英语人>词典>汉英 : 喉舌 的英文翻译,例句
喉舌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
voice  ·  voices  ·  mouthpieces

更多网络例句与喉舌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For in this Achaemenid inscriptions there is absolutely no trace of the dualism which is the characteristic and all-prevailing feature of the Avesta, and no allusion whatever to the great prophet Zoroaster, or the revelation of which he was the mouthpiece.

因为在这个阿契美尼德题词是绝对没有痕迹的是二元的特点和所有普遍的特点,阿维斯塔,并没有提及任何的伟大先知Zoroaster ,或启示了他的喉舌

Other New Wave directors and the cinema in general seemed to act as the agitprop arm of the revolution.


He can carry a tank of air on his back and breathe through a hose and a mouthpiece.


Admittedly, the Xaphoon is not for everyone. They have the same learning curve as a saxophone, the mouthpiece is large and round, the fingering is different from anything you already know, and some may even be priced out of your league. But if you're an independent thinker who can appreciate a truly unique and original instrument, the Xaphoon will become one of your most treasured belongings!

诚然, xaphoon 并不适合每一个人,他们有同样的学习曲线作为一个萨克斯管,喉舌,是大而圆,指的是不同的任何你已经知道,有的甚至可能售价退出您的联盟,但如果您再一个独立的思想家,谁可以理解一个真正独特的和文书正本, xaphoon 将成为您的其中一个最珍贵的物品!

The positioning of CCTV is the voice of our party is the party to speak for me.


The tuba — not the modern tuba, but a long and straight bronze trumpet with a detachable, conical mouthpiece like that of the modern French horn.

该大号 -而不是现代大号,但现代法国号长而直的青铜这样小号喉舌与可拆卸的,圆锥形。

Your correspondent saw a Bank of China branch with itswindows smashed, the guardroom of the Tibet Daily, the CommunistParty's main mouthpiece in the region, similarly damaged, amulti-storey internet café gutted by fire, and shop after Chinese-ownedshop burned or destroyed.


Halloo" great" similar to halloo" long live", a slave's mouthpiece of eunuch type, a strange spirit of sun of but again gloomy the rhyme that terrible.


Because news and propaganda are all spread behaviors,they are often crossed together.As the key part of our party ,our government and our people.certainly news undertakes the heavy responsibility bounden.


In the Bush years, The Washington Times became an important media player because it was widely regarded as the Bush administration's house organ.


更多网络解释与喉舌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

news agency:新闻社

如此任意嘲笑、愚弄民众的常识理智判断能力的报导方法,甚至连中国政府的权威喉舌新华社都看不下去了,对全国媒体发出"通知"(一个为 "客户"媒体服务的"新闻社"(news agency)居然可以颐指气使地"指示"全国的媒体,

eg: The news got around by word of mouth:这个消息被人们口头传开了

5. by / through word of mouth 口头 | eg: The news got around by word of mouth. 这个消息被人们口头传开了. | 6. mouthpiece n.喉舌,代言人,机关报


中国的媒体自1949年以来,一直作为"喉舌"在发挥它的社会职能,即宣传(Propagandizing),而不是西方大众传播学(Mass communication)意义上的传播(Communicating).

mass communication:大众传播(学)

中国的媒体自1949年以来,一直作为"喉舌"在发挥它的社会职能,即宣传(Propagandizing),而不是西方大众传播学(Mass communication)意义上的传播(Communicating).

From the fool's gold mouthpiece the hollow horn:来自傻瓜的金色喉舌中空洞的喇叭

牐燬uicide remarks are torn /自 杀 者的标记被撕去 | 牐燜rom the fool's gold mouthpiece the hollow horn /来自傻瓜的金色喉舌中空洞的喇叭 | 牐燩lays wasted words, proves to warn /演绎着废话,证明要提醒

From the fool's gold mouthpiece the hollow horn:来自傻瓜的金色喉舌,这空洞的喇叭

Suicide remarks are torn /自杀者的标记被撕去 | From the fool's gold mouthpiece the hollow horn /来自傻瓜的金色喉舌,这空洞的喇叭 | Plays wasted words, proves to warn /演绎着废话,给警告以证明

foreign affairs:外事

和罗兹会社一样,对外关系委员会也拥有自己影响政策的旗舰刊物>(Foreign Affairs)杂志. 该杂志是美国对外决策集团的重要喉舌. 美国对外政策的重量级谋士都是>杂志重要的撰稿人,包括李普曼,乔治?凯南,布热津斯和基辛格.


mouthertinhorn 吹牛的人 | mouthiness 大声叫嚣 | mouthpiece 喉舌

Official Mouthpiece:官方喉舌

新闻来源 News source | 官方喉舌 Official Mouthpiece | 官方消息 Official announcement


其中最主要的场域是在哲学激进派的喉舌>(Westminster Review),与之相抗衡的是辉格党(Whig party)的>(Edinburgh Review)以及托利党(Tory party)的>(Quarterly),他并且组织了学社与年纪长他不少的人进行学术思辨,