英语人>词典>汉英 : 周期 的英文翻译,例句
周期 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cycle  ·  period  ·  periods  ·  wheel  ·  cycles  ·  wheels

cycle time · complete alternation
更多网络例句与周期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper compares periodic set with almost periodic set, and properties of periodic function with that of almost periodic function through analysing the definitions of periodic function and almost perodic function, and then draws some important conclusions.


By using theories of almost type functions,the theorem about relation of asymptotically periodic functions and asymptotically periodic sequences ,as well as the equipollence of vector-valued asymptotically periodic functions and almost periodic functions on R+ are obtained.


By measuring missile movement inertia with torsion pendulum, the influences of periodic measurement error, systemic damp, period of swing object and corporative period of t he measured object and swinging object were analyzed. The relation among measurement error of movement inertia, measureme nt period, the period of swing object,corporaˉ tive period of tested object and swing object was proved. The maxi mal ratio between movement inertia for swinging obˉ ject and the measured object under conditions of different errors w as given under typical measurement precision.


Our results improve the former results. For periodic Jacobi matrix, some new spectral properties of periodic Jacobi matrix are given by studying the relationship of the eigenvalues of periodic Jacobi matrix and its n—1 principal submatrix. Applying these spectral properties, we present a necessary and sufficient condition for the solvability of an inverse problem of periodic Jacobi matrices and discuss the number and the relationship of its solutions. Furthermore, we propose a new algorithm to construct its solution and compare it with the former algorithms. As this inverse problem of periodic Jacobi matrix usually has multiple solutions as many other eigenvalue inverse problems, we study the uniqueness of this problem. And a necessary and sufficient condition is given to ensure its uniqueness, under which an algorithm is presented and the stability analysis is also given. Finally, we put forward a new inverse problem for periodic Jacobi matrix which has not been solved.


It analyses the essential factors, structure, environment as well as functions of high-tech corporation system and compares the similarities and differences between high-tech corporation system and traditional corporation system; it analyses characteristics in each stage of high-tech corporation lifecycle as well as management roots which lead to the declination of high-tech corporation and researches into the similarities and differences between high-tech corporation lifecycle and other lifecycles, including traditional corporation lifecycle, industry lifecycle, product lifecycle and ecology lifecycle; it studies functional coupling in each stage of high-tech corporation lifecycle and puts forward ways to realize internal coupling of high-tech corporation system and external environment coupling; based on fundamental concepts of dissipative structure, it summarizes six inherent laws of system evolution and on the basis of those laws it advances six principles of high-tech corporation lifecycle management, it poses four sequential parameters of high-tech corporation system, analyses coordination and competition between them and then it advanced four principles of high-tech corporation management; it researches into various cycles in high-tech corporation and puts forward five measures of high-tech corporation management from the point of hypercycle theory; it studies the relations between carious innovation of high-tech corporation innovation system and sets up models of innovation motive forces and resistances, after that it analyses the alternation laws of innovation motive forces and resistances in each stage of high-tech corporation lifecycle, puts forward some measures to strengthen motive forces and lessen resistances and then from the angle of dissipative structure theory, it researches into relevant questions of high-tech corporation innovation management; it studies the location, identification, cultivation, cultivation and protection of high-tech corporation core competence and researches into the key elements of core competence management in each stage of lifecycle and then from the angle of synergetic, it discusses several questions of high-tech corporation core competence management; it studies seven common characteristics of successful high-tech corporation culture and puts forward the ways and measures to cultivate and innovate high-tech corporation culture after that it researches into the characteristics of corporation culture in each stage of lifecycle and discusses relevant questions of high-tech corporation culture management from the point of hypercycle theory; it studies interplay of high-tech corporation system and environment and researches into the development and management of high-tech corporation ecology system after that it analyses the construction and disintegration of high-tech corporation strategic alliance.


