英语人>词典>汉英 : 史实的 的英文翻译,例句
史实的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The author figures out that many mistakes were come into being as a byproduct of the Westward Movement, which include despoilment of the soil, water, forest, mineral and wildlife resources and the environmental damage.


The interpretation of the historical period emphasizes on the ignored, and devalued common people's daily events to discover their voices and incurrence, instead of the grand, unifying, systematic, and historical discourse of the traditional structure.


Serious interpretation stick by historical fact, construct the scenario with inner historical contradiction, shape the event and historical character. Playful interpretation has a jocosity style and seldom stick by historical fact,(以后现代式无深度戏仿消解历史,并以此形成事件核心和模式化的人物形象;)Dissociated between these two styles is sub-serious interpretation, reconstructure history with fabled drama conflict, and shape the event and dramatized character.


The Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament) bears historical witness to this.

Septuagint (旧约的希腊译本是这一史实的见证)。

The questions are pain no importance or controversial. So the dissertation trys to find out the true reasons and get common senses with the frondose.


Writings at the site led experts to identify the tomb as belonging to Marcus Nonius Macrinus, one of the closest aides and generals of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius.


Evidently,Huang has ahigh regard for micro social study including the study of local history;he attaches importance to first-hand data and perceptualknowledge obtaining from the study of anthropological method;he attaches importance to the ponderation and discrimination of ex-isting theories from historical facts;he insists on the sequence of recognition going from historical facts to theory,and back to his-torical facts again and so on.


For it is unlawful to assert that they preached before they possessed 'perfect knowledge' as some do even venture to say, boasting themselves as improvers of the apostles.


Some of the accounts published in Taiwan - eg. Detailed Account of Ching Dynasty Wars by Loh Yun, publ. 1975, Hsiang Yun Publishing, Taipei - are more objective. However, they do a good job describe what happened but do little analysis of WHY things happened.


Some of the accounts published in Taiwan - eg. Detailed Account of Ching Dynasty Wars by Loh Yun, publ. 1975, Hsiang Yun Publishing, Taipei - are more objective. However, they do a good job describe what happened but do little analysis of WHY things happened.


更多网络解释与史实的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Annie Oakley:<安妮. 欧克丽>

这齣戏的故事主角,是一个在十九世纪末期的 美国西部综艺团裡表演神枪法的女性, 本名 Phoebe Ann Moses(1860~1926)的安妮欧克丽(Annie Oakley). 根据史实的记载,她是个俄亥俄州小农庄主人的女儿,生性豪放、不让鬚眉. 在父亲过世之后,

Bonfire Glade:篝火草原 老林内的地名

Bombur 庞伯 和比尔博一同出发的寻宝队伍成员 | Bonfire Glade 篝火草原 老林内的地名 | Book Of Thain 领主之书 皮瑞格林的後代记录史实的史书

by objective historical standards:根据客观的历史标准;依据史实

creeping into the minutiae of daily life :渗透到了日常生活琐事中 | by objective historical standards:根据客观的历史标准;依据史实 | regrettably:可悲的是

Willa Cather:维拉.凯瑟

从霍桑、维拉.凯瑟(Willa Cather)(注:美国女小说家,作品描写美洲大平原的开拓者和边疆居民的生活,其中>荣获1923年普利策小说奖. )到福克纳以来的几代作家,通过重新命名我们的山川风物、小镇邻里,把它们当作史实来记述,



The Past:过去

的过去不是"过去"(THE PAST),而是史家对过去的一种解释,我们所知道的历史也只不过是历史学家思想过和整理过的历史,而这种历史或者说解释已经不再合乎历史实相,而只是史家自身试图把一致性强加于历史之上的对历史的阐释--是史家的发明(INVENTION)或虚构(FICTION),


于是,历史研究就带上了"目的论"(teleology)的眼光,即如何从过去的历史中,寻找能服务于当代的史实,提出新的历史解释. 这一用"目的论"的眼光考察过去的作法,在世界各地区民族史学中,都有明显的表现. 10但是,由于中国的历史悠久,


从神话和传说至少保存了史实的核心这一前提出发,巴霍芬论辨道,女性在许多古代社会占据着统治地位.他的研究所依据的是对古 代史料来源中的参考材料进行的综合考虑,而这些参考材料则涉及到亚马孙和其他带有母系(matrilineal)习俗的社会--在这些社会内,

The Ravages of Time:火鳳燎原

<<火凤燎原>>(The Ravages of Time)是2001年开始出版的漫画作品,也是陈某继<<不是人>>之后,再度呈现一个纵横幻想与史实的三国时代漫画. 其剧情发展以心机、谋算而为人所称道,目前于香港、台湾、日本等地皆有推出单行本,是少数华人漫画中可以打入日本市场的作品.