英语人>词典>汉英 : 可估计地 的英文翻译,例句
可估计地 的英文翻译、例句


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By means of proposing a priori Markovian transition probability used in the model predictive probability in input synthesize, the IMM estimation algorithm not only utilizes the sufficiency system's posteriori information, but also utilizes rationally the system's priori information, which enhances estimation performance highly Theoretical analysis and simulation show the IMM algorithm is one of the most cost-effective schemes in all generalized pseudo Bayesian algorithms.


The examples indicate that the unkown line parameters can be estimated faster and more accurately with the proposed objective function and SPSO and the solving procedure relies less on the augmented jacobian matrix.


This method can realize the separable estimation of DOA andangular spread for incoherently distributed source.


In this note, a new approach is presented which calculates analytically the experiment estimator distribution via a Fourier transform, using the likelihood ratio as an ordering estimator. The analytic approach enjoys an enormous speed advantage over the toy Monte Carlo method, making it possible to quickly and precisely calculate confidence level results.

本文则介绍一种新的计算方法,通过定义似然函数比为实验的估计值,并应用Fourier变换,用解析的方法计算出置信度,与toy Monte Carlo方法相比,解析方法可极大地提高计算的速度和精度。

Based on filtering theory, a residual life predict model is set up according to condition information, and a general formula of parameter estimation is deduced using maximum likelihood estimation, thus, when the life distributing of an equipment is known, the model can be rapidly educed by taking the distribution into the formula is educed, and its residual life can be predicted without complex iterative process is predicted.


The measurement system error model analysis is introduced into power system real time network state analysis as an important part for the first time, which can improve on the state estimation quality and provide the capability to monitor the operation of the measurement system; 2. The theory and algorithm of the on-line estimation and update of measurement noise variance based on the relation between the residual variance and noise variance. The statistic properties of the sample variance are discussed and the relation between the estimation precision and sample size under given confidence level is derived; 3. The theory and algorithm of detection and identification of measurement bias are presented, which is based on the relation between residual mean and noise mean. The statistic properties of sample mean are discussed and the relation between estimation precision and sample size is derived; 4. The Givens orthogonal transformation algorithm is selected to be the essential algorithm of state estimation, the fast orthogonal transformation algorithm with damp factor and the algorithm which can handle the zero injection measurements efficiently are presented; 5. The quantity analysis theory of bad data detectivity and identifibility are presented, which describes the relation between the elements in matrix W〓 and bad data amplitude and can provide the theory base for measurement system design and valuation.


Based upon master-slave- splitting iteration, rigorous solution of the whole AC/DC hybrid power system state estimation can be achieved, and different algorithms are adopted for estimation of AC and DC systems respectively.


Digital simulation shows that the improved algorithm's estimate mean and relative estimate er-ror are better than those of the original unimproved algorithm, so the improved algorithm can be widely used in storage reliability research.


Compared with the common LS channel estimation, the iterative algorithm of joint LS channel estimation and signal detection can highly promote the estimation accuracy. Moreover, the lowpass filtering in time domain reduces AWGN and intercarrier interference significantly. It enables OFDM systems to work well in mobile communications.


Because of the adding of engine operating parameters such as engine speed, spark advance, equivalence ratio, intake air pressure, intake air temperature to the model, effects of these parameters on cyclic variation can be estimated quantitatively.


更多网络解释与可估计地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

appreciably:可估计地; 明显地

proportional 成比例的 尺寸相称的 | appreciably 可估计地; 明显地 | A.C. alternating current 交流(电)

appreciably ad. noticeably; enough to be fact, or considered important:可估计地;足以感到地

allocation n. the giving of shares 分配;配给 | appreciably ad. noticeably; enough to be fact, or considered important 可估计地;足以感到地 | at random aimlessly without any plan 无目的;无计划

Chichen Itza:奇琴伊查

据资料记载,科巴(COBA)较图伦和奇琴伊查(CHICHEN ITZA)的历史都要久远,可追溯到公元300年,到约公元900年不知何故地被遗弃,曾经是附近面积最大的玛雅遗址,鼎盛时期占地估计达50平方公里,人口过4万.


例 如,巴西西北部的突堪诺印地安人 ,观察昂星团(Pleiades)而估计季节 时序. 许多原始部落,由天体移转可指示季节轮换的观念,转而 到天体的移转控制了季节变迁. 同时,他们更认为,若是部落 想要兴旺,非先得宠於天体不可.

clamping force:锁模力

最大锁模力(Clamping Force)为140t. 采用新型锁模装置,可向金属模具有两面均匀地传递锁模力,另外,还可生产金属模具一次侧和二次侧的投影面积不同的成形产品. 价格为2500万日元(约合人民币192万元,不含税),估计每年可销售120台.