Itanalyses the essential factors, structure, environment as well as functions of high-techcorporation system and compares the similarities and differences between high-tech corporationsystem and traditional corporation system; it analyses characteristics in each stage of-high-techcorporation lifecycle as well as management roots which lead to the declination of high-techcorporation and researches into the similarities and differences between high-tech corporationlifecycle and other lifecycles, including traditional corporation lifecycle, industry lifecycle,product lifecycle and ecology lifecycle; it studies functional coupling in each stage of high-techcorporation lifecycle and puts forward ways to realize internal coupling of high-tech corporationsystem and external environment coupling; based on fundamental concepts of dissipativestructure, it summarizes six inherent laws of system evolution and on the basis of those laws itadvances six principles of high-tech corporation lifecycle management; it poses four sequentialparameters of high-tech corporation system, analyses coordinfition and competition between themand then it advanced four principles of high-tech corporation management; it researches intovarious cycles in high-tech corporation and puts forward five measures of high-tech corporationmanagement from the point of hypercycle theory; it studies the relations between cariousinnovation of high-tech corporation innovation system and sets up models of innovation motiveforces and resistances, after that it analyses the alternation laws of innovation motive forces andresistances in each stage of high-tech corporation lifecycle, puts forward some measures tostrengthen motive forces and lessen resistances and then from the angle of dissipative structuretheory, it researches into relevant questions of high-tech corporation innovation management; itstudies the location, identification, cultivation, cultivation and protection of high-tech corporationcore competence and researches into the key elements of core competence management in eachstage of lifecycle and then from the angle of synergetic, it discusses several questions ofhigh-tech corporation core competence management; it studies seven common characteristics ofsuccessful high-tech corporation culture and puts forward the ways and measures to cultivate andinnovate high-tech corporation culture after that it researches into the characteristics ofcorporation culture in each stage of lifecycle and discusses relevant questions of high-techcorporation culture management from the point of hypercycle theory;' it studies interplay ofhigh-tech corporation system and environment and researches into the development andmanagement of high-tech corporation ecology system after that it analyses the construction anddisintegration of high4ech corporation strategic alliance.


The invention relates to a method for synchronizing at least one node of a bus system, which is operated with a predeterminable system clock period, whereby a local clock period and a reference clock period are given for the at least one node, and the reference clock period is synchronized with the system clock period. A local clock period, which is synchronized with the system clock period, of the at least one node is produced whereby linking the local clock period with a splitting factor, whereby the splitting factor represents a ratio of the reference clock period to the local clock period. The splitting factor for synchronizing the local clock period with the system clock period is adapted by adding or subtracting a adaptation value.


Induction (diapasue and nondiapause; sex and non-sex) supervenes when summation surpasses the internal threshold. The review reports some characters of the photoperiodic counter in insects and mites, including the following aspects:(1) the accumulation of photoperiodic information during photoperiodic sensitive period of insects.(2) the thre...


We performed a simulative test, which confirms that wavelet analysis can separate annual wobble and Chandler wobble. Our results show that this method can be used in astronomical geodynamies effectively. This paper is divided into two parts. The first is about statistic characteristic of polar motion. Polar motion includes secular motion, long period fluctuations, Chandler wobble, annual wobble and high frequency wobble. The secular motion is 3.4mas/year and towards 760W meridian. Long period fluctuations have difference periods in x-axis and y-axis. They are 31.7-year and 24-year in x-axis and 28.5-year and 22.9-year in y-axis. These 2~? decades fluctuations have an amplitude of about 30 mas , and are very nearly linearly polarized, with the observed motion of pole being almost entirely along a line between 360E and 1440W. There is a 55.4-year wobble whose amplitude is 9 mas. The amplitude of the interannual fluctuations is about 4? mas. The amplitude of long period fluctuations decreased after 1970. The annual wobble is a steady wobble. It retrograde wobble is only 1/20 of prograde wobble in amplitude.

本文的工作主要分为两部分:第一部分是通过分析POLE97序列,我们对极移的统计特性有了一个较全面的认识,极移主要包括趋势项、长周期项、Chandler项、周年项和高频项:趋势项的方向是西经76°,速度为每年3.4mas;长周期项中Markowitz 项在X、Y两个方向有不同的周期,它们分别是:X方向的两个周期是31.7年和24 年,Y方向的两个周期为28.5年和22.9年它们叠加在一起是一个线偏振运动,最大振幅约为30mas,偏振方向在西经144°和东经36°之间;极移的长周期波动中还存在一个 55.4年周期的圆周运动,振幅约为9mas;十年尺度变化的振幅在4~6mas之间,在Y 方向十年尺度的成份比较多,它们的周期在X方向和Y方向不是对应的;从七十年代年开始长周期变化的振幅明显降低;周年项是一个振幅稳定的摆动,在X、Y两个方向的振幅略有差别,逆向运动振幅大约为顺向运动振幅的1/20;Chandler摆动的振幅自1900年以来经历了几次较大的变化,其中包括1915年和1955年两次极大值,振幅分别达到0&。25和0&。28,以及1925~1940期间小于0.09的过程,Chandler项在X、Y 两个方向的振幅几乎完全相等,其逆向运动振幅不到顺向运动振幅的1/50。

