英语人>词典>汉英 : 听觉 的英文翻译,例句
听觉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ear  ·  ears  ·  hearing  ·  imagination  ·  acuesthesia  ·  hearings

auditory sense · sense of hearing
更多网络例句与听觉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

RESULTS After immunizing with CIEAgs, some of female guinea pigs which immunized with CIEAgs and not treated with IS showed different degrees of hearing loss (the thresholds of acoustic nerve compound active potential and cochlear microphonic potentials elevated) and immune inflammatioris in inner ear tissues.

结果 同时给予免疫抑制的母鼠及其各自所产子鼠均未出现明显的听觉损伤和内耳病理改变:出现听觉功能障碍和内耳病理变化的子鼠经环磷酸胺治疗后,其听觉功能有所提高。

The present study is to culture otocyst cells in fetal, cochlear sensory epithelial cells of neonatal and mature respectively in vitro with refinement of culture media and techniques. Immunocytochemistry and Bromodeoxyuridine labeling are used to detect properties and mitotic status of cultured cells. With the observations about proliferation and differentiation in cultured cells, we want to find the origin of regenerative cells and to understand how these progenitors proliferate and differentiate.


Firstly, cluster analysis and questionnaire surveys are performed to obtain a number of auditory attribute descriptors in Chinese language, and then based on paired comparison and semantic differential approach, a dissimilarity matrix and a subjective evaluation value of each descriptor are obtained.


That is, when testee are asked to detect and locate the target, the amount of auditory IOR effect is not affected by central reorienting factor, whose function is to reorient auditory attention from cued location to make sure that the facilitatory effect in auditory spatial attention would not weaken the effect of auditory IOR.


Sedation score used Ramsay Scale (Ramsay Scale: 1-sober, anxious orrestless or both; 2-sober, cooperative, orientated and tranquil; 3-sober, responding tocommands; 4-sleep, brisk response to stimutus such as percus on glabellum or loudauditory stimulus; 5-sleep, sluggish response to stimulus; 6-sleep, no response tostimulus).

镇静评分采用Ramsay评分(Ramsay Scale:1,清醒,焦虑和易激惹,或不安,或两者都有;2,清醒,能合作,定位感好,平静;3,清醒,只对指令应;4,睡眠对眉间轻叩或大的听觉刺激反应轻快;5,睡眠,对眉间轻叩或大的听觉刺激反应迟缓;6,睡眠,对眉间轻叩或大的听觉刺激无反应。)。

Therefore, the model of human ear and the hearing effect are introduced, and the influence of Hass effect, pinnae effect, reflection and reverberation to the hearing is analyzed too.


We found late magnetic reaction waves in two hemisphere of these volunteers by hearing animal's names and plant's names and the left hemisphere waves were much differentiate than that of right hemisphere. The results showed that Sensory's area is located at middle temporal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus.Conclusions: Sensory's area of Chinese people coincidence with the classic language center, that is, Sensory's area of Chinese people is located at middle temporal gyrus,superior temporal gyrus and supramarginal gyrus.


We present an improved DP-MBE SAM; secondly, un-voice analysis is introduced to the DP-MBESAM, so that the improved ASA system can be used not only to separate concurrent vowels but concurrent speech signals with unvoice as well.

针对基于DP-MBE SAM的混叠浊音听觉场景分析系统存在的问题,提出了改进的基于DP-MBE SAM的混叠语音听觉场景分析系统,包括两部分内容,第一,针对DP-MBE SAM在实际的应用中存在的求解矩阵奇异引起的参数模糊及混叠信号谐波频率相同引起的参数模糊问题,借鉴多帧内插方法,提出了改进的DP-MBE SAM;第二,在基于DP-MBE SAM的混叠浊音听觉场景分析系统加入清音分离环节,将系统的应用从浊音推广到含有清浊音的语音信号。

When the central reorienting does not exist, auditory IOR can also be found;(2) auditory central reorienting has no significant influence on the amount of auditory IOR effect.


According to Prime's (2006) study about the vision channel, during detection task and localization task, does auditory central reorienting have influence on the amount of auditory IOR effect?


更多网络解释与听觉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


acouesthesia 听觉 | acoumeter 听觉计 | acoumetry 听力测验法


acoustical 听觉的 | acoustically 听觉上 | acoustician 声学家

auditory acuity:听觉敏度

听觉敏度(auditory acuity) 又称"听力敏度"、"听敏度". 听觉器官对声音刺激的精细分辨能力. 在操作上是指:在测查总次数中能觉察出50%次数的最小强度刺激的那种听觉敏感性. 听力损失主要表现为听敏度的降低.

auditory acuity:听觉敏锐度

"audito-oculogyric reflex","视听反射" | "auditory acuity","听觉敏锐度" | "auditory agnosia","听觉辨识缺陷"

auditory afterimage:听觉后象

听觉后象(auditory afterimage)声音刺激停止作用后在脑中暂时保留的感觉印象. 人在一段时间凝神谛听某种声音刺激后,即不再连续聆听,或转而谛听另一种声音刺激,原来的听觉体验仍暂时保留.

auditory agnosia:听觉失认[症]

atypical absence seizure:非典型失神发作 | auditory agnosia:听觉失认[症] | auditory evoked potential, aep:听觉诱发电位

acoustic agnosia:听觉失知症

acousmatamnesia 听觉性健忘症 | acoustic agnosia 听觉失知症 | acoustic aphasia 听觉性失语

audibility range:听觉广度

听觉极度 audibility limit | 听觉广度 audibility range | 听众密度 audience density

audibility limit:听觉极度

属性分类 attributive classification | 听觉极度 audibility limit | 听觉广度 audibility range

