英语人>词典>汉英 : 咬 的英文翻译,例句
咬 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
bit  ·  bite  ·  gnash  ·  gnaw  ·  gnawing  ·  snap  ·  begnaw  ·  snapped  ·  snaps  ·  bites  ·  gnashed  ·  gnashes  ·  gnashing  ·  gnawed  ·  gnaws

snap at · gnaw at
更多网络例句与咬相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ROSS: Yeah, but not very well, unless 14-across,'Gershwin musical actually is bite me bite me bite me bite me.


Divert his attention not to去咬, or gutta-percha.


It shows in clinic as tooth sensitivity, pulpitis,periodontitis,food impaction ,deformation of basifacial caused of loss of occlusal height, temporomandibular disorder syndrome, etc. The wear property of artificial tooth material will lead a direct effect to restoration result, when it exists in oral environment. It will cause tooth enamel loss too much in a very short period, if the wear property of artificial tooth superior to tooth enamel; but if it is inferior to tooth enamel, serious wear will occur on restoration occlusions, which will lead to loss of bite functions and even decrease of occlusal vertical dimension, disorder of bite functions, etc. Therefore, it is important to artificialtooth material not only it"s biotic compatibility, mechanical function, chemistry property but also it"s wear property.


It is showed that Class Ⅲ malocclusion samples in this study were significant characterized with longer mandibular corpus, smaller condyle and coronoid process. Meanwhile, the prominence of size difference on chin area was observed, associated with maximum size difference localized on menton area.

两组的有限元素形态分析法(finite element analysis morphometry)比较结果显示:三级异常合者有较长的下颚骨体,颏部区域也比正常合者大,但condyle及喙状突则较小;另外menton附近区域有最大但是小范围的尺寸差异,是三级异常合者和一级正常合的差异特徵。

Mm. 7.5.3 Requirements for quality of weld joint's surface: a No crack, not fusional, bubble, slag, splash; b Surface of seam of pipeline with design temperature lower than -29℃, stainless steel pipeline and alloy steel pipeline with trend of harden quenching shall be free from undercut.

The surface shall be smooth 7.5.3 焊接接头表面的质量应符合下列要求: 28 SH 3501-2002 a 不得有裂纹,未熔合,气孔,夹渣,飞溅存在; b设计温度低于-29℃的管道,不锈钢和淬硬倾向较大的合金钢管道焊缝表面,不得有边现象;其他材质管道焊缝边深度不应大于 0.5mm,连续边长度不应大于 100mm,且焊缝两侧边总长不大于该焊缝全长的 10%; c 焊缝表面不得低于管道表面,焊缝余高Δh 应符合下列要求: 1 100%射线检测焊接接头,其Δh≤1+0.2b1,且不大于 2mm; 2 其余的焊接接头,Δh≤1+0.2b1,且不大于 3mm。

Nano-imprint lithography drum paper teeth axis, swayig begnawing workparts paper teeth or wear, allows unleashmy begnawing paper teeth in paper in an inconsistent state in that result in bilateral irregular longitudinal misregister, in which case on slow computers are more likely to occur, because the impact of low-speed machine tipping bucket, the strength of a rotational motion paper teeth ranges of swayig high speed machine is used, and indirect sheet transfer unleashmy simpleplan paper teeth have smaller, at the same time as a result of automatic circulation lubrication oil system, unleashmy and apparatdus paper teeth axis is not easy to wear, but bearing in mind that oil, oilway jam torn oil grinding.


Will result in咬下lips anterior prominent mandibular retrusion, on the lips will become thick, short, was open, and teeth exposed.


No shoot, says Friday, no yet, me shoot nom, me no kill; me stay, give you one more laugh; and indeed so he did, as you will see presently; for when the Bear see his Enemy gone, he comes back from the Bough where he stood; but did it mighty leisurely, looking behind him every Step, and coming backward till he got into the Body of the Tree; then with the same hinder End foremost, he came down the Tree, grasping it with his Claws, and moving one Foot at a Time, very leisurely; at this Juncture, and just before he could set his hind Feet upon the Ground, Friday stept up close to him, clapt the Muzzle of his Piece into his Ear, and shot him dead as a Stone.


A study on polymorphism of salivary esterase in personal identification ;2. This study presents a technique developed for 3-D imaging and quantitative comparison of human dentitions and simulated bite marks,which could provide a new technology for personal identification based upon dentition and bite mark for forensic medical practice.


One fisherman out there in preparation for the rice Yuan, eggs and other food into the river, that is to allow the fish to eat lobster and crab from the doctor咬噬body flexion.


更多网络解释与咬相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bite wing:咬翼片

bite strap 带,合带 | bite wing 翼片 | bite wing radiograph 翼片X射线照片

bite strap:咬带,咬合带

biteplate 板 | bite strap 带,合带 | bite wing 翼片

bite fork:咬叉,咬合叉

bite film 合片,颌片 | bite fork 叉,合叉 | bite gauge


bitestrap带,合带 | bitewing翼片 | bitewingradiograph翼片X射线照片


gnawer /的人/腐食物/臼齿动物/ | gnawing //不断的苦痛/苛责/的/使苦恼的/ | gneiss /片麻岩/

nip rolls:咬入辊、压送辊

nip angle入角 | nip rolls入辊、压送辊 | nip-up夹住、抓住、住、入、捕捉、截获



masseteric fascia:咬肌筋膜

肌,见肌 masseter muscle,see masseter | 肌筋膜 masseteric fascia | 肌窝 masseteric fossa


occlusion,合 | occlusometer力计,合力计 | occupation专业,职业,业务


鸟纲,鹃目(Trogoniformes)鹃科(Trogonidae)鹃科(Trogonidae)在动物分类学上是鸟纲,鹃目中的一个科. 鹃科是热带森林中的攀禽,在拉丁美洲、非洲和东南亚都有分布. 鹃的脚趾与其它鸟类均不相同,1,2趾向后,3,4趾向前,为异趾形.