gansu Province; The forth part has combined the typical case - the current situation of Gansu Province, put forward the measures to the northwest under developed area that concerning the scientific research motivation for young teachers: Intensity of research funding of the young teachers should be moderate; Young teacher"s assessment of results should not give priority to symbolic achievements and patent for invention; the structure of graduation school the young teacher of local university should be optimized; It is necessary to strengthen the training of the scientific research of the young teachers;It is necessary to set up the teachers sabbatical leave system and improve the system of floating of teachers of local universities.


Wager Bay, Northwest Territories, Canada, 1996 Photograph by Flip Nicklin 加拿大西北省威哲湾国家公园摄影:菲力普尼克林 Eighteenth-century European scientists named Ursus maritimus, meaning 'sea bear,' and that they truly are, spending most of their lives on sea ice.

" "18世纪时欧洲科学家将北极熊的学名命为Ursus maritimus,意思就是'海熊',而北极熊确实是在海洋的冰上度过了大部分的时光。

Photo Gallery: Erosion and Weathering Heavy rains in northwest Iowa washed away soil, leaving this scarred tableau.


Heavy rains in northwest Iowa washed away soil, leaving this scarred tableau.


Reformers, intellectuals, civil leaders and human-rights activists have been arrested or have gone missing, not only in Tehran but also in Tabriz, in the north-west, and across the country.


The factors available to hail formation and development, as the climatic, the synoptic and local circulation characteristics and local factors in northwest China are summarized. The recent achievements in hail research by the radar, satellite, lighting gauge and modeling are summed up. Some key scientific problems needed to be urgently solved and research methods needed to be further developed are pointed out.Keywords : Hail research Climatic and synoptic circulation characteristics Northwest China.


Sunday's encounter at Anfield was a fast and furious affair in stark contrast to the recent turgid affairs between Chelsea and Liverpool in the north west.


I agreed with this place with no hesitations because it is a beautiful Caribbean island in the Northwest part of my country, Colombia.


更多网络解释与在西北的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


住在同室的人roommate | 住在修道院的cloistered | 住在印度西北国境的阿富汗人Pathan

light rail vehicle:轻铁车辆

"试车牌照"(trade licence) 指根据在>(第374章)下订立的规例而发出的试车牌照;"道路"(road) 包括─(c)西北铁路的铁路; (由1989年第12号第2条代替)"署长"(Commissioner) 指运输署署长;"轻铁车辆"(light rail vehicle) 指在西北铁路上操

Northeastern University:西北大学

美国西北大学(Northeastern University)近日正式起诉搜索巨头Google公司,原因是Google侵犯了西北大学在搜索引擎技术上的一项重要专利技术,位于波士顿(boston)的西北大学是一所历史悠久的高等学府,到目前为止已经有100多年的历史了,

Northern Slope:北坡(美国阿拉斯加州北冰洋之间)

Northern 北爱尔兰 | Northern Slope 北坡(美国阿拉斯加州北冰洋之间) | northwestern a.在西北的,向西北的;来自西北的

Northwest Airlines:美西北航空公司

在会上,这家亚特兰大航空运营商的首席财务官爱德-巴斯汀(Ed Bastian)重申其与美西北航空公司(Northwest Airlines)(NWA)合并的决心. 不过,他又表示,由于燃料价格上涨至前所未有的水平,他理解其他航空公司暂停并购活动的原因. 在低成本航空公司当中,

Northwest Airlines:美国西北航空公司

内容摘要: 美国西北航空公司(Northwest Airlines)(场外交易代码:NWACQ)今天宣布,该公司将拓展其与大韩航空公司(Korean Air)的代码共享合作关系,从而使在大韩航空公司运营的7条国际航线以及美国西北航空公司运营的6条美国国内航线旅行的客户受益.

Northwestern University:美国西北大学

在美国,西北大学(Northwestern University)是众所周知的名牌大学. 它位于伊利诺州密歇根湖岸的小城埃文斯顿. 埃文斯顿在芝加哥以北,是芝加哥收入相对较高的地区. 西北大学虽然校园面积不太大,但风景非常优美,有长达数英里的湖滨沙滩和浴场. 校园...


住在修道院的cloistered | 住在印度西北国境的阿富汗人Pathan | 住在于的living-in

south-east of:在......的东南

6 north-west of the zoo 在动物园的西北 | south-east of 在......的东南 | 7 get a call 接到一个电话

He toured music halls in Germany:(他在德国的音乐厅作巡回演出. )

5)We are going to tour north-west China this summer.(今夏我们打算游历中国西北地区. ) | 6)He toured music halls in Germany.(他在德国的音乐厅作巡回演出. ) | 12.Variation n. 变化