英语人>词典>汉英 : 咽喉 的英文翻译,例句
咽喉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fauces  ·  gorge  ·  gullet  ·  jaws  ·  throat  ·  gorged  ·  gula  ·  thrapple  ·  throated  ·  thropple  ·  guttur  ·  gorges  ·  gorging  ·  throats  ·  gullets  ·  laryngopharynx

key link · pharynx and larynx
更多网络例句与咽喉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sterculia lychnophora applies only to violations of the throat due to wind-heat cult poison the sound dumb, as a result of vocal nodules, vocal polyps, vocal cord dysraphism, hoarse due to excessive alcohol and tobacco, with Sterculia lychnophora is invalid, especially the elderly and the sudden aphonia Spleen person should be used with caution.


Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, ChinaNational Acoustic Laboratories, 126 Greville Street, NSW 2067, Australia

作者:作者:郗昕赵阳冀飞 Teresa Ching 韩东一作者单位:解放军总医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科,解放军耳鼻咽喉科研究所(北京 100853)来源:医学期刊/五官科学收藏本文章

As the study was designed for advanced cancers of the larynx and hypopharynx, the findings should not be generalized to all sites of advanced cancers of the head and neck, the authors conclude.


In 1916, Jefferson Medical College offered Jackson the Professorship of Laryngology and by 1924, he achieved the position of Professor of Bronchoesophagology and Department Head.

我国著名耳鼻咽喉科专家徐荫祥教授曾于1940- 1941年赴美国费城坦伯尔大学从师Jackson教授,专门学习气管食管学,回国后曾将Jackson赠送的食管镜一直存放在北京同仁医院耳鼻咽喉科门诊的器械柜内。

This subject is composed by rhniology, pharynology, laryngology esophagusology and tracheaology,otology, neck-surgery, special inflammation and occupational disease of this area.


Department of Otolaryngology, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College, Qingdao 266003, China

作者单位:1青岛大学医学院附属医院耳鼻咽喉科,山东青岛 266003;青岛市城阳区医院耳鼻咽喉

Abstract] Objective To investigate the feasibility of using 2% lidocaine to anesthetize the par laryngea pharynges and the intubation of augmenting throat radian for the patients who were poisoned by various kinds of orally drugs and were consciousness in Sichuan province.

摘要] 目的探讨对各种口服药物中毒且清醒患者采用2%利多卡因行咽喉部黏膜麻醉且增大咽喉弧度插胃管法的可行性。

Results the achievement ratio of experiment group is 94.1% and the control group is 78.5%,p.01.conclusion using the intubation of local anesthesia and the par laryngea pharynges enlargement,we not only can increase the achievement ratio,but also ease patients' fear,lessen the irritation of throat and gastrointestinal tract and patient will feel more comfortable.


Using the intubation of local anesthesia and the par laryngea pharynges enlargement,we not only can increase the achievement ratio,but also ease patients' fear,lessen the irritation of throat and gastrointestinal tract and patient will feel more comfortable.


AEffects of the chitosan and its derivatives on the cariogenic bacteria JING Jun-jun, HAO Yu-qing.(State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China


更多网络解释与咽喉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

faucal:咽喉的; 咽喉软颚发出的 (形)

faubourg 郊外; 近郊 (名) | faucal 咽喉的; 咽喉软颚发出的 (形) | fauces 咽喉; 喉头 (名)

fauces:咽喉; 喉头 (名)

faucal 咽喉的; 咽喉软颚发出的 (形) | fauces 咽喉; 喉头 (名) | faucet 龙头; 插口; 旋塞 (名)


gula 咽喉;食管;喉片 | gular 咽喉的;喉片;喉板 | gular plate 頸板;喉板


guttur 咽喉 | guttural 咽喉的 | gutturophony 喉音




(一)咽喉 (pharynx)是前肠最前端部分,位于额神经节后方,背面常附有起源于额区的咽喉背扩肌. 在咀嚼式口器昆虫中,咽喉仅是吞食食物的通道,但在刺吸式口器昆虫中,咽部常附有强大扩肌而特化成咽喉卿筒,吸食时与食窦卿筒交替伸缩,

sore throat:咽喉肿痛

咽喉肿痛(sore throat)是口咽和喉咽部病变的主要症状,以咽喉部红肿疼痛、吞咽不适为特征,又称"喉痹". 咽喉肿痛见于西医学的急性扁桃体炎、急性咽炎和单纯性喉炎、扁桃体周围脓肿等.


guitarfishes 吉他琴魚類 | gula 咽喉;食管;喉片 | gular 咽喉的;喉片;喉板


laryngology 喉科学 | laryngopharyngeal 咽喉的 | laryngopharynx 咽喉

laryngopharyngeal:咽喉的 (形)

laryngology 喉科学 (名) | laryngopharyngeal 咽喉的 (形) | laryngopharynx 咽喉 (名)