英语人>词典>汉英 : 喜剧 的英文翻译,例句
喜剧 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
comedies  ·  comedy  ·  Comedy

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Bergson makes a thorough analysis to the comedy produce——"smile" and "farcicality" from the point of social activities and mental idea and etc. He thinks that leading a life to machine appearance is the basic reason of "smile" or "farcicality"——the purpose of "smile" is rectification, and as a the kind of social means it still has the function in castigation,"farcicality" is attributed to man, who lacks go-aheadism is similar to things and it can constituted the main factor comedy result. So, in Bergsons view, the essence of comedic taste can comprehend a consciousness which the true estate of life falls into mechanize appearance in the space by chance.


Shakespeare's early classical and Italianate comedies, containing tight double plots and precise comic sequences, give way in the mid-1590s to the romantic atmosphere of his greatest comedies.


Yet die advantage of the satire comedy against die low comedy originates from the fact diat it elevates the overall quality of comedy, indicated by its exposure of darkness and criticism of reality by means of portraying negative comic figures.


This section describes various forms of comedy through cinematic history, including slapstick, screwball, spoofs and parodies, romantic comedies, black comedy, and more.


China Situation Comedy theme through China Situation Comedy formation of several major elements of the main aspects to analyze.


The absurd comedy is an ultra-morphology that makes the base on the tragicomedy and ironic comedy, it merges the feelings stimulating function of the two theatricals that results in the feelings tending to bereavement for their colliding with each other.


The French philosopher Jacque Derrida is the founder of Destructionism Theory and the Ruassian philosopher Bakhtin is the creator of Carnival Poetics.


To the end of the second century B.C., a period dominated by three playwrights of New Comedy and Roman Comedy, that is, Menan-der, Plautus and Terence.


Comedy expression shows a combination of happiness, wisdom and thought, and enriches and turns present arts expression.6. As value identity sign in temporal society, sublime in China's teleplay is endowed uncopied modern meaning by consumed background.


In this thesis, the comic art of David Ives, one of the most famous contemporary American playwrights, is looked into with reference to the development of comedy and universal comic devices, and a comparison and contrast between Ives" artistic creation and Chinese comedies is made in a hope that Ives" one-act plays may be of use for reference to Chinese comic drama. The thesis concludes that Ives can be of advice to Chinese playwrights in their understanding of the nature of comedy as an artistic genre and their selection and treatment of the subject matters in their comedies.

本文以喜剧作为一种话剧类型的发展变化为大环境,介绍了当代美国最负盛名的喜剧作家之一的David Ives及其最受欢迎的几部作品;依据喜剧令人感到滑稽,容易发笑的机制,分析了喜剧创作中常用的幽默设计,笑料制造的手法;在Ives的几个代表独幕剧剧作的基础上探讨了其喜剧艺术,并将此与中国大陆的喜剧创作进行比较对照,以期国内的喜剧作家们能从中受到某些启发,最终对中国喜剧创作的繁荣和进展起一定的借鉴作用。

更多网络解释与喜剧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


comedian 喜剧演员 | comedic 喜剧的 | comedienne 喜剧女演员

comedic:喜剧的 (形)

comedian 喜剧演员 (名) | comedic 喜剧的 (形) | comedienne 女喜剧演员 (名)


comedic 喜剧的 | comedienne 喜剧女演员 | comedietta 小喜剧


作为一种影响力巨大的娱乐媒体,喜剧(Comedies)在西方的商业电视中,始终占据着轴心地位. 以美国为例来说的话,自从1935年电视的发明者率先将穿着宽松裤子的喜剧演员实验性地搬上电视屏幕之后,喜剧就成为了电视的一部分. 事实上,


comedienne 喜剧女演员 | comedietta 小喜剧 | comedist 喜剧作家


到19世纪末20世纪初,早期音乐剧较为成熟的形式,即有着浓重美国色彩的音乐喜剧(musical comedy)颇为繁荣,后来随着音乐喜剧开始反映深刻宏大甚至含有悲剧意味的题材,"喜剧"(comedy)一词取消了,这就产生了狭义上我们所说的音乐剧(Musical),

comic relief:喜剧性穿插, 喜剧性调剂

comic paper | 连环图画纸 | comic relief | 喜剧性穿插, 喜剧性调剂 | comic strip | 连环漫画, 连环图画

high comedy:高雅喜剧

其实,高雅喜剧(High Comedy) 中也可根据情节需要加入闹剧成分,甚至含有潜在的悲剧因素,正如西方经典悲剧中也常常有"喜剧穿插"(comic relief) 一样. 所以,悲喜交融的情节不仅不会影响悲剧和喜剧的分类,而且是这两类戏剧中的常见现象.

Ironic Comedy:讽刺喜剧

幽默喜剧:Humorous Comedy | 讽刺喜剧:Ironic Comedy | 香港喜剧电影:Hong Kong comedy movie

comedy of manners:风尚喜剧

comedy film || 喜剧影片 | comedy of manners || 风尚喜剧 | comedy || 喜剧, 喜剧性的事情