英语人>词典>汉英 : 呼吸 的英文翻译,例句
呼吸 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
breath  ·  breathe  ·  breathing  ·  halitus  ·  respiration  ·  respire  ·  wind  ·  anapnea  ·  spiro  ·  atman  ·  breathes  ·  respired  ·  respires  ·  respiring  ·  winds  ·  R.  ·  breaths  ·  pneusis  ·  anapnoea

pneum- · pneumo-
更多网络例句与呼吸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Breathe:呼吸,v It's so airless here ---I can hardly breathe.


this article the blowpipe musical instrument breaththeory launches from more than 100 years ago, introduces the bambooflute breath, namely chest type breath law, chest and bellytype breath law, abdomen type breath law, circulation.


Breath training device was employed to special training for 6 months in breath training group.


The article is through talking about to the breath singing, including the organ breathed, sing control of breath in , breathe method and is it train to breathe , draw a conclusion then --Breath is the foundation of singing.


Actually, none of these types are complete. A full Yogic breath combines all three, beginning with a deep breath and continuing the inhalation through the intercostal and clavicular areas.


Methods: DECB was dealed with heat , acid , alkali , roasting , organic solvent extracting , microorganism zymolysis , then the method of microrespiromete was used to detect/measure the respiratory activity respectively.

目的:研究小牛血清去蛋白提取物(deproteinated extract of calf blood,DECB)中生物活性物质的物理化学性质;方法:分别将小牛血清去蛋白提取物进行加热、加酸、加碱、烘烤、有机溶剂萃取、接种微生物发酵等方法处理,然后分别用微量呼吸检压法检测呼吸活性,结果:采用加热、加碱、加酸,接种微生物发酵的方法进行处理,DECB刺激呼吸活性的能力没有明显改变,而采用烘烤的方法处理,结果DECB的活性完全消失;用有机溶剂萃取DECB,可明显降低DECB刺激呼吸活性的能力,而有机相中含有了刺激呼吸活性物质。

Not only will you not hyperventilate 『过度呼吸』 this way but you will also keep a nice steady supply of oxygen flowing through your blood stream .


Result At 5 and 25 mgkg^(-1), the total respiratory rate had a similar trend with tricarboxylic acid cycle and pentose phosphate pathway, T1, and T2 were higher than the control on the 1st day and then declined three days late but they had a recover on the last day. Embden-Meyer-hot-Parnas pathway had a declined trend forever. The respiratory rate of the total and three pathways were decreased under 125 mgkg^(-1). The enzyme activity of pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) and malate dehydrogenase were similar to relative respiratory pathway.


Take my sorrow and my sin I will run into your arms again Hold me father Once again my tears are dried By your perfect love that's river-wide Over-flowing As i stand on it's bank With my arms overhead I am overcome As i breathe The air of heaven Drawing in your fragrance When i breathe I feel your fullness come alive Inside of me You're the breath that i breathe Covered by the evening sky I turn my gaze to where your kingdom lies Deep inside me A silent whisper in my mind Sweet surrender to your love divine Peace enfolding In the stillness i empty my soul And your healing presence flows As i breathe The air of heaven Drawing in your fragrance When i breathe I feel your fullness come alive Inside of me You're the breath that i breathe It's taking hold It's second nature when i Savor... When i Savor...


Statistic analysis showed that soil temperature as the driving factor to the diurnal variation of soil respiration. Soil temperature and soil moisture were the dominant environmental factors affecting the seasonal variation of soil respiration and explained 87% of its variability. LAI and root biomass were positively related to soil respiration rate, indicating that biotic factors also affected the seasonal variation of soil respiration. However, soil properties such as soil organic content, total nitrogen content, and C/N ratio had poor correlations with soil respiration. Top-dressing nitrogen fertilizer increased soil respiration significantly.


