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命运 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
allotment  ·  destiny  ·  fate  ·  fortune  ·  karma  ·  kismet  ·  portion  ·  predestination  ·  weird  ·  fortuned  ·  karmic  ·  destinies  ·  fating  ·  fortunes  ·  fortuning  ·  portioned  ·  portions  ·  weirder  ·  accidents  ·  weirds  ·  Destinies

wheel of fortune
更多网络例句与命运相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The destiny is still in the ambulation, the steer device is in our hand, person who manipulates the destiny is I, I have the power to control its direction.


As a formed writer with female idea, she look forward to female can riddance various binding of history., cultural,, physiological., psychical and become free female and have a good life. She wasn"t according to apotheosize female"s condition, she noticed that money shift females fate and naticed to flesh shift fate by themselves.


In face of this "invisible hand ",the god of fate ,all the human struggles are doomed to failure , And fate looks down on the fruitless struggle of all the living things all indifferently with condescendingly .


Originated from ancient Greek mythology, the definitive masterpiece "Oedipus the King" by great Greek tragedian Sophocles narrates the conflict between free will and fate, with emphasis on the predestination of fate by gods and on the uncertainty of its confrontation with man, whose wisdom and unyielding will are praised.


This text takes the understanding the classical text The Oedipus Tyrannous for example,explaining the relation destiny view and tragedy from new angle,facing the Artistic existence of the destiny view in the tragedy and revealing the unique meaning of "destiny" which exists the literature design.


It gives me great pleasure to come to Cambridge, a world-renowned university that I have long wanted to visit.


They believe that their fate, and the fate of all people, is inescapably linked to the fate of the environment; with its destruction, humanity is committing suicide.


Second, there are four Chapters of this paper: Chapter I Russian History and the fate of intellectual in the 20thcentury, which unscrambles the very historical context reflected by Doctor Zhivago. It refers to the changes of Russian history and politics, the fate of Russian intellectual, the living condition of Pasternak in the torrent times. Chapter II The choice of fate by Russian intellectuals, specificly analyses different choices by different intellectuals, in order to prominent truly noble character of Russianintellectuals; ChapterⅢThe spiritual confusion of Russian intellectuals, analyses the basic formation of their spiritual confusion in the 20th century context of Russian History. It refers to the disjunction between reality and ideal, the tragedy of Hamlet-like character, and Zhivago-like spiritual orphan of Jew. Chapter IV The spiritual remolding of the Russian intellectuals, which profoundly analyzes the relationship among Tolstoyism, Christian faith and belief of the humanitarianism on the blue print of Doctor Zhivago's spiritual experiences, therefore, reflects the tropism of humanitarian value of Russia in the 20th century.


When it happens that the Significators of persons of quality well posited in their own genitures, are such as were unfortunate in the Nativities of their Parents, it signifies that they shall spin out a laborious life as to riches and honours to a considerable age, and then by successive increases, shall attain to great Estates and Eminence, whence 'tis evident that the lives of no persons may be more unlikely to each other, than theirs who were born at the same time.


But it was not to be; either their Fate or mine, or both, forbid it; for till the last Year of my being on this Island, I never knew whether any were saved out of that Ship or no; and had only the Affliction some Days after, to see the Corps of a drownded Boy come on Shore, at the End of the Island which was next the Shipwreck: He had on no Cloaths, but a Seaman's Wastcoat, a pair of open knee'd Linnen Drawers, and a blew Linnen Shirt; but nothing to direct me so much as to guess what Nation he was of: He had nothing in his Pocket, but two Pieces of Eight, and a Tobacco Pipe; the last was to me of ten times more value than the first.


更多网络解释与命运相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

destined fate:注定的命运

submit to 屈服于 | destined fate 注定的命运 | turn against her fate 与她的命运对抗

fate map:预定命运图

fate determination 運命決定 | fate map 预定命运图 | fate of drug in vivo 药物体内命运

Fateful Aura:命运灵气

Fatebinding:命中注定、命数、命运之缚 | Fateful Aura:命运灵气 | God:神灵


foredoneforweariedforworn 筋疲力竭的 | foredoom 预定的命运 | foredoomforeordain 预定命运


稍后,罗马人称她为命运女神(Fortuna),她大受欢迎,因此寺庙数量远远超过其他神只. 开头那句引文,大约於西元二世纪撰写,就是弗龙托对她所受欢迎程度的讥评. 我希望本书能同时做为命运与理智的寺庙.

O Fortuna:命运女神

外行看热闹,>也就开头那段命运般气势磅礴的"噢,命运女神"(O FORTUNA)桥段为人所熟知,已经不知道被多少人用到了烂掉. 公认的名版是DG公司出品的,由约胡姆指挥柏林德意志歌剧院乐队的1968年版,企鹅三星带花.

predestinarian:命运注定论的信徒 命运注定的

septumless sampler 无隔片进样器 | predestinarian 命运注定论的信徒 命运注定的 | chondriogene 线粒基因

the wheel of fortune:命运之轮 --罗兹:传奇的商人,命运的主人

10 THE HERMIT 隐士 --拉尔:真正的智者 | 11 THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE 命运之轮 --罗兹:传奇的商人,命运的主人 | 12 STRENGTH 力量 --褒曼尼尔:除了力量,还是力量

X The Wheel of Fortune:命运之轮 改变命运努力向上

IX-The Hermit 隐士 自我反省 沉思 | X-The Wheel of Fortune 命运之轮 改变命运努力向上 | XI-Justice正义 公平公正的待人处事

