英语人>词典>汉英 : 可争论的 的英文翻译,例句
可争论的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
controvertible  ·  debatable

更多网络例句与可争论的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Bookworm shop did a terrific business last year selling Berkshire-related books. Displaying 18 titles, they sold 2,920 copies for $61,000. Since we charge the shop no rent, it gives shareholders a 20% discount. This year I've asked The Bookworm to add Graham Allison's Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe, a must-read for those concerned with the safety of our country. In addition, the shop will premiere Poor Charlie's Almanack, a book compiled by Peter Kaufman. Scholars have for too long debated whether Charlie is the reincarnation of Ben Franklin. This book should settle the question.

去年书虫书店在会场设摊贩售 Berkshire 相关书籍,全部十八种,总计卖出 2,920 本,也因为摊位不收租金,所以股东买书都可以打八折,今年我特地要求书虫增加 Graham Allison 所着的核子恐怖主义-最终可避免的大灾难,这是所有关心国家安危必读的书籍,此外当天也会举行 Peter Kaufman 所着可怜查理的年鉴,一直以来许多学者都在争论查理是否为富兰克林再世,我想这本书或可解决大家的疑问。

The Bookworm shop did a terrific business last year selling Berkshire-related books. Displaying 18 titles, they sold 2920 copies for $61000. Since we charge the shop no rent, it gives shareholders a 20% discount. This year I've asked The Bookworm to add Graham Allison's Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe, a must-read for those concerned with the safety of our country. In addition, the shop will premiere Poor Charlie's Almanack, a book compiled by Peter Kaufman. Scholars have for too long debated whether Charlie is the reincarnation of Ben Franklin. This book should settle the question.

去年书虫书店在会场设摊贩售Berkshire相关书籍,全部十八种,总计卖出2920本,也因为摊位不收租金,所以股东买书都可以打八折,今年我特地要求书虫增加Graham Allison所著的核子恐怖主义-最终可避免的大灾难,这是所有关心国家安危必读的书籍,此外当天也会举行Peter Kaufman所著可怜查理的年鉴,一直以来许多学者都在争论查理是否为富兰克林再世,我想这本书或可解决大家的疑问。

Finally, the causality between trust and anxiety can be arguable.

终于, 因果关系在信任和忧虑之间能是可争论的

If you must truer this is not retrorse link, that also does not have what controvertible.


As such, it rejects not only radiometric and isochron dating of the age of the Earth, arguing that they are based on debatable assumptions, but also approaches such as ice core dating and dendrochronology, which make the barest of assumptions of uniformitarianism, and which hint that the Earth is far older than the Ussher-Lightfoot Calendar suggests.


Based on the existing framework for taxing multistage corporations, opportunities for state income tax planning and income shifting arguably increase if the firm operates in more than one state, but in fewer than all states.


The SPLT is shown to explain a wide range of processing complexity phenomena not previously accounted for under a single theory, including (1) the lower complexity of subject-extracted relative clauses compared to object-extracted relative clauses,(2) numerous processing overload effects across languages, including the unacceptability of multiply center-embedded structures,(3) the lower complexity of cross-serial dependencies relative to center-embedded dependencies,(4) heaviness effects, such that sentences are easier to understand when larger phrases are placed later and (5) numerous ambiguity effects, such as those which have been argued to be evidence for the Active Filler Hypothesis.


In those instances, Riddle would calmly remain detached and observed calculatingly until the dispute subsided or at least became under manageable control.


One expert argues that traditional quantitative evaluation plans actually reward unadaptability .the argument here is that traditional quantitative evaluation plans actually reward unadaptability.the argument here is that being slotted into a job that is highly routine as defined by a compensable factor such as "know-how"is unlikely to encourage job incumbents to think independently or be flexible.instead.the tendency may be for workers to concentrate on the specific,routine jobs to which they are assigned and for which they are rewarded.

一个专家争论传统的数量评估计划实际上奖赏不适应性。争论这里是,传统的数量评估计划实际上奖赏 unadaptability.the 争论这里是被留细长的孔进入一个高度地是如此的如一个可补偿的因素所定义的常式工作之内如&实际知识&不可能鼓励工作领圣职的俸禄牧师独立思考或是 flexible.instead.the 趋向可能是让工人专注于特性,他们被分配的常式工作和他们被奖赏。

There is no debate about why: in the wake of an American pullout, Baghdad would be quickly dominated by Shi'ite militias largely unbloodied by the American campaign.


更多网络解释与可争论的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


controvert 议论 | controvertible 可争论的 | contubernal 一起生活的


controvert /议论/辩驳/驳击/参加辩论/ | controvertible /可争论的/可辩论的/有辩论余地的/ | contumacious /不听命令的/顽固的/反抗法院命令的/

controvertible:可争论的, 有辩论余地的, 可辩论的

controvert | 议论, 辩论 参加辩论 | controvertible | 可争论的, 有辩论余地的, 可辩论的 | controvertist | 争论者, 好争论者


debasement /[品性等] 降低/变造/ | debatable /可争论的/成问题的/未决定的/ | debate /讨论/辩论/争论/讨论会/熟虑/争/便难/辩/咯/

debatable ground:可争论的问题或题目

可折叠式座椅/utility seat;jump seat | 可争论的问题或题目/debatable ground | 可转换为普通股的证券/residual security

debatable: a.1:可辩的,可争论的 2.成问题的,有疑问的

tentative: a.1.试验(探)性,暂时的 2.迟疑不决的 | debatable: a.1.可辩的,可争论的 2.成问题的,有疑问的 | approximation: n.1.接近,近似,类似 2.近似值


disproportionationgrowth 歧化生长 | disputable 可争论的 | disputatiousscience 辩证学


conterminous /相接的/连接的/有同一延伸的/ | contestable /可争的/争论的/ | contestant /竞争者/选手/


isotropism 均等性 | issuable 可争论的 | issue 争论点


debate /讨论/辩论/争论/讨论会/熟虑/争/便难/辩/咯/ | debateable /可争论的/成问题的/ | debater /辩论家/争论者/