英语人>词典>汉英 : 回转 的英文翻译,例句
回转 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cornering  ·  gyration  ·  gyre  ·  gyrus  ·  slew  ·  turn  ·  turning  ·  circumgyration  ·  slewed

turn around
更多网络例句与回转相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This grinding machine processes the way adoption correspond type to whet to pare the way, the work piece install at turn round the work on the stage, turn round with the work pedestal, the emery wheel turns round at the same time, the path of the emery wheel to enter to depend turn round the work pedestal to follow the X direction moves the realization, top of bearings bore and top end face process good after, process with same emery wheel underneath of bearings bore and under carry the noodles, the work piece install once, with guarantee the accuracy.

此磨床的加工方式采用切入式磨削方式,工件安装在回转工作台上,随工作台回转,同时砂轮回转,砂轮的径向进给靠回转工作台沿 X 方向位移实现,上面的轴承孔及上端面加工好后,用同一砂轮加工下面的轴承孔及下端面,工件一次安装,以保证精度。

According to actual condition, a model of wall thickness of rotary kiln is established. The constant coefficients in the model, including thermal conductivity, heat transfer coefficient, Fourier coefficient and contact resistance, are closely calculated. A formula of contact resistance is draw from a great deal of data of surface and inner temperature of rotary kiln. The wall thickness of rotary kiln is simulated by MATLAB. The simulation result is transmitted from MATLAB to DELPHI through a group of interface functions compiled by VC++. The basic graphs-circle and line are analyzed by the means of the technique of Visualization in Scientific Computing and the Bresenham arithmetic, and are realized the visualization of the wall thickness. The contents of communication between master computer and slaver computer are designed and the error control technique, the idea of multi-thread and the embedded assembly language are applied to realize the temperature data transmission and graph transmission, which largely improved the speed of transmission and the reliability and stability of system.


This thesis based on the combination of production practice and theory study by author in Hunan Sunward Co.


The movement can be divided into two regions, one is the active surface region, the other is the solid region, and it goes under the way of rolling and falling. The heat transfer process in rotary kiln goes with extremely complex physical and chemistry process. Considering the revolving of the kiln body itself and the special movement way of the materials, as well as the influence of the material reaction dynamic parameters, we have established the unidimensional axial heat transfer model for rotary kiln. Then according to the tentative data which has been published, we have testified that the unidimensional axial heat transfer model could reflect the


When the turn-table slewed, the hydraulic motor transmitted power output which enabled pinions on the output shaft to revolve.


The sectors are subdividable for higher preciseness. The temperature distributions of the gas, air and hea...


There are 13 FUSAN CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO.,LTD PDF 文件使用"pdfFactory Pro"试用版本创建 www.fineprint.cn FUSHAN TOWER CRANE OPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS-QTZ125G(FS6016) symmetrically installed the two set of slewing mechanism on two side of the support, and pinion of its lower is joggled with outer circle of slewing support correctly.

3.1.7 上支座(见图 3-7)upper support 上支座上部用 16 个螺栓与回转塔身相连,下部用高强度螺栓与回转支承相连。在支承座两侧对称地安装两套回转机构,而在它下面的小齿轮准确地与回转支承外齿圈啮合。

The experimental system consists of a rotary mechanism and a luffing mechanism and is used for the simulation of luffing motion and rotating motion.


Preparing rotary steel cage comprising one rotating frame, one steel cage and one driving mechanism; and 2. setting the rotary steel cage in the tail of haydite calcining rotary kiln and introducing hot tail gas through the cavity channel of the steel cage, rotating the steel cage, loading raw haydite pellet into the steel cage through the upper inlet for drying through contact with hot tail gas, and discharging the stoved haydite pellet through the lower outlet.


The experiment system is consisted of transferring machine and rotary machine, to simulate the motion of transferring machine and rotary machine.


更多网络解释与回转相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rotary crystal diffraction:回转结晶绕射

"rotary straightening","回转矫直" | "rotary crystal diffraction","回转结晶绕射" | "rotary crystal method","回转结晶法"

draw on rollover:回转起模

回转浇铸机 rotary casting machine | 回转起模 draw on rollover | 回转输送机 rotary conveyer

draw on rollover:来回转起模

回转浇铸机 rotary casting machine | 来回转起模 draw on rollover | 回转输送机 rotary conveyer


freewheel mechanism 自由回转机构 | freewheeling clutch 自由回转离合器 | freewheeling roller clutch 自由回转滚柱式离合器

rotary grass cutter:回转式剪草机

"rotary dryer","回转式乾燥机" | "rotary grass cutter","回转式剪草机" | "rotary haymaker","回转式翻草机"

radius of gyration:回转半径

午饭的时候和万师兄讨论了一下我的文章该咋写,之间想起来一件事情,就是昨天BBX论坛上www.mdbbs.org上有个人提到的回转半径的问题,回转半径(radius of gyration)可以用来描述一个物体的尺度,wiki上是这样介绍回转半径在粒子物理当中的应用的:


gyrating crusher 回转破碎机 | gyration 回转 | gyratory 回转破碎机

rotary weeder:回转除草器;回转除草机

"rotary tiller","驱动式耕耘机;回转犁" | "rotary weeder","回转除草器;回转除草机" | "rotation of crops","轮作"


gypsy 绞车副卷筒,锚机滚筒,绞缆筒, | gyral 圆同流,回流,回转,循环,回转的,旋转的 | gyrator 回转器,旋转子

women giant slalom:女子高山大回转 高山女大回转

Women Slalom 女子高山回转 高山女回转 | Women Giant Slalom 女子高山大回转 高山女大回转 | Skiing Alpine Skiing 高山 滑雪 Women Super-G 女子高山超级大回转 高山女超大回转