英语人>词典>汉英 : 后管骨 的英文翻译,例句
后管骨 的英文翻译、例句


hind shank
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The raw data was processed by using axial, coronal and double oblique multi-planar reformation; Images obtained were graded in terms of quality with a 5-point scale(5=excellent, 4=good, 3=fair, 2=poor, and 1=nondiagnostic). In grading image quality at axial MPR, The radiologic specialists focused on the subarcuate fossa, tendon of tensor tympani, facial recess, vestibular aqueduct and pyramidal eminence, In grading image quality at coronal MPR, attention was given to the scute, crista transversa, fenestra cochleae, lateral malleal ligament and snake eyes signature of cranial nerve, In the grading of the image quality at double oblique MPR, the radiologic specialists concentrated on the malleus, incus, stirrup bone, upper bony semicircular and aquaeductus fallopii, and then to implement statistical analysis. In order to choose the minimum tube current values and the maximum pitch that can satisfy the diagnosis request, image quality of axial, coronal and double oblique reformation images was compared with different tube current groups. 15 ears of volunteers were used to test the validity with the scanning parameter. Subsequently noise, MTF and dose length product were measured by phantoms in different tube current and pitch, the parameters obtained were compared and taken into statistics analysis.

扫描模式使用临床常用的颞骨螺旋扫描方式:管电压120 kV,准直宽度20×0.6 mm,视野200 mm,重建矩阵512×512,旋转时间1 s/r,重建层厚0.6 mm,重建间隔0.3 mm,分别改变管电流(380、300、200、160、120和80 mA)和螺距(0.8、1.0和1.2)进行扫描和重建,然后对颞骨进行横断面、冠状面和双斜面多平面重组,于重组后的横断层面图像上选取弓形下窝、鼓膜张肌腱、面神经隐窝、前庭导水管和锥隆起5个解剖结构,冠状面重组图像上选取盾板、横嵴、蜗窗、面神经的蛇眼征和锤骨外侧韧带5个解剖结构,双斜面重组图像上选取锤骨、砧骨、镫骨、上骨半规管和面神经管5个解剖结构,在双盲的情况下由放射学专家分别对各管电流和螺距下扫描的重组图像进行评分,随后进行统计学处理,从中筛选出满足诊断要求的最低管电流值和最大的螺距,分别采用患者25例(15耳)用该管电流值和螺距验证其可行性;然后利用模体分别测试各管电流和螺距下的图像的空间分辨率、噪声及其剂量长度积,并对测试所得参数数值进行比较和统计学处理。

ABSTRACT:OBJECTIVETo study the correlation between anatomic structure of the inferior alveolar nerve canal and dental implantation by measuring mandible innervation esemplarsMETHODSThe intramandibular course of mandibular canal and its dimendion were measured in 15 mandibles with teeth; the relationship between blood vessel and nerve was observed in 5 fresh samples in which the artery was filled; and then the data were analyzed by statisticsRESULTSThe mandibular canal was close to the lingual side and the inferior margin of the mandible, the mandibular canal and the 10mm underside of mandible were parallel in the region of the first and the second molars, it runned outboard to genal aperture when it was hereabout genal aperture, and the blood vessel lay above nerve in the mandibular canalCONCLUSIONIn implant operation performed according to normal anatomy, injury to inferior alveolar nerve may be avoided.


ABSTRACT:OBJECTIVETo study the correlation between anatomic structure of the inferior alveolar nerve canal and dental implantation by measuring mandible innervation esemplarsMETHODS The intramandibular course of mandibular canal and its dimendion were measured in 15 mandibles with teeth; the relationship between blood vessel and nerve was observed in 5 fresh samples in which the artery was filled; and then the data were analyzed by statisticsRESULTSThe mandibular canal was close to the lingual side and the inferior margin of the mandible, the mandibular canal and the 10mm underside of mandible were parallel in the region of the first and the second molars, it runned outboard to genal aperture when it was hereabout genal aperture, and the blood vessel lay above nerve in the mandibular canalCONCLUSIONIn implant operation performed according to normal anatomy, injury to inferior alveolar nerve may be avoided.


The acoustic sensibility was elevated and the descended abruptly in 3 ears after operation, the drum membrane separated with ossicles in 1 ear, the ossicle detached from oval window in 1 ear, the dislocation of malleus and stirrup in 1 ear.


Then the cultivated chondrocytes were embedded in fibrin glue fused on spongy bone, covered with priosteal flap; the complex was used to repair the femoral trochlea osteochondral defect which size is 3mm × 4mm × 4mm made in rabbit knee joint.


ResultsDistances between pyramidal eminence and chordal eminence and the facial canal were 3.22±0.41mm and 3.59±0.48mm, and length of the tympanic chorda posterior tubules was 9.44±1.65mm. Distances between pyramid segment of the facial canal and chordal eminence, lateral semicircular canal and posterior semicircular canal were 3.34mm±0.42mm, 1.54±0.25mm and 2.15±0.29mm, respectively.


We compare it with the Votalin treating that have been proved effective on clinic during the experiment, and detect intraosseous pressure in the upper part of tibia and the content of nitrogen monoxidum in articular cartilages、 synovial membranes、 synovias of knee joint, we can initially identify the mechanism of action that this theropy treat on gonarthritis, supply the theoretical and experimental evidence for making general use of it on clinic.


