英语人>词典>汉英 : 咨询处 的英文翻译,例句
咨询处 的英文翻译、例句


consultation service
更多网络例句与咨询处相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

3B Imagine you work for Ace Travel Agency.


Cosignatory account needs open what condition and formalities , had better go asking a bank , almost every bank lobby sets advisory office .


Good!There's the information desk.


Go to the inquiry office and ask for Mr.


The information/inquiry office located in the city centre has provided plenty of information for the tourists from all over the world.


Until recently, says Shahid Khan, a video analyst at IBB Consulting, there were only question-marks.


Those freshmen were attracted by the special culture of the club,curiously and passionly. While some of them were watching the introduction board, and some were attracted by the beautiful playbills,the others came to consult our members about their interesting questions ranging from the Microsoft Asian Instirute to the club.They were all explained warmly and patiently by the club members.


更多网络解释与咨询处相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Consulting Office:咨询处

观察室 Observing Room | 咨询处 Consulting Office | 挂号处 Registry Office

the information desk:咨询处

8. between...and...在......和......之间 | 9. the information desk咨询处 | 10. on the left在左边;on the right在右边

information kiosk:信息台,信息咨询处

information interchange 信息交换 | information kiosk 信息台,信息咨询处 | information retrieval 信息检索

Meeting Room Assistant:会议助理

Registration Counter Assistant 注册区助理 | Meeting Room Assistant 会议助理 | Information Counter Assistant 咨询处助理

Salt Mine:盐矿

将其分为新旧两部分.音乐神童莫扎特和指挥大师卡拉扬都出生在这里.从集市广场向旅游咨询处方向前行(背对渡口方向),穿过隧道,看到马路中间有矿工雕像,此处过马路.沿小路前行.可以看见有路标指示盐矿(Salt Mine)所在.左手边有家很大的超市.看到小河时向右手侧山上看,

Naas:abbr. national agricultural advisory service; 全国农业咨询处

NAAS National Agricultural Advisory Service(U.K:全国农业咨询处(英),全国农业技术指导局(英)

NAAC National Association of Agricultural Contrac-to... | NAAS National Agricultural Advisory Service(U.K.)全国农业咨询处(英),全国农业技术指导局(英) | NACA National Agricultural Chemicals Association(U...

on the left:在左边;on the right在右边

9. the information desk咨询处 | 10. on the left在左边;on the right在右边 | 1. Excuse me, how can I get to the library?劳驾,去图书馆怎么走?

trade promotion:贸易促进

Trade Profiles;贸易简介;; | trade promotion;贸易促进;; | Trade Promotion Advisory Service;贸易促进咨询处(贸促处);TPAS;贸促处

registry office:挂号处

咨询处 Consulting Office | 挂号处 Registry Office | 划价处 Calculation Price