英语人>词典>汉英 : 喜爱音乐的 的英文翻译,例句
喜爱音乐的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
musical  ·  musicals

更多网络例句与喜爱音乐的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So far the boardinghouse where I am staying pleases me. There are also three German boarders who are very fond of music, they play the piano and sing, so we spend very pleasant evenings together.


Li has recorded several CDs and a DVD to his credit, including Prophetic Bird and Salut d'Amour on CDs with POLOARTS in 2002 and 2004 respectively, a DVD in 2005 entitled La Ronde Des Lutins performing on Stradivari BELLO 1687, Stradivari RIES 1693 and Guarneri BALOKOVIC 1729, and a SACD entitled The Soul of Violin recorded on four violins provided by Stradivari Society.

2007年4月8日下午3点半李氏将在三藩市Herbst Theatre举行首次个人独奏会,演译理察施特劳斯优美的小提琴奏鸣曲及由巴济尼、陈钢、萨拉沙蒂、秦咏城、衞斯曼作曲及米尔斯坦改编自李斯特和盖希文的经典小提琴精彩曲目,与李氏三重奏成员之一的钢琴家李天慧合作演出,门票分$50$28$18,现已在City Box Office及三藩市吴兴记等发售,订票及查询请致电1-415-392-4400 或 1-415-781-8330,喜爱音乐的朋友不容错过。

The instrument was unlocked, every body prepared to be charmed, and Marianne, who sang very well, at their request went through the chief of the songs which Lady Middleton had brought into the family on her marriage, and which perhaps had lain ever since in the same position on the pianoforte , for her ladyship had celebrated that event by giving up music, although by her mother's account, she had played extremely well, and by her own was very fond of it.


The program offers people interested in music a variety of notation options.


The result of the study shows that every single piece has its own title and implied style which inspires children's imagination towards music. Besides, the length of music is often kept within 48 measures, which is short enough to maintain children's attention during practicing and performing. The spreading range of fingers is set within sixth during the music, which suits children's palm shape. Also, the music is mainly based on ternary form which provides a simple structure with motivated composing strategies of repetition and sequence. All the above shows that he successfully grasped the characteristics of beginner and intermediate piano learners and adopted the regularity and pure nature of music in composition which tends to attract children's interests.


We find that pupils who are in fond of music, take part in musical activity frequently , often be vivacious , enthusiastic, smart and confident, they can also be good at intercommunicating, have good language expression ability, those characters are just what we need in society of nowadays.


Wrong notes, tempo mistakes, meandering jams, and a stoned Ozzy Osbourne may seem like detriments, but when paired with music this ugly it gives it an endearing urgency that keeps the album interesting.

听似错误的音符、音速和其中所充斥的干扰,还有那个兴奋陶醉的Ozzy Osbourne(他对此从不否认而且异常骄傲)可能看上去是对音乐的破坏,但和音乐配合起来时,这种丑陋的音乐元素却创造出一种会另人非常喜爱的急迫感,也使专辑更加吸引听众。

Marian Anderson had her first great success in Sweden. The Swedish people loved her voice. They especially liked the spirituals she sang. Few of them had heard this kind of American music before.


Due to the influence of opéra bouffe and salon music, the composition of instrument music was not appreciated in 19th century France. The development of instrument music has become quite conservative and its musical aesthetics made a great impact on other categories of composing.


Exotic and atmospheric, it will appeal to core world music listeners as well as aficionados of early and classical and ambient/new age/goth sensibilities.

它能吸引许多纯世界音乐的听众以及喜爱早期和古典的ambient/new age/goth音乐的乐迷们。

更多网络解释与喜爱音乐的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Over-persistence goes against nature:(过分固执是违反自然的事. )

90.The wise feed on music.(音乐是智者的食量.... | 91.Over-persistence goes against nature.(过分固执是违反自然的事. ) | 92.Fondness is not frenzy, it is a power of life.(喜爱并不是一种疯狂,它只是生命的力...

science fiction,detective story:我喜爱的书

我的房间:neat,messy,clean up | 我喜爱的书:science fiction,detective story | 我喜爱的音乐:classical,techno


范海伦是第一个影响我的吉他手,他是一名天才吉他手,>(Diary)那张唱片永远是我最喜爱的唱片之一;然后Randy Rhoads的弹奏真正使我知道了重金属吉他音乐的巧妙之处;而Yngwie Malmsteen的琴技真的是超乎寻常,


弗朗茨*舒伯特(Franz Schubert)1797年1月31日生于维也纳,是郊区利希滕塔尔地区一个贫穷的小学校长的孩子,祖父是农村工匠,全家都喜爱音乐. 受家庭影响,他很早就学会了演奏风琴、钢琴和小提琴,同时也掌握了作曲和有关音乐方面的技术.

The Lonely Goatherd:孤独的牧羊人

也是她试图接近孩子们的结果;'我最喜爱的东西'(My Favorite Things) 是一连串的最简单又最惹人欣喜的事物,这首歌有一点民歌的风味;'孤独的牧羊人'(The Lonely Goatherd) 和音乐'涟恩德拉'(Laendler) 都是由奥地利阿尔卑斯山上景色引发的灵感;


爵士鼓是现代流行音乐当中不可缺少的主要乐器之一,随着摇滚乐(ROCK)爵士乐(JAZZ)流行音乐(POP)等音乐风格在我国的蓬勃发展,爵士鼓的作用显得尤为重要,同时也深受广大乐迷的喜爱,甚至有 ...爵士鼓是现代流行音乐当中不可缺少的主要乐器之一,

:Saffron Rice:红花饭

,是番红花饭(saffron rice)加上明虾、蚌、蛤、鸡肉在加上蜡肠等. 而位于戏院区的喜爱音乐与表演者,林肯中心(Lincoln Center)启用不久的鲁宾斯坦折扣票销售厅喜爱百老汇音乐剧者都知道,>(Wicked)即使不景气时仍一票难求,纽约现代美术馆(Museum of Modern Art)的气氛是纽约所有博物馆中堪称最浪漫的

The Schindler's List:辛德勒的名单

这部作品使James得以再次造访自己喜爱的俄罗斯音乐大师Prokoviev(普罗科菲耶夫)和Khachaturian(哈恰图良),虽然外界说这部影片的主题音乐>是从John Williams的>(The Schindler's List)主题旋律中翻抄下来的,


我喜爱的书:science fiction,detective story | 我喜爱的音乐:classical,techno | 我的衣服:unique,comfortable to wear


史密斯(Patti Smith)、"电视"(Television)、"金属线"(Wire)等音乐的喜爱,深深地痴迷于朋克摇滚精神,并在密苏里州的圣路易市开始了乐手生涯. 1978年的时候,他来到乔治亚州读大学,主修艺术专业,期间在一家常去的名为Wooxtry的唱片行认识了乐队的另一位成员彼得?