更多网络解释与呼吸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(3)呼吸暂停(apnea)指呼吸周期中出现的呼吸停顿. 见于麻醉意外、新生儿肺不张等危重情况. 正常人在吞咽、排便时可有呼吸暂停. (4)浅呼吸呼吸深度变浅. 见于呼吸肌麻痹、肺炎、胸腔积液、气胸、肺气肿、肋骨骨折、应用呼吸中枢抑制剂、碱中毒、严重的腹胀气、腹水、肥胖等.

breather valve:呼吸阀

呼吸阀(Breather Valve)类似于单向止逆阀,呼吸阀它只能向外呼气,呼吸阀不能向内吸气,呼吸阀当系统内压力升高时,呼吸阀气体便经过呼吸阀向外放空,呼吸阀保证系统的压力恒定.


呼吸困难(dyspnea)是风湿性心脏病最常见的症状,指病人主观上有空气不足或呼吸吃力的感觉,而客观上表现为呼吸频率、深度和节律的改变. 根据发病机理,呼吸困难可分为心原性呼吸困难、肺原性呼吸困难、中枢性呼吸困难、精力神经器官疾病性呼吸困难、中毒性呼吸困难及血原性呼吸困难六种基本类型.


呼吸深快(hyperpnea) 指呼吸频率增加、幅度加深的异常呼吸,见于正常人剧烈运动后、严重的代谢性酸中毒、糖尿病酮症酸中毒、尿毒症等. Kussmaul's呼吸又称酸中毒大呼吸,表现为病人呼吸变快、幅度加深,但节律规整,病人并无呼吸困难的感觉.

respiratory insufficiency:呼吸功能不全

___ 呼吸功能不全(respiratory insufficiency)与呼吸衰竭(respiratory failure)的区别: 呼吸功能不全涵盖了外呼吸功能障碍的全过程,而呼吸衰竭是呼吸功能不全的严重阶段.呼吸功能不全一般在剧烈运动时发生,但呼衰即使静息时也是存在的.

Respiratory Therapist:(呼吸治疗师)

呼吸治疗与呼吸治疗师偶最近接触了呼吸治疗方面的信息,园里也没有这方面的信息(其实国内这方面的信息也很少),在此跟提供一点呼吸治疗与呼吸治疗师的信息,这也是目前在国内还处在新生阶段的东东,并请各位大侠指点!呼吸治疗(Respiratory Care)(台湾:呼吸照護)与呼吸治疗师(Respiratory Therapist)根据美国呼吸治疗学会.


2.呼吸过缓(bradypnea) 指呼吸频率低于12次/分而言. 呼吸浅慢见于麻醉剂或镇 静剂过量和颅内压增高等. 3.呼吸深度的变化 呼吸浅快,见于呼吸肌麻痹、严重鼓肠、腹水和肥胖等,以及 肺部疾病,如肺炎、胸膜炎、胸腔积液和气胸等. 呼吸深快,

bronchovesicular breath sound:支气管肺泡呼吸音

3.支气管肺泡呼吸音(bronchovesicular breath sound) 又称混淆呼吸音,兼具有支气管呼吸音和肺泡呼吸音的独特之处. 吸气音和肺泡呼吸音相仿,但调子较高且较清脆. 呼气音和支气管呼吸音相仿,但强度较弱,调子较低,时间较短. 正常人在胸骨两侧第l、2肋间,


1.呼吸过速(tachypnea)指呼吸频率超过20次/分而言. 见于发热、疼痛、贫血、甲状腺功能亢进及心力衰竭等. 一般体温升高l℃,呼吸大约增加4次/分. 2.呼吸过缓(bradypnea)指呼吸频率低于12次/分而言. 呼吸浅慢见于麻醉剂或镇静剂过量和颅内压增高等.

respiratory center:呼吸中枢

呼吸中枢(respiratory center)是指中枢神经系统内产生和调节呼吸运动的神经细胞群. 呼吸中枢广泛分布在大脑皮层、间脑、脑桥、延髓和脊髓等各级部位,它们在呼吸节律的产生和调节中所起的作用不同,正常节律性呼吸运动是在各级呼吸中枢的相互配合下实现的.