英语人>词典>汉英 : 嗜好 的英文翻译,例句
嗜好 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
appetite  ·  avocation  ·  gout  ·  gusto  ·  hobby  ·  indulgence  ·  interest  ·  liking  ·  penchant  ·  predilection  ·  yen  ·  indulgenced  ·  gustoes  ·  hobbies  ·  indulgences  ·  indulgencing  ·  interests  ·  yenned  ·  yenning  ·  yens  ·  avocations  ·  predilections  ·  pursuits

acquired taste
更多网络例句与嗜好相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Everyone has his own hobby; archery is my father's favorite hobby.


FromMiddle English fantsy 源自中古英语 fantsy from fantasie 源自 fantasie *See Also : fantasy fan揷ily adv fan揷iness n fancy [5fAnsi] n.

想象力 幻想;空想;设想嗜好;爱好;迷恋;嗜好品鉴赏力;审美观点嗜好者;玩赏者;。。。

The sensory evaluation showed that the jelly could get the highest acceptance as the gumminess was at 25-50gf, the lowest acceptance was at 5-10gf due to incomplete gelatin, if the gelatin is too hard, the non-well spreading will result in lowering the acceptance.

果冻凝胶嗜好性经官能品评的结果,在 25-50 gf 间者凝胶嗜好性最佳, 15-20 gf 者次之, 5-10 gf 者则因凝胶不完全而接受性最差。但若凝胶性太高,则有涂抹不良的现象,亦会使嗜好性降低。

My grandfather's hobby was worrying, and although hobbies are not usually thought of as being inheritable, I am a talented worrier, too.


Furthermore, in the CTA rats, compared with water stimulability, FLI neurons of SON and DMV induced by sucrose stimulability had had much more expressions.6 When the same sucrose stimulability was given, FLI neurons expressions of SON, DMV and LH in the CTA rats were much lowwer than that in the control rats.Conclusions:1 CTA had an inhibitory effect on small intestine peristalsis, indicate taste preference has an effect on small intestine peristalsis, and inhibitory effect induced by CTA is corresponded with US, this effect may have relations with vagus efferent never and humoral regulation.2 In the electrophysiology experiment, discharges of vagus efferent never in the CTA rats are much more than that in the control rats, indicates taste and taste preference may regulate small intestine peristalsis via vagus nerve, and dicharge can continude 1 hour, indicate humoral regulation also exists in the regulation.


With no bad habits sounds a basic term, but if there is no other attraction beyond that, you will find him a dull one. To live with him what to eat flavorless porridge without even side dishes.


But your wealth is not the indulgences, it is the sum of money, or the annual ''.


Experiment 1, let rats acquire taste preference to quinine solution, and take account of β-EP-immunoreactive neurons in different nucleuses of hypothalamic areas, separately adopted taste preference learning training and immunohistochemistry; Experiment 2, Added banana essence into quinine solution to discuss the connection between flavor preference learning and the expression of β-EP; Experiment 3, To research endogenous opiate like substances contribute to the establishment of CTP and influence the behavior of taste preference by naloxone was i.p.


Ipursue a faithful love ,but still i don't know what a faithful love is after almostfour years insistence,and noweven when i face a very ordinary girl just one minute i can araise some kind of loving feelings ,i don't sure whether it is a really love for beauty or just some dirty sexual desire.


Coin Collecting Basics - How To Get Started Collecting Coins As A Hobby - If you are thinking about starting the fun hobby of coin collecting there are a few basics you should learn that will help you get started on the right foot and might even save you some money ...


更多网络解释与嗜好相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adobe Illustrator:和photoshop一样强大的矢量绘图软件(插画家的嗜好)

Adobe photoshop 著名的老牌最佳图像处理软件(所有做设计的必学的一个软件) | Adobe illustrator 和photoshop一样强大的矢量绘图软件(插画家的嗜好) | Adobe indesign 排版设计软件(很不错的排版能力)


amathophobia 恐尘埃症 | amativeness 恋爱嗜好 | amatory 恋爱的


avigator 领航员 | avocation 嗜好 | avocation 业余爱好


advocate 主张,提倡者,拥护者 | avocation 副业,嗜好 | avouch 承认,自认,断言

break of:改掉(习惯),戒掉(嗜好)

984break in闯入,插话 | 985break of改掉(习惯),戒掉(嗜好) | 986break off突然终止,中断


coprophagous 吃粪的 | coprophilia 粪便嗜好症 | coprophilous 生长在粪便上的

take delight in:乐于,嗜好

provide for 为......提供...... | take delight in 乐于,嗜好 | accelerate v.加速


narcoticism 麻醉品嗜好 | narcotism 麻醉品嗜好 | narcotization 麻醉


我们知道口味或嗜好(taste)的转变会影响需求,使整条需求曲线移动(changes in demand),但是张五常教授却假定嗜好不变. 他不否认有嗜好,也不否认嗜好会变,为什么却假定嗜好不变? "困难是我们不是上帝,不能判断一个人的口味是怎样的,


narcotic analgesic 麻药性止痛剂 | narcoticism 麻醉品嗜好 | narcotism 麻醉品嗜好