英语人>词典>汉英 : 啄木鸟 的英文翻译,例句
啄木鸟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hickwall  ·  pecker  ·  peckerwood  ·  woodpecker  ·  peckers  ·  woodpeckers

更多网络例句与啄木鸟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Woodpecker Woodpecker is the famous forest birds that feed, in addition to eradication of pests such as bark beetle larvae than its wood chisel marks can be used as an indicator of forest health logging, which is known as the forest a doctor.


THE ivory-billed woodpecker is not large, as birds go. It is about the size of a crow, but flashier. Its claim to fame is that, though it had been thought extinct since 1944, a lone kayaker spotted it about two years ago, flying around among the cypress trees in the Cache River National Wildlife Refuge.


Taken at Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, this image shows a fight between a redheaded woodpecker and a yellow-shafted northern flicker over a nest hole.


The 600,000-acre (242,812-hectare) forest boasts seemingly endless stands of longleaf pines and is home to the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker, whose designated nest trees are identifiable by the white band painted around their trunks.


The cartoon character Woody Woodpecker was modeled after the pileated woodpecker.


Along the reindeer circuit the kids got a glimpse into the omnipresent steam-baths, snacked on dried meat, hot chocolate and other Finnish foods. We met many of the animals native to the wilds of Finland, including the deer, reindeer, squirrel, woodpecker, snake and swan.


May 11th 2006 | CLARENDON, ARKANSASTHE ivory-billed woodpecker is not large, as birds go. It is about the size of a crow, but flashier. Its claim to fame[1] is that, though it had been thought extinct since 1944, a lone kayaker spotted it about two years ago, flying around among the cypress trees in the Cache River National Wildlife Refuge.


May 11th 2006 | CLARENDON, ARKANSASCan a bird stop the pumps coming?THE ivory-billed woodpecker is not large, as birds go. It is about the size of a crow, but flashier. Its claim to fame is that, though it had been thought extinct since 1944, a lone kayaker spotted it about two years ago, flying around among the cypress trees in the Cache River National Wildlife Refuge.


May 11th 2006 | CLARENDON, ARKANSASTHE ivory-billed woodpecker is not large, as birds go. It is about the size of a crow, but FLASH ier. Its claim to fame[1] is that, though it had been thought extinct since 1944, a lone kayaker spotted it about two years ago, flying around among the cypress trees in the Cache River National Wildlife Refuge.


TEXT 23 To save a woodpecker 为了救一只啄木鸟 May 11th 2006 | CLARENDON, ARKANSAS From The Economist print edition THE ivory-billed woodpecker is not large, as birds go.

象牙喙啄木鸟与普通的鸟一样,体形不是很大,跟乌鸦差不多,但羽色较亮。1944 年以来人们一直以为它已经灭绝,但大约两年前,一个划着小船的独行客在凯奇河国家野生物保护区的柏树林中发现一只啄木鸟正在四处飞翔,因此,这种鸟就出了名。

更多网络解释与啄木鸟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Great Barbet:大拟啄木鸟

大拟啄木鸟(Great Barbet)介绍大拟啄木鸟(Great Barbet) 大拟啄木鸟 [大拟啄木鸟-简介]中文 名:大拟啄木鸟别 名:英文 名:Great Barbet 学 名:Megalaima virens 科 属:鸟纲形目 PICIFORMES须鴷科 Capitonidae拟啄木鸟属 M大拟啄木鸟(

Blue-throated Barbet:蓝喉拟啄木鸟

8. Great Barbet大拟啄木鸟 | 9. Blue-throated Barbet 蓝喉拟啄木鸟 | 10. Coppersmith Barbet 赤胸拟啄木鸟

Blue-eared Barbet:蓝耳拟啄木鸟

0144 大金背啄木鸟 Greater flameback | 0146 蓝耳拟啄木鸟 Blue-eared Barbet | 0147 红颈绿啄木鸟 Picus rabieri

Gray-faced WoodpeckerPicus canus:灰头啄木鸟

Scaly-bellied WoodpeckerPicus squamatus鳞腹啄木鸟 | Gray-faced WoodpeckerPicus canus灰头啄木鸟 | Himalayan FlamebackDinopium shorii喜山金背三趾啄木鸟

Green Woodpecker Picus viridis:绿啄木鸟

492 3944 鳞喉绿啄木鸟 Scaly-throated Woodpecker Picus xanthopygaeus | 493 3947 绿啄木鸟 Green Woodpecker Picus viridis | 494 3949 红颈绿啄木鸟 Red-collared Woodpecker Picus rabieri

Scaly-bellied Green Woodpecker Picus squamatus:鳞腹绿啄木鸟

403 绿啄木鸟 Green Woodpecker Picus viridis | 404 鳞腹绿啄木鸟 Scaly-bellied Green Woodpecker Picus squamatus | 405 黑啄木鸟 Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius

Himalayan Flameback:喜山金背三趾啄木鸟

0140 鳞喉绿啄木鸟 Picus xanthopygaeus | 0141 喜山金背三趾啄木鸟 Himalayan Flameback | 0142 金背三趾啄木鸟 Dinopium javanense

Gecinulus grantia viridanus:鴷形目 啄木鸟科 竹啄木鸟

鴷形目 啄木鸟科 黄冠绿啄木鸟 P.chlorolophus citrinocristatus | 鴷形目 啄木鸟科 竹啄木鸟 Gecinulus grantia viridanus | 鴷形目 啄木鸟科 斑啄木鸟 Dendrocopos major mandarinus

Jynx torquilla chinensis:鴷形目 啄木鸟科 蚁鴷

鴷形目 须鴷科 大拟啄木鸟 Megalaima v.virens | 鴷形目 啄木鸟科 蚁鴷 Jynx torquilla chinensis | 鴷形目 啄木鸟科 姬啄木鸟 Picummus innominatus chinensis


鴷形目(Piciformes)啄木鸟科(Picidae)啄木鸟亚科(Picinae, 真啄木鸟)鸟类,约180种,以在树皮中探寻昆虫和在枯木中凿洞为巢而著称. 除澳大利亚和新几内亚,几乎遍布全世界,以南美洲和东南亚数量最多. 多数啄木鸟为留鸟,仅但少数有迁徙习性.