Treatment of spinal tuberculosis1methods between february 1998 and august 2000 , 12 patients with spinal tuberculosis were operated with anterior vertebrectomy , bone grafting and plating1 evaluation including bone fusionrate , correction of deformity and status of spinal lesion was carried out1results in an average of ten months ,spinal tuberculosis was completely cured and solid bone fusion had taken place in all 12 patients1 the time for bone fusion averaged 518 months and the average angle of correction of kyphosis was 16°1conclusions anterior plating following vertebrectomy and bone grafting offers a complete removal of lesion and decompression of the spinal canal as well as reconstruction of spinal stability1 early rehabilitation and an increased curative rate can be expected through this procedure1

目的 探讨经脊柱前路结核病灶清除的同时植骨内固定的可行性和必要性,以及对脊柱结核的治疗效果。方法1998 年2月~2000 年8 月采用脊柱前路病椎切除加植骨,并采用orion或z-plate 钢板进行椎体固定。共治疗12 例脊柱结核,观察植骨融合及矫正畸形情况和结核病灶愈合情况。结果经平均10 个月的随访,12 例患者脊柱结核均治愈,植骨与受骨区全部骨性融合,融合时间平均为518 个月,后凸矫正角度平均16°。全组病例切口均一期愈合。无手术并发症。结论本方法可经脊柱前路作较彻底的病灶清除,并较好地进行脊柱矫形和椎管减压,完成脊柱稳定性重建,有利于患者早期离床活动和脊柱结核治愈率的提高。

Methods: The bone marrow cells were obtained from long bone of new born Zelanian rabbits, the cells were isolated and cultured in vitro in conditioned medium, then the acquired cells which had propagated in vitro and undergone frozen storage and resuscitation and gelatin sponge were made into a complex.


Results After 3 months of kidney radiation by 15 Gy of Cs137 γ-rays, the changes with kidney shrank, Bowman's capsules straitened or disappeared, glomerular swelled, some epithelia denaturalized or died were observed. Mitochondria tumefied and the cristae shortened, lessened and disordered. Urine β2-MP rose evidently. It was lowered significantly the renal 25-OH-D-1α-hydroxylase activity and its mRNA expression. The dry and ash weight, BMD of femur and lumbar were significantly reduced, volume and width of bone trabecula were distinctly decreased and the space increased in model group. The Pyd / Cr increased and ALP decreased as well.

结果 15Gy 137Cs-γ射线肾局部照射3个月后肾脏体积缩小,肾小球肿大,Bowman氏囊囊腔狭窄甚至消失,部分肾小管上皮细胞变性、坏死,线粒体肿胀,体积增大,线粒体嵴变短、减少、排列紊乱;尿β2-MP显著增加;肾1α羟化酶活性及1α羟化酶mRNA基因表达量明显下降;肾辐射组股骨干重、灰重、腰椎和股骨BMD明显降低;骨小梁体积和骨小梁宽度减少,骨小梁间距增加,MAR减小;腰椎压缩和股骨三点弯最大载荷明显降低,Pyd / Cr值明显增加,ALP显著降低。

更多网络解释与后管骨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bony ampulla:骨壶腹

每个半规管的两端均开口于前庭;其一端膨大名骨壶腹(bony ampulla),上半规管内端与后半规管上端合成一总脚,外半规管内端为单脚,故3个半规管共有5孔通入前庭.

auditory tube:咽鼓管

咽鼓管(auditory tube)是从鼓室通向鼻腔后方的鼻咽的一条管道,长3.5~4.0cm. 咽鼓管靠鼓室端的1/3由硬骨组成,靠鼻咽部的2/3由软骨构成. 管的两端膨大,中间窄小,叫咽鼓管峡. 咽鼓管向后外方向开口于鼓室前壁 处叫做咽鼓管鼓口 ,

bony labyrinth:骨迷路

35 一,骨迷路(bony labyrinth) 骨迷路 组成:耳蜗,前庭,骨半规管 耳蜗,前庭, 耳蜗前(上)骨半规管 前骨壶腹 骨壶腹 总骨脚 后骨半规管 耳蜗外(水平)骨半规管 水平) 外骨壶腹 骨壶腹 前庭窗 蜗螺旋管 骨蜗管) (骨蜗管) 前庭 后骨壶腹 骨壶腹 蜗窗 36 蜗顶 蜗孔 蜗螺旋管 骨蜗管) (骨蜗管) 前庭阶 蜗轴 骨螺旋板 蜗管 鼓阶 37

Hind Shank:后管骨

hind carriage 拖车 | hind shank 后管骨 | hind wheel 后轮

posterior semicircular canal:后骨半规管

前骨半规管 anterior semicircular canal | 后骨半规管 posterior semicircular canal | 外骨半规管 lateral semicircular canal

posterior semicircular canal:后半规管,后骨半规管

posterior segmental bronchus 后段支气管 | posterior semicircular canal 后半规管,后骨半规管 | posterior septum 后隔

anterior semicircular canal:前骨半规管

骨半规管 bony semicircular canals | 前骨半规管 anterior semicircular canal | 后骨半规管 posterior semicircular canal

lateral semicircular canal:外骨半规管

后骨半规管 posterior semicircular canal | 外骨半规管 lateral semicircular canal | 骨脚 bony crura

Semicircular canals:骨半规管

2.骨半规管(semicircular canals) 位于前庭的后上方,每侧有3个半规管,各为3个约成2/3环形的骨管,互成直角;依其在空间位置分别称外(水平)、上(垂直)、后(垂直)半规管(1ateral,superiorand posterior semicircular canals).


1.镫骨手术 包括镫骨撼动术(stapediolysis)及各种类型镫骨切除术(stapedectomy). 2.内耳开窗术 内耳开窗术(fenestration of inner ear),先哲们曾经试图在鼓岬、上半规管、后半规管及外侧半规管上开窗,都曾获得短期的听力改善.