英语人>词典>汉英 : 啼叫 的英文翻译,例句
啼叫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
crow  ·  crowing  ·  crows

更多网络例句与啼叫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They are motionless first the ground is lying, after a few seconds, two fetal flounced off afterbirth at the same time almost, loud crow rises.


Every spring, when the cuckoo sing, I think of that piece of the home-yang bird flower, it makes my childhood full of dreams and hope, I painted a golden color.


What could have caused the crows to caw?


Nothing can be compared ,he maintains,with the first cockcrow ,the twittering of birds at dawn,the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures.

x 他坚持认为凌晨雄鸡的第一声啼叫,黎明时分小鸟叽叽喳喳欢叫,冉冉升起的朝阳染红树木,牧场,此番情景无与伦比。

He insists that nothing can match the first cockcrow before the dawn, the twittering at the daybreak, and the woods and farms colored by the rising sun.


Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow , the twitter ing of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glint ing on the trees and pasture s.


Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees pastures.


Lesson 41:Illusions of pastoral peace—宁静田园生活的遐想) Nothing can be compared, he maintains, with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn, the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures.


It turned out that one other hanger-on could imitate the cock's crow very well,and the first crow was actually his imitation.


If I asked you to imagine a rooster crowing, you'd probably hear the in your head.


更多网络解释与啼叫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ariados - Ariadne:(阿堛德涅,希臘神話中一個變成蜘蛛的人)

167 Spinarak - Spinneret(吐絲器) | 168 Ariados - Ariadne(阿堛德涅,希臘神話中一個變成蜘蛛的人) | 169 Crobat - Crow(啼叫) + Bat(蝙蝠)

with the first cockcrow,the twittering of birds at dawn:凌晨雄鸡第一声啼叫,黎明时分小鸟吱喳欢叫

Nothing can be compared,he maintains, ... | with the first cockcrow,the twittering of birds at dawn, 凌晨雄鸡第一声啼叫,黎明时分小鸟吱喳欢叫, | the sight of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pas...

Rise to fame - the flight of the crow:名誉上升,啼叫的航班

Time has come - you're leaving ground 时间已经到了,你正离开地面 | Rise to fame - the flight of the crow 名誉上升,啼叫的航班 | Time will come - cross the line 时间将会到来,穿越界限


ululant /吠的/呜呜叫的/ | ululate /啼/叫/鸣/悲泣/ | ululation /吠声/啼声/泣声/


ululate /啼/叫/鸣/悲泣/ | ululation /吠声/啼声/泣声/ | ulvospinel /钛尖晶石/


rustic 乡下的 | crowing 啼叫 | cocks 公鸡


ultron /波导耦合正交场放大管/ | ululant /吠的/呜呜叫的/ | ululate /啼/叫/鸣/悲泣/

apes glibber:猿啼(发出含糊的声音)

1. apes glibber 猿啼(发出含糊的声音) | 2. asses bray 驴嘟嘟叫 | 3. bears growl 熊嗥叫

cocks crow:公鸡喔喔啼

10. cattle low 牛哞叫 | 11. cocks crow 公鸡喔喔啼 | 12. cows low 母牛哞叫

asses bray:驴嘟嘟叫

1. apes glibber 猿啼(发出含糊的声音) | 2. asses bray 驴嘟嘟叫 | 3. bears growl 熊嗥叫