英语人>词典>汉英 : 吹哨子 的英文翻译,例句
吹哨子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与吹哨子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And I was going to sea myself; to sea in a schooner, with a piping boatswain, and pig-tailed singing seamen; to sea, bound for an unknown island, and to seek for buried treasures!


And, or I have a boatswain who pipes, Livesey; so things shall go man-o'-war fashion on board the good ship Hispaniola.

李维 希,我还有一名水手长,他能以吹哨子来传递命令,可以说,在希丝帕妮奥拉号上,一切都会按军舰上的规则办事。

I stood, in front of a cave and whistled, Sergei replies.


Stop blowing the whistle, man, we were chatting.


The referee blew his whistle to stop the game.


Jackson didn't wait until the end of the game to criticize the referees, telling TNT sideline reporter Craig Sager after the first quarter that the Lakers' 22-8 lead had disappeared "because of the guys with the whistles, who called some inconsequential fouls."

菲尔并不是等到比赛结束后才开始发牢骚,与马刺队的第一节中,看着球队22-8的领先优势被瞬间蚕食。他就已经对 TNT 的边线报道员 Craig Sager 说道:&我想那些吹哨子的人吹了一些令人莫名其妙的判罚。才导致我们被迫近。&

The policeman was now blowing his whistle, and that sound brought other constables.


And don't make me blow the shofar again.

够了, 别逼我再吹哨子

I thought I heard a diver's whistle, and told the other panga driver, who took off in that direction.


If it does not keep getting lost and separated from the other players should immediately call loud companions, or to blow the whistle made the signal for help.


更多网络解释与吹哨子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


但NBA裁判们的哨子在以下几个环节做出了较大的变化:防守球员如果用前臂阻碍进攻球员的前进,将被吹犯规,尤其是从中圈到三分线弧顶的"进攻推进地带",以及持球进攻球员向篮下移动时;对带球撞人(Charging Foul)要吹得松,强调只有防守球员处于静止状态,

When he gave a whistle, his dog ran to him:他吹了一声口哨,他的狗就向他跑来

The teacher blew a whistle to start the race. 老师吹哨子开始了赛跑. | When he gave a whistle, his dog ran to him. 他吹了一声口哨,他的狗就向他跑来. | wife n妻子,太太


806吹筒;笛子;哨子kahiyopanhahiyop | 1444吹風;風乾paba:i' | 1702吾鼠rawa

Pious:虔诚的 (形)

pioneering 开创性的 (形) | pious 虔诚的 (形) | pipe 以管输送, 吹哨子; 吹笛, 尖叫 (动)

Stop blowing the whistle, man, we were chatting:都不要吹哨子了 伙计 我们在聊天

I like you, Twatt.|我喜欢你 特沃... | Stop blowing the whistle, man, we were chatting.|都不要吹哨子了 伙计 我们在聊天 | I have a very important announcement. As you may know|我有一个很重要的事情要宣布 你...


在游到小岛后停下来,键入"将鱼扔给塘鹅"(throw fish to pelican),然后走过去,拿到哨子(whistle). 现在走近右边的船头,键入"看地板"(look on ground),可得到马缰(bridle),吹口哨,乘上海豚. 在到达大陆后,找到独角兽,走近它,


whistle 吹口哨,汽笛声,哨子 | whoever [引出定语从句]谁,无论谁,不管谁 | whose [引出定语从句]那个(人)的,那些(人)的

pipe away:发出开船信号; 吹哨子收工[下班]

tune one's pipes 口说, 笔写; [苏] 哭起来 | pipe away 发出开船信号; 吹哨子收工[下班] | pipe down [航海]吹哨停工; 住嘴静下来

Okay, enough. And don't make me blow the shofar again:够了, 别逼我再吹哨子

Oh, your wedding, see? It's always about you.|你的婚礼? 听到了吧 什么都是... | Okay, enough. And don't make me blow the shofar again.|够了, 别逼我再吹哨子 | I coach the temple softball team.|我当过垒球教...