英语人>词典>汉英 : 可能有的 的英文翻译,例句
可能有的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可能有的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has famous attractions such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe.


Tecent science and technology: The likelihood has some of person to say I have a good project, but search to be not worn money, presumable VC says to money cannot find good project, is you feel current after all a project is be being returned less money less?


Presumable person does not understand this meaning, so called price difference and discharge changeover are test your eyesight, for instance some of site cannot make money possibly in your hand, after so you sell according to your psychological price, the likelihood arrived in the hand of others make money quite.


Compere : Presumable trades different, the likelihood works at the same time other chat at the same time, resemble communicating a bit, for instance I shop the thing that I may say need is what kind of with him, for instance I want to do what, how how, you can introduce, everybody reachs other place a little slowly slowly, the process that may be a communication.


Why might these several provisional contingencies between a guest and a hostess not necessarily preclude or be precluded by a permanent eventuality of reconciliatory union between a schoolfellow and a jew's daughter?


All these causes conspire to make both individuals and governments, in estimating their means, attach almost exclusive importance to money, either in esse or in posse, and look upon all other things (when viewed as part of their resources) scarcely otherwise than as the remote means of obtaining that which alone, when obtained, affords the indefinite, and at the same time instantaneous, command over objects of desire, which best answers to the idea of wealth.


Adapt to change and you will probably cause some pre-emptive elimination of future resentment (e.g., you might not take it personally when your local hockey team relocates, or when your old mechanic's replacement makes a mistake on your car).


Adapt to change and youwill probably cause some pre-emptive elimination of futureresentment (e.g., you might not take it personally when your localhockey team relocates, or when your old mechanic's replacementmakes a mistake on your car).


Then these men were bound in their coats, their hosen, and their hats, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.


Total depravity doesn't mean we do not have the ability to develop our power of religion and culture.


更多网络解释与可能有的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aggregate supply:总供给

总供给(Aggregate supply)是经济社会的总产量(或总产出),它描述了经济社会的基本资源用于生产时可能有的产量. 一般而言,总供给主要是由生产性投入(最重要的是劳动与资本)的数量和这些投入组合的效率(即社会的技术)的决定的.

seems to be restricted to just two small caves:可能只存在于两个较小的洞穴中

The entire population of these cave angel fish|世界上所有的... | seems to be restricted to just two small caves.|可能只存在于两个较小的洞穴中 | It's the same story with other troglobites.|其它穴居动物也...

a blue moon:不可能的事

61a blue dahlia不可能有的东西 | 62a blue moon不可能的事 | 63a body of...大量的...

multivariate analysis:多變項分析

在一般社会研究中,我们往往须要考虑许多变项间的关系,这就牵涉到了多变项分析(multivariate analysis)之领域了. 多变项分析可以协助我们进一步探索变项间可能有的因果关系. 本章即在介绍适合类别及等级尺度之多变项统计分析法.

Theres apossibility:有这个可能

There is nothing Ican do.我无能为力. | Theres apossibility.有这个可能. | These things happen all the time.这是常有的事.

Theres a possibility:有这个可能

There is nothing I can do. 我无能为力. | Theres a possibility. 有这个可能. | These things happen all the time. 这是常有的事.

He probably hit the ceiling:他可能会大发雷霆

他开始输钱了. He started to lose his shirt. | 他可能会大发雷霆. He probably hit the ceiling. | 赌场赢走了他所有的钱. The casino took him to the cleaners.

A wise man never attempts impossibilities:聰明人決不做不可能的事

3. Pride overrates what it possesses. 驕傲的人往往高估了他所擁有的一... | 4. A wise man never attempts impossibilities. 聰明人決不做不可能的事. | 5. It is safer being meek than fierce. 謙遜較暴躁為安全...

Pride overrates what it possesses:驕傲的人往往高估了他所擁有的一切

2. Constant dropping wears away stones. 滴水穿石. | 3. Pride overrates what it possesses. 驕傲的人往往高估了他所擁有的一切. | 4. A wise man never attempts impossibilities. 聰明人決不做不可能的事....

off chance:不大会有的机会, 极小的可能性

not even a cat's a dog's chance [口]毫无机会, 全无希望, 没有任何可能 | off chance 不大会有的机会, 极小的可能性 | on the chance of 指望, 期待, 心想也许会