英语人>词典>汉英 : 固步自封的 的英文翻译,例句
固步自封的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
stuffy  ·  stuffier

更多网络例句与固步自封的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Prohibite wind baggary,prohibite bad manners;Prohibite offending clients,prohibite weaseling out;prohibire without result,prohibite calumniate competitors;prohibite power corruption,prohibite disobeying regulation system;prohibite being conservative and complacent,prohibite complaining about fellows.


The sort of in the past is in in teaching job like to be done by the same old stuff, follow rules, firm condition is self-given, without creative idea, without the doctrinairism way that reforms daring, already did not develop a space.


The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching TLFeBOOK The Art and Practice of LEADERSHIP Coaching 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets Edited by Howard Morgan, Phil Harkins, and Marshall Goldsmith ...


China cannot develop by closing its door, sticking to the beaten track and being self-complacent.


Its door, sticking to the beaten track and being self-complacent.


Besides firm condition self-given outside, very main reason does business only namely, do not make a career.


Look your best and get out there - nothing will happen if you stay barricaded inside!


Arnold Schwarzenegger's government is dysfunctional and the legislature gridlocked.

此刻Arnold Schwarzenegger的政府弊病缠身,立法机构也固步自封。

No one wants to work with big egos, jackasses or people that simply are done learning.


However the government of Qing Dynasty, which was self-conceited , ignorant and conservative and complacent, lost chances again and again for China to step into modernization.


更多网络解释与固步自封的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

open secret:(公开的秘密):秘密一旦公开,就已不是秘密

Only Choice(唯一的选择):如果还有选择,就不会是唯一. | Open Secret(公开的秘密):秘密一旦公开,就已不是秘密. | Progressive Conservative(进步保守党):固步自封谓之保守,如何进步?


英格兰人的民族性中,多少有固步自封和势利眼(Snobbish)的特征. 因其保守,就特别喜欢搬出祖宗成法来抗拒改变. 这个至今仍保留着完整贵族阶层的国度,对于任何暴发户般的外国人其实都打心眼里不喜欢,在足球这个国技项目上尤其如此.