Based on the return map and the principle of closed vectors, a new method is proposed to extract unstable periodic orbits embedded in chaotic attractors. As examples, the UPOs embedded in chaotic attractors of Logistic, Hénon and Lorenz are extracted respectively by this method. And our results of Skewed Hénon map also be compared with Nusse's. These results suggest that this method is valid for unstable periodic orbits from period one to period infinite of arbitrary dimension chaotic system. The dynamic considerations of spiking and UPO coding for individual neuron and neural system under external periodic and chaotic exciting stimulus also be studied in this dissertation. A lot of spiking phenomena, such as synchronization, period, and chaos appear alternatively with the changing of the stimulus frequency. For the small stimulus frequency the neuron could completely convey the periodic signal in synchronous anti-phase into interspike intervals sequences. For the slow time–scale chaotic input, the output two ISI sequences are reciprocally related to input signals, and their oscillation wave shape in time course can be derived from that of the input signals variation, furthermore, the similar input sequence and order of UPOs, distribution of LES and value of KYD remain in attractors reconstructed from ISI sequences.

发现周期信号在单个神经元传递过程中,随着激励频率的改变,神经元输出的峰峰间期interspike interval时间序列呈现出周期、混沌和准周期的交错变化,特别当外加激励信号频率较低时,周期信号可以通过神经元ISI序列以反相同步的周期运动形式传递下去;同时无论是周期还是混沌激励信号,在神经系统中的传递均与其自身强度和神经元之间的耦合强度的大小密切相关;快变时间尺度的混沌激励信号在耦合的神经系统传递过程中,会造成大量基本信息的丢失;而慢变时间尺度的混沌激励信号在神经系统传递中,它的非线性特征信息,如混沌吸引子、不稳定周期轨道、Lyapunov指数谱和分形维数,会通过系统输出的ISI序列部分地重现出来,如与输入慢变时间尺度的混沌激励信号相比,神经系统输出的ISI序列具有:相似几何形状的混沌吸引子、相近的Lyapunov指数谱和分形维数、局部结构相同的不稳定周期轨道的排列方式。

更多网络解释与周期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

almost periodic function:概周期函数;殆周期函数

360,"almost periodic","概周期的;殆周期的" | 361,"almost periodic function","概周期函数;殆周期函数" | 362,"almost proper mapping","殆眞映射"

aperiodic damping:非周期阻尼,非周期衰减

aperiodic current 非周期电流 | aperiodic damping 非周期阻尼,非周期衰减 | aperiodic dampong 非周期阻尼,过阻尼

aperiodic circuit:非周期电路, 非周期振荡电路

aperiodic automorphism | 非周期自同构 | aperiodic circuit | 非周期电路, 非周期振荡电路 | aperiodic component | 非周期部分

fetch cycle:提取周期

提取(fetch)周期执行(execution)周期指令周期(机械周期) = 指CPU每执行一个指令所需的时间,包含指令提取周期(Fetch cycle) + 指令执行周期(Execution cycle)指令周期主要的决定因素在指令集的架构,采用复杂指令集(CISC)的指令周期,

fetch cycle:取周期

一个指令的执行由开始到结束称为指令周期(Instruction Cycle),而一个指令周期又分为撷取周期(Fetch Cycle)与执行周期(Execution Cycle),这两个小周期里有可划分为几个小动作,下图的方块图说明指令执行的周期.

lead time:生产周期

解产品的生产周期:(Lead time) :( 产品的生产周期 信息处理周期 客户 物品流动周期 送货周期 组装周期 加工周期 生产订单接受 生产销售决议 生产计划作成 采购计划作成 采购周期 供应商 如何了解产品的生产周期: 如何了解产品的生产周期: (Lead time) VSM (Value Stream Mapping)价值流程图方法 是从九十年代中期美国诞生,

natural period of oscillation:固有振动周期,自然回摆周期

natural period 固有周期=>自然周期 | natural period of oscillation 固有振动周期,自然回摆周期 | natural person 自然人

daily periodicity:昼夜周期,日周期 日周期

daily cumulative temperature 日积温 日積算溫度 N | daily periodicity 昼夜周期,日周期周期 Y | daily rhythm 日节律 日周律 N

estrous cycle:动情周期

在哺乳类中,雌性有两种生殖的周期:动情周期(estrous cycle)和月经周期(menstrual cycle). 人类和其他许多哺乳类是月经周期,但其余的哺乳类则属动情周期. 两种都是一个周期排卵一次.

estrous cycle:发情周期

周期又称生殖周期,而哺乳动物的性周期一般又称为发情周期(estrous cycle)动情周期,通常将发情周期人为地分为发情前期、发情期、发情后期和休情期(间情期).