英语人>词典>汉英 : 唠叨 的英文翻译,例句
唠叨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
babble  ·  dingdong  ·  effusiveness  ·  gab  ·  jaw  ·  nag  ·  nagging  ·  natter  ·  palaver  ·  prate  ·  prattle  ·  tootle  ·  verbalize  ·  verbosity  ·  nattered  ·  prating  ·  prattling  ·  verbalise  ·  babbled  ·  babbles  ·  gabbed  ·  gabbing  ·  gabs  ·  nags  ·  nattering  ·  natters  ·  palavered  ·  palavering  ·  palavers  ·  prated  ·  prates  ·  prattled  ·  prattles  ·  toottled  ·  toottles  ·  toottling  ·  verbalized  ·  verbalizes  ·  verbalizing  ·  yaks

wag one's chin · be garrulous
更多网络例句与唠叨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I should never have taken that job at 7-Eleven.


I get on the water-wagon an' save my money for two years - save an' then - But Martin turned away, leaving him to tell it to the barkeeper, until that worthy was called away to furnish drinks to two farmers who, coming in, accepted Martin's invitation.


Think in fact and not loquacious, but my can have a loquacious.


Just in order to keep it fair, we use"husband"this time, you know, all the above article is about the nagging wife, but sometimes a man could be a complete nagger!.


Based on Brown and Levinson's Face-saving Theory, this article discusses the speech act of nagging. The nagger often threatens the hearer's positive and negative face, which annoys the hearer and retards the progress of communication. The author, in this paper, points out that taking right remedial measure is important for maintaining the harmonious relationship between parents and children, teachers and students ets.

摘 要]运用语用学中的面子保全理论对唠叨言语进行分析,指出唠叨言语之所以令人反感是因为它常常直接威胁到听者的消极面子和积极面子,并举例说明日常生活中适当运用礼貌补救策略,维护听者的面子需求,尊重对方,对构建和谐的家庭关系、师生关系等具有重要意义。

Nefud, An Nefud, An Nafud nag

v。 不断地唠叨恼人,说话唠叨

Who chatters to you, will chatter of you.


Stop jawing!If you go on,I have to pretend a deaf to protect myself.


5MR:ndE; 'mRndL/ v 1 ~ talk in a rambling way 唠叨;胡说: The drunk sat there maundering about his troubles.


But I feel grateful the test time and time again, lets me clearly recognize that own insufficiency, thank parents' talking incessantly, these will talk incessantly are show loving concern, let me not lose, will not walk in the boundless life wilderness loses.the reason that we complained that many matters, are because they make our body and mind to be all weary, attacks weakly in us place most sorrowful place.


更多网络解释与唠叨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


gabble 唠叨,急促不清 | blabber 唠叨的人 | flap 拍打


garret 阁楼,顶楼 | garrulous 唠叨的,多话的 | garrulity 唠叨,饶舌.


"唠叨"(nag)这个动词源自斯堪的纳维亚语,意思是:"咬、啮,或是一点一点地吃某样东西". 大多数的字典中,唠叨是阴性名词,而阳性并没有这类的同义词.


nager 手持凿岩机 | nagg 说话唠叨 | nagg 不断地唠叨恼人


nagg 说话唠叨 | nagg 不断地唠叨恼人 | nagging 责备挑剔


nager /手持凿岩机/ | nagg /不断地唠叨恼人/说话唠叨/ | nagger /泼妇/


nagana 那加那病 | nagger 爱唠叨 | nagging 唠叨


nagger 爱唠叨 | nagging 唠叨的 | naggish 爱唠叨

pick on someone:找...的岔, 对...唠叨指责; 挑选; 选中

pick on 找...的岔, 对...唠叨指责; 挑选; 选中 | pick on someone 找...的岔, 对...唠叨指责; 挑选; 选中 | pick one's teeth 剔牙


preaching /讲道/讲道法/ | preachment /讲道/唠唠叨叨地说教/长篇大论/ | preachy /爱讲道的/爱唠叨的/