英语人>词典>汉英 : 启蒙 的英文翻译,例句
启蒙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
enlighten  ·  enlightenment  ·  initiate  ·  enlightener  ·  enlightens  ·  initiated  ·  initiates

impart rudimentary knowledge to beginners · free sb. from prejudice or superstition
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This article proposed: First, the political philosophy and latter modernism are to the initiation inheritance profound resonsideration, but their standpoint is different; Second, the political philosophy's subject is just, but regarding anything is just, the new liberalism interior is debated, between it and the social group principle's argument is more intense; Third, the initiation


This article proposed: First, the political philosophy and latter modernism are to the initiation inheritance profound resonsideration, but their standpoint is different; Second, the political philosophy's subject is just, but regarding anything is just, the new liberalism interior is debated, between it and the social group principle's argument is more intense; Third, the initiation is a not enterprise unexpectedly, the new liberalism and latter modernism are impossible to end the initiation.


In the third chapter, by analyzing the relationship of the enlightening narration and the narration of daily life which assisted, penetrated and covered with each other, we can find the distinct feature of Tie Ning"s novels: It has the kindness of daily life narratives in the enlightening of life .In addition, by analyzing the narration of daily life, double position of intellectual and Populace, and the distinct feature of Tie Ning"s novels which enlightening narration had been added into narration of daily life was presented.


Along with the ebb-tide of the enlightment and the historical conversion from cultural enlightment to political revolution, the utilitarian pursuance of literature must have a corresponding change, and only so could it get avoid the rattrap.


By the close reading of the first excursus of Dialectic of Enlightenment,"Odysseus,or Myth and Enlightenment",section one dipects five faces of enlightenment spirit that is calculation,positivism,logic,asceticism and hedonism,and analyses the dialectics of myth and enlightenment:technology and science has become an ideology, enlightenment reason has become instrumental reason.


The essay explores the contribution of Chinese thought on European enlightened thought in 18 century from following aspects: first, democratic politics. Chinese thought helped appropriately enlightened value. Second, Chinese thought took part in the course of practical reason instead of theology. Third, the independent thought of Confucianism and the naturism of Dao effected deeply the enlightened value of independence.


When American Pop art met the Chinese modernism in that very context, a certain mystery was produced: Pop art was readily understood as a Dadaist destructive art, while its cultural deconstructive property seemed to be ignored. By the early 1990s, due to the political reason, China had undergone its rapid social and cultural transition from Enlightenment era to consumerist era, while artists, who were still in despair because of the failure of cultural Enlightenment movement, found themselves confronted with a completely new economic market and their ideas mingled with those of modernist Enlightenment and post-modern deconstruction.


Its manifesting formality was in proximity to non-rationality, but the ideological arms they made use of to oppose the repudiation and re-evaluation of all traditional values was undoubtedly modern rationality that the modern enlighteners admitted. This phenomenon is just the tactics of"the derationalization of rationality"in the enlightening process.


With the method of elucidatory and phenomenology, resort to ultimate view, we can probe into the meaning of enlightenment, then find the multi-form of it, such as: rational form, non-rational form, and so on.


In the May 4th Enlightenment,the male enlighetners skert around the opression of sexuality beause of the male supremacy which come from the sexuale identity tradition .


更多网络解释与启蒙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


semibarbarian 半野蛮的人 | abecedarian 初学者,启蒙老师 | Bulgarian 保加利亚人


企业文化 corporate culture | 启蒙老师 abecedarian | 气象 meteorology


为了废除封建特权,建立一幅由狄德罗(Denis Diderot)、伏尔泰(F.Voltaire)、卢梭(Jean Jacques Rousseau)所描绘的启蒙主义(Didacticism)理想图景,1789年爆发的法国大革命不仅推翻了波旁王朝的封建统治,而且以空前的速度彻底改变了法国的传统秩序,



enlighten t:启发, 启蒙, 教导, 授予...知识, 开导, <古>照耀

525. engross t. 用大字体书写, 吸引, 占用, 使全神贯注, 独占 | 526. enlighten t. 启发, 启蒙, 教导, 授予...知识, 开导, 照耀 | 527. ensue i. 跟着发生, 继起 t. (基督教>用语)追求

Enlightening Spirit:启蒙精神

启蒙主义:enlightening | 启蒙精神:Enlightening Spirit | 自主学习-启发:Self-teaching-enlightening


英文 "启蒙"(enlightenment)意味着使人通过开导而摆脱无知、偏见与迷信. 在中国,"启蒙" 固有含义的要点是"使初学的人得到基本的、入门的知识".


irradiation /发光/放射/照射/ | irradiative /放热的/启蒙的/ | irradiator /照耀放热者/启蒙者/


obscission /脱落现象/ | obscurant /反启蒙主义者/反对开化论者/ | obscurantism /反启蒙主义/反开化论/文盲政策/

illuminatingly:照耀地; 启蒙地 (副)

illuminating 照亮的; 照明的; 启蒙的 (形) | illuminatingly 照耀地; 启蒙地 (副) | illumination 照明; 启发; 阐明 (名)