英语人>词典>汉英 : 可改变的 的英文翻译,例句
可改变的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
changeable  ·  convertible  ·  fluid

更多网络例句与可改变的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Draw in the interface of two-dimensional coordinate axis, and draw the two triangles of variable size so that it can change in a straight line is symmetrical.


For example, if a modeler wants a parameter that contains the number of initial agents to be displayable, and modifiable, some String such as "numAgents" must be present in the array returned by getInitParam and the model must have a getNumAgents method and a setNumAgents method.

例如,建模者希望代表初始Agent数目的参数是可显示和可改变的,那么一些字符串如" numAgents "必须要体现在数组中,能被getInitParam返回,而且模型必须有一个getNumAgents方法和一个setNumAgents方法。

The nature of all existence in the Fifth Dimension, is Fluidity and Flexibility and Change.


Of the modifiable risk factors for stroke, blood pressure is the most important, Goldstein said.


A New Affluence diet is an important modifiable risk factor, which needs attention from the prevention point of view.


Both obesity and physical inactivity are modifiable risk factors for coronary heart disease, according to background information in the article.


Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable


The spindle support is shiftable on the baseplate.

纱锭支持是可改变的在 baseplate 上。

V volatile A value that may change without the intervention of software is said to be vo latile.


Sounds and editable interface skins are available to change the look and feel of the game.


更多网络解释与可改变的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alterable:可变的, 可改的

alterability | 可变更性, 可更改性 | alterable | 可变的, 可改的 | alterant | 改变的


movable 可移动的 | alterable 可改变的,可改动的 | available 可用的,可得到的


做自我争辩 (self-disputation) 的方法包括:用证据来证明悲观想法在事实上的错误;对令人悲观的事情找到其它的原因来解释,这种原因应该是可改变的 (changeable)、专门的且并非针对个人的;做出现实的推断 (realistic implications),

faithful a.1:忠实的,忠诚的 2.如实的,准确可靠的

interpret v. 1.解释,说明,理解 2.翻译,口译 | faithful a. 1.忠实的,忠诚的 2.如实的,准确可靠的 | elastic a. 1.灵活的,可改变的 2.有弹性的,可伸缩的


布鲁姆关于行为目标(behavioral objectives)的研究表明,教学的完成是学生行为的改变,无论是认知、情意的学习,还是动作技能的学习,最后均能表现在学生行为上面,这些行为是可观察的(observable),也是可测量的(measurable),


Convertible 可改变的 可自由兑换的 可折叠的 | Tear-stained 有泪痕的 | Butter 黄油


convertible /可改变的/可交换/同意义的/有活动篷的汽车/ | convertibly /可改变地/可交换地/ | converting /转换/

Revivable Hero:可复活的英雄

Ownership-Changed Unit 改变所有权的单位 | Revivable Hero 可复活的英雄 | Reviving Hero 复活的英雄

shiftable:可移动的; 可转让的 (形)

shift one's ground 改变立场 | shiftable 可移动的; 可转让的 (形) | shiftily 耍花招地; 躲躲闪闪地 (副)

pray that people will find the strength to change:可祈祷求神赐人类改变的力量

If you believe in prayer, 相信祈祷的话, | pray that people will find the strength to change. 可祈祷求神赐人类改变的力量. | In the words of the old African proverb, 但记着一句非洲